
Strong enough.


Kibum always woke up early in the morning.

Five o’clock was almost the natural time for him to open his eyes and straighten his numb legs and arms.

This time, when he raised his eyelids, his body trembled in happiness and a small smile stretched his lips. He propped an arm underneath his head, pressed his cheek to the forearm and watched in awe Jonghyun’s sleeping posture.

The older man was spread on the bed, his arms stretched from one edge to the other, wrinkling his nose in sleep, corner of lip shooting upward from time to time. In Kibum’s eyes, he was the most adorable thing on earth and he found it out that moment.

Then that single moment from the day before hit him and his cheeks tingled in light pink, causing him to smile even wider. He touched his lips and giggled like a girl teenager from dramas he sometimes watched on TV with other patients. Girls there always seemed to be the luckiest creatures on earth when they were in love. Key his hair, trying to somehow compare his own feelings with those which he saw on the TV screen.

His heart should race every time he was close to the person he loved.

Kibum’s fingers stopped on his chest.

His heart was beating unevenly and, unlike its usual weak work,  this time the poundings were hard and confident.

He touched his cheeks with his sweaty palms, only to feel a nice warmth of his skin. Two symptoms more that he had found out.

But the most important one was the fact, that he felt safe. He felt safe whenever Jonghyun was near. He tried to remember how his days had looked before he had met Jonghyun, but he couldn’t. Jonghyun had lit up his life and he didn’t want to recall his lonely life without him. He didn’t even know if Jonghyun loved him back, but then, it didn’t really matter. He just wanted him to continue visiting him, talking with him, holding his hand and kissing him…

Kibum’s palm covered his eyes in embarrassment. He had never kissed anyone. Once more, he just saw it movies. But even movies couldn’t express how a perfect feeling it was. How safe, how calm and light he had felt when Jonghyun’s lips touched his own.

He peered through between his fingers at Jonghyun and noticed his purple eye. A wave of concern and worry rushed through his body and he felt helpless.

Jonghyun took care of him, so he could take care of Jonghyun as well.

He smiled upon his own resolve.

He then remembered what else were the girls doing in all those movies and dramas (he didn’t even feel bad with the thought that he was comparing himself to actual girls. Love was love and he believed that the symptoms and reactions were kind of similar). He searched all over his bed for his phone, and when he found it, he laid himself like before and brought the mobile in front of his eyes.

Kibum shot a quick glance at the clock on the screen and his eyes widened slightly.

He had really been laying and staring at Jonghyun, smiling all over his feelings for more than an hour. He hadn’t even felt the time passing by so quickly.

He pushed some buttons, still not so confidently when using any kind of devices, and went to his contacts list. Which, to be honest, was only Jonghyun’s number. He opened the edit panel, clicked the name of the contact and added a little heart after Jonghyun’s name.

Kibum couldn’t express how embarrassed, yet happy he felt seeing that little symbol. For anyone else it could probably mean nothing special, but for him, it felt like declaring his love.

He looked curiously from above his phone and met Jonghyun’s half-lidded orbs.

The other male felt as if he was dreaming. But he prayed it wasn’t a dream. He wanted it to be real. It felt amazing to wake up and the first thing to be seen being Kibum’s lightly flushed face.

- Good morning – he whispered with a smile, his vision stilly blurry and his voice sleepy. Kibum put the phone away and laid more comfortably on the bed, adoring Jonghyun’s half-opened eyes and muffled hair.

- Hello – he answered and didn’t even start to fight with the urge to go towards Jonghyun and lightly brush the purple skin under his eye with hints of light green with the top of his hand – Does it hurt? – Kibum asked with his eyes worriedly studying the bruise.

- It’s okay – Jonghyun assured him, looking lovingly at Key when his vision sharpened enough. Kibum moved nervously on the edge of Jonghyun’s bed – What time is it? – the older asked, reaching towards the other’s hair and them, trying to put them in place.

- Around six o’clock – Kibum answered, enjoying the touch and closing his eyes. But when he finished the sentence, the hand disappeared and he looked at Jonghyun questionably.

- Six o’clock?! No way, I’m going to sleep! – he protested and shifted on the bed, so Kibum was facing his back. Key sat frozen, taken aback by Jonghyun’s behavior, but then smiled tenderly and tapped his shoulder blade. Jonghyun didn’t react at first, but when Kibum kept the action, he turned around his upper body.

- Don’t sleep – Kibum asked and Jonghyun’s heart melted when he heard the tone of Key’s voice, that he had never experienced before – playful.

- Okay, I’m awake – he turned around fully and sat upright, taking Kibum’s hand into his own and intertwining their fingers, the touch still sending shivers along his spine, still so intense and he knew he would never stop feeling like that while holding Kibum’s fragile hand – How are you?

- Great – he answered sincerely and looked down at their hands.

- What time is the breakfast? – Jonghyun cocked his head, knowing that Kibum had told him about it already some time ago, but he just forgot it.

- At seven – Kibum informed Jonghyun.

- So… What do you want to do? – the older male asked and Kibum felt his cheeks changing colors because of  the first thought in his mind.

- Whatever you want – he quickly answered, looking away. Jonghyun laughed shortly, the sight of Kibum’s florid face cute for him. He leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips to the other’s temple, gaining a tremble of his body.

- Do you eat here or somewhere else? – Jonghyun asked another question, curious about Kibum’s life in the hospital. Key moved his gaze back at the other male and his lips twitched nervously, because Jonghyun was so close.

- Usually here, because I have to take my pills after breakfast. Nurse brings both food and medicines to my room – he explained and Jonghyun nodded in understanding. Kibum looked down at their laced fingers once more and started playing with Jonghyun’s forefinger using his thumb.

He really wanted to kiss Jonghyun, he wanted it so badly, but felt embarrassed that he was the one willing so much. His body was close, emitting warmth, his fingertips sending electricity along his nerves and he just wanted to feel Jonghyun’s lips on his once more.

- Hey, Kibum.

Key’s head shot upward.

- Would you like to see Taemin and Minho?

Kibum blinked a few times at the sudden question, which completely wasn’t consistent with his thoughts. He felt a little bit selfish, but it was just what his heart kept saying. He wished to spend time with Jonghyun, after he had realized his feelings, after they had kissed and he wished to have Jonghyun beside him forever.

- Can we… Just… Well… - Kibum started and laughed nervously, massaging his nape with trembling fingers – Can we spend this day… together…? – the last word turned out to be a whisper, which barely reached Jonghyun’s ears. He squeezed Key’s hand, understanding him, because it was what he really dreamed to do. He just wasn’t sure if Kibum wanted it too.

- Yes, of course – Jonghyun assured him and the sigh of relief left his lips. A light knock on the door made Key to flinch and he tried to take his hand away from Jonghyun, but the other only held it tighter, sending him a smile that said there had been nothing to be ashamed of.

- Come in! – Kibum turned around to face the door, where a short nurse appeared. She held a tray in her hands, leaned her elbow against the threshold and looked at their linked hands and Key’s rosy cheeks with her eyebrow up.

- Good morning – she greeted them with a note of amusement in her voice. Jonghyun bowed his head lightly, smile never leaving his face – How were you sleeping?

- Good, thank you – Jonghyun grinned happily and Kibum coughed awkwardly.

- You two are so cute… - the nurse sighed and went in, then placed a tray on Kibum’s nightstand – Here are your medicines, sweetie – she held his cheek with her fingers and smacked her lips – Don’t be so ashamed, honey!

Key’s skin just went even redder and he felt it burning, until the nurse left.

- Eat and take your pills, so we can go outside.

Kibum nodded eagerly and started eating his poor, non-varied meal.


- And then, you know, Taemin looked so shocked!

Kibum lost his breath while laughing, his eyes wetting with tears, because of Jonghyun’s funny stories.

- W-what… What was next…? – he hardly formed a sentence with his voice trembling from laughter. Jonghyun squeezed his hand tighter and looked him in the eyes.

- This guy… He was completely sure that Taemin was a girl! Trust me, I have never, never seen Taemin so red on face!

Key used his free hand to wipe tears from his eyes and tried to calm down the laughter. Jonghyun was still staring at him, with a tender smile, his eyes glowing with love and care.

- I like when you laugh, Kibum.

Key automatically covered his mouth and his eyes widened. Jonghyun snorted and took this hand away, then intertwined their fingers like with the other hands.

They were sitting on a bench under the trees at the end of the small park behind the hospital. The air was fresh, day sunny and warm, and Kibum felt safe when he could sit beside Jonghyun, close to him, their legs actually touching each other, their fingers between each other, Jonghyun’s thumb caressing the pale skin of Kibum’s wrist and Key wouldn’t even change the small thing.

He couldn’t even say if the time was passing by. Maybe it stopped, maybe it was racing, it didn’t matter for him then.

- I’m hungry… - Jonghyun mumbled and spread himself on the bench – When is the dinner? Is it good?

- I don’t think so… - Kibum shrugged – You won’t like it, it’s nothing tasty…

- No? – Jonghyun’s expression saddened. He sat there, thinking for a while, then a bright idea came to his mind – I can go and buy something for us!

Kibum furrowed his brow skeptically.

- I know a restaurant with healthy food! – he jumped from the bench eagerly and Kibum smiled at his little explosion of joy – I would ask for something special for you!

Not even had half an hour passed when Jonghyun was back, holding two boxes victoriously up and showing them two Kibum. He sat next to him and his eyes lit up, his mouth watered.

- It looked delicious when they were preparing it – he informed Kibum, who nodded – This is yours – Jonghyun placed a smaller box on Key’s lap and handed him the cutlery. The other male smiled thankfully and opened the box.

- Smells good – he nodded and Jonghyun leaned to see what’s in the other’s box.

- And looks good too – he added – Enjoy your meal!

Kibum thanked and tried his salad, which felt delicious on his tongue. They were eating in silence, Jonghyun peering at Key’s meal from time to time, happy that he could share a simple moment like that with a person he loved.

- Do you want to try it? – Jonghyun asked after a while with his mouth full, the fork with chicken close to Kibum’s face – It’s really good.

Kibum nodded reluctantly and opened his mouth a little, Jonghyun carefully placing a fork inside. Kibum felt everything being so cliché, yet so warm , but the fact that he felt needed and that someone really wanted to take care of him more important than anything else. He smiled towards Jonghyun, nodding in agreement with him that the food was good.

- Can I… Can I try yours? – the shorter male asked and Key put some of his salad on the fork, then raised his hand and found out, that it was shaking violently. Jonghyun held his wrist with his fingers and leaned forward, then placed a portion into his mouth, keeping an eye contact with Kibum – Good – he simply said and Key lowered his gaze, placing it on his box.

They finished their dinner and put the boxes by the bench, Jonghyun once more interlacing their fingers and once more telling some funny stories about him and his friends. The weather was nice, the sky clear, temperature just perfect and Kibum had never felt like that. He forgot about his condition when Jonghyun was looking at him and smiling so widely, giving him the perfect smile, brightening his life and stopping his breath.

The same thing went with Jonghyun, who had already decided that he would give everything he had to Kibum. He was there to protect him, to cover his feeble body from every evil of this world. He could be himself while with Kibum, could show his tender side that he covered under his baggy clothes and serious expression. Everything done with Kibum just felt right.

- I think I have to go… - Jonghyun said, looking at the sky getting darker – How is it possible that it’s already so late?

- I don’t know… - Kibum wondered, staring at the single star on the sky - I heard on TV that time is racing for lovers – he covered his mouth with one hand before he could bite his tongue to stop the words leaving his lips. Jonghyun looked at him a little bit disorientated and Key’s eyes widened.

What had he just said?!

Jonghyun stood up and Kibum felt his heart missing a few beats, because he said something improper and Jonghyun was about to leave.

But the older male never let go of his hand and pulled it a little to get Kibum’s attention. The other raised his gaze unconfidently, biting his lip hard, scolding himself in that action.

- Get up – Jonghyun said with his voice shaking and a corner of his lips twitched nervously. Kibum slowly left the bench and went after Jonghyun, who dragged him by his hand. They stopped at the back entrance to the hospital and Kibum stepped from one foot to another, nervous, his legs turning into jelly.

Jonghyun felt his stomach clenching, a pleasant and irritating at the same time knot forming. He moved closer to Kibum and pressed a forehead to his, earning a silent sigh from the other. His hand found its way to the younger’s nape and it drew little circles on it, trying to comfort him.

- I want to kiss you – Jonghyun said straightforwardly and Kibum felt his knees almost giving up.

- Y-yes? – he mumbled, his brain had stopped working minutes ago, his whole body shaking but… Wasn’t it what he wanted to feel? Hadn’t he wanted to kiss Jonghyun? Wasn’t it too early? Weren’t they rushing too much? What if he’s not ready?

All of the questions faded away when Jonghyun placed his palm on the side of Kibum’s face and pressed his lips to the other’s.

Key’s eyes fell shut and he just enjoyed the moment, giving Jonghyun the whole dominance, because, God, he even forgot his name.

Kibum’s hands sneaked clumsily around the other’s waist, bringing himself closer, wanting everything closer and closer.

Jonghyun moved back, then placed another kiss, sweet, just a barely noticeable brush of lips. They exchanged some of those light presses, quick and short, Jonghyun cupped Kibum’s face and felt himself melting, touching heaven when holding Key.

The younger held the material of Jonghyun’s t-shirt almost desperately, willing to somehow express his feelings to him by this connection of their lips. Jonghyun placed a chaste kiss on the corner of the other’s lips and drew away, opened his eyes and adored how Kibum’s lips slowly bowed in a smile with his lids still shut close.

Key opened his eyes, the urge to see Jonghyun’s chocolate ones almost consuming him. He linked his hands behind his neck in not so confident move, while Jonghyun’s palms somehow found their way on Kibum’s waist. Key hugged the other tightly, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck, enjoying the masculine smell of him. Jonghyun kissed his temple, still couldn’t get enough of Kibum’s sweet skin.







Fluffy fluff is fluffy and I am going to die from the fluffiness.

Like hell.

Why did I even write something SO fluffy?

Being ill is nothing good for me, I swear OTL

Well, enjoy this super-duper-fluffy chapter I give you.

And... I know how the story would end actually. I know the ending and I know what might happen before it and... Yep. Curious if you know it too, lol XD

Here, here, a perfect dino Jjong for youuu~

And, oh-my-k-pop-gods, have you seen that JongKey moment on Inkigayo?!

I swear it was dry ing, I.SWEAR!

Well, seeing them forgetting so easily about the fact that they are still on stage, it's likely that they will kiss each other some day... Yeah... It's really possible... ^ ^"


We reached 50 subscribers together, yay! *happy dance*

I love you so much, you don't even know TT_____TT

Listen to your ill author and take care of yourselves, you have to be healthy, unlike me XD

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Mikhum1234 #1
Chapter 20: Please update! ❤ it was beautiful
Chapter 20: Mickie your stories are so good!! I hope you're doing much better! ^^
I cut wait for the next possible update!♡
Chapter 20: Oh god, I love your stories so much!~
I miss you, and I hope you're feeling better♥
when are you going to update ??
i am waiting ^~^
Chapter 20: uhm....you are not going to let kibum die right ;-;. i don't want to read that T.T

but i am really addicted to your stories.
i love you for it ^^

and get well soon (Sorry but i just read it today cause i found your story today
ZoeChaomaniac #6
Chapter 18: Yay~
I'm a fairly new reader, and I wanna say. Don't worry about it! Never take ur health for granted that's right! Health comes first kids!
I'm really bad at reading things and I may have missed it if you mentioned it but if u didn't, and I hope u don't mind me asking, but what's wrong with ur body? Argh that sounds so horrible and blunt but I couldn't think of another way to put it >:
Haha but either way, I hope u are feeling better :D
I love ur story!!
Hwaiting author-sshi~
Continue to be awesome~
Chapter 18: Aww shy Key is cute^^
The longer Jonghyun is with Key, the more confident he gets ^_^ it's so adorable :3

Take great care of yourself ^^~