
Strong enough.


Jonghyun, even if his relations with Kibum seemed to be better than before, couldn’t stop thinking about the way Key’s behavior had changed one day diametrically. He had tried to ask him about it, but Kibum refused to answer. He had told Jonghyun that he was just feeling a little bit worse that day. Which, of course, hadn’t helped Jonghyun even a bit.

When he entered the house, his mother was already sitting in the living room, watching some news.

- I’m home – he said, and his mother appeared in front of him so silently, that she gave him a small heart attack – God, mum…

- Where were you? – she asked him curiously, one of her eyebrows shooting upward.

- Outside? – he answered with a question, pointing at the door behind him.

- Were you with Minho and Taemin? – his mother continued, going after him when he decided to run away to his room.

- What’s with all that questions? Is it some kind of interrogation? – he tried to close the door behind him, but his mother held it with her hand – What? – Jonghyun grew impatient.

- I just asked you if you had been with Minho and Taemin, it’s not a difficult question - the woman smiled widely, her eyes happy and Jonghyun gave up, moving away so she could enter the room.

- No, I wasn’t – he answered and felt a little bit scared when his mother smiled even wider.

- Were you with that sweet boy that was sleeping in your room?

- Mum! – Jonghyun jumped onto the bed, laid flat on his stomach and covered his face into the pillow.

- What is it, honey? – the woman sat on the edge of his bed and patted her son’s back – You’re acting like a teenager in love. Oh, you’re a teenager… Are you in love?

Jonghyun bit his lip. He was close with his mother, always telling her about everything, but… Was it good to confess about it? He raised his head, propping himself on his elbows and looked at the woman.

- I… Like someone – he mumbled and looked away, because, no matter how good his relations with his mother were, it was still a hard thing to talk about.

- And it’s that sweet boy, I suppose… - she rubbed her chin – I don’t know his name…

- It’s Kibum – Jonghyun answered and covered his face with his palms, because it looked like he admitted that it was Kibum his mother kept talking about.

- Kibum and Jonghyun… Jonghyun and Kibum…

- God, you’re acting weird… - he flipped around so he was laying on his back.

- You are the one who’s acting weird, Jonghyunnie… - the woman looked at him tenderly – You really like him, don’t you? – she asked him, concern clearly heard in her voice. Jonghyun looked at the ceiling and smiled unconsciously – It’s hard not to notice it. You’re smiling just when I ask about him.

- Are you… Mad?

His mother blinked a few times, then squeezed her hands together and looked down at them.

- No. Why should I? – she moved her gaze at him and they looked into each other’s eyes for a while.

- You know… He’s a man… And I am a man… - Jonghyun shrugged with a nervous smile, but his mother patted his head reassuringly.

- It doesn’t matter. The most important thing is your happiness. If you’re happy, then I am happy too. Kibum seems to be a really nice boy.

Jonghyun felt a heavy weight leaving his heart. He hadn’t even thought for a while about talking with his mother about it before. And now, after he had confessed, she told him that she didn’t mind him liking another male. He stood up to his knees and hugged from the back.

- Thank you.

The elder woman smiled and patted his hands crossed in front of her.

- Well, it’s time to go to bed, tomorrow I have a lot to do, sweetie! – she clapped her thighs energetically, causing Jonghyun to flinch a little. He moved away from her and she stood up. After placing a kiss on his forehead, she whispered a quiet “good night” and left his room. Jonghyun laid on his back again and took the phone from his trousers’ pocket, the urge to text to Kibum hitting him. He already went to a new message option, when he remembered that the boy was already sleeping and the image of his calm face melted his heart.

The discovery of his feelings pushed him to start a new message, but send it to someone else than Kibum. He finished writing quickly and went to his wardrobe to find something he could sleep in. Just when he went under the blanket, his phone buzzed and he curiously opened the new message. He laughed sincerely when the only word appearing on the screen was : “WHAT?!”. “Why are you so surprised? :)” he replied and laid his head on the pillow, smelling the fresh scent of roses. His phone vibrated once more “Well, you really forgot about us because of him, but… Are you sure? Did you tell him? I hope you haven’t done anything stupid…”. Jonghyun sighed. Minho was always the same. Bombarding with questions. “I told him, but he was sleeping :P But, seriously, what might happen? It’s a positive feeling, isn’t it?”

“Just be careful, okay?”

- Yeah, I will – Jonghyun mumbled to himself and placed the phone on the pillow next to his head. Even Minho’s motherly behavior couldn’t take away the wide smile from Jonghyun’s face.

Being in love felt too right.


- Son, I’ll be at work longer today – Jonghyun’s mother announced when the boy was enjoying his breakfast.

- Why? – he asked with his mouth full of cereals.

- A lot of paper working, it’s possible that I won’t be back until morning – she grimaced and sighed heavily, massaging her temples.

- You shouldn’t be working so hard, mum… - Jonghyun looked at her, a worried expression on his face making her smile reassuringly.

- I’m okay Jonghyunnie, have a nice day with Kibum – she kissed his head and waved goodbye, before leaving the kitchen and the house. Jonghyun played with a spoon in his breakfast, glad that his mother, really, really didn’t see any problems in the fact, that he had fallen in love with another boy.

He then realized, that for the last hours he hadn’t been thinking about anything else than Kibum. There had been some important people in his life, who he liked, but it wasn’t so intense, yet so calm and sensitive like the feeling he felt now. And he liked it. He liked it so much.

- Is anybody here? Jonghyun!

Jonghyun stood up and placed the dishes in the sink, when he recognized the voice that echoed around the house. Taemin appeared in the kitchen and ran towards Jonghyun, then tightly hugged him.

- We haven’t seen for ages! – he sobbed comically and let go of Jonghyun. Minho waved at him from the threshold, amused by the surprising behavior of Taemin.

- Yes, maybe… - Jonghyun awkwardly scratched his nape – Make yourself at home, I see that you didn’t even bother to knock.

- Your house is our house! And your mother told us just to go in – Taemin smiled, turning his head to the side a bit – And she also told us, that you were in some kind of a good, very good mood.

Minho went into the kitchen and lightly hit Taemin’s shoulder.

- I have no idea what she was talking about – Jonghyun turned around and started washing up the dishes, feeling his hands trembling just a little. Talking about feelings was hard for him and talking about such a feeling was no exception. It was even worse.

- I knew it! I told you Minho! – Taemin chirped happily, shooting his hands in the air like a little child – I knew it from the very beginning!

Jonghyun  shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. He tried to concentrate on the washing up, but suddenly something appeared just in front of his eyes, the vision blurred and he couldn’t say what it was.

- We thought that watching a movie together would be cool – Minho explained, showing the cover of the DVD – It’s a horror movie, and Taemin refused to watch it at night – Minho laughed quietly and lowered his voice – Now, when it’s a day, we can watch it and he won’t be scared – he continued, the last words turned into a whisper with a note of worry and caring. Jonghyun nodded, already knowing that Minho would always look at Taemin’s good more than anybody else’s. The image of Kibum showed in his mind for a few seconds, but he shook his head. Key was important, but he couldn’t forget about his friends. He would obviously visit him anyway.

Taemin made his way towards the living room, having taken the DVD from Minho and placed it into the player. The three of them sat on the couch, Taemin between Minho and Jonghyun.

The idea of watching the movie vanished quickly when they spent almost the whole day talking about some nonsense, debating about love, war, peace and even adopting the babies. The number of topics seemed to be infinite and they tried to talk about everything, but ending up on laughing out loud because of Taemin’s weird comments, Minho’s wise pieces of advice or strange faces given by Jonghyun. They ate the dinner that Jonghyun’s mother prepared (she had called him and informed about it, because she had forgotten to do it before) and enjoyed the day finally spent together.

Jonghyun’s friends were always optimistic and caring, always knew when to stop asking about something and when Jonghyun didn’t seem to like the conversation about him and Kibum, they stopped it immediately. They decided that it’s up to Jonghyun when he would be ready to talk about it. Expressing feelings is a stressful and nerve-wracking act. And for Jonghyun, who wanted to be stronger and didn't like other people to see his tender and emotional side, it was even harder.

But he knew his friends understood him very well.

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Mikhum1234 #1
Chapter 20: Please update! ❤ it was beautiful
Chapter 20: Mickie your stories are so good!! I hope you're doing much better! ^^
I cut wait for the next possible update!♡
Chapter 20: Oh god, I love your stories so much!~
I miss you, and I hope you're feeling better♥
when are you going to update ??
i am waiting ^~^
Chapter 20: uhm....you are not going to let kibum die right ;-;. i don't want to read that T.T

but i am really addicted to your stories.
i love you for it ^^

and get well soon (Sorry but i just read it today cause i found your story today
ZoeChaomaniac #6
Chapter 18: Yay~
I'm a fairly new reader, and I wanna say. Don't worry about it! Never take ur health for granted that's right! Health comes first kids!
I'm really bad at reading things and I may have missed it if you mentioned it but if u didn't, and I hope u don't mind me asking, but what's wrong with ur body? Argh that sounds so horrible and blunt but I couldn't think of another way to put it >:
Haha but either way, I hope u are feeling better :D
I love ur story!!
Hwaiting author-sshi~
Continue to be awesome~
Chapter 18: Aww shy Key is cute^^
The longer Jonghyun is with Key, the more confident he gets ^_^ it's so adorable :3

Take great care of yourself ^^~