The Third/Last Duel Begins!!


Donghae POV

“What’s that???,”

I said to Hyukkie in irritating voice. Of course I will felt like that. If you saw your lover receives a present from some unknown person……

Hyukkie looked at me and smiled innocently. “Ohw… is my fishy jealous??,” I sighed. There was a strawberries cake in front of us that is large enough for the whole class to eat. “Is it that stupid mysterious Hackers AGAIN…???,” I guess. That annoying Mr.Hackers kept on giving Hyukkie present lately. Last week, a huge teddy bear, and now, a cake??

“Hae, he just giving me a present…but somehow I wish to meet him someday…,” he smiled. “What??!! WaeiyoO???!!!,” I frowns loudly. He just chuckled lightly.

“Ohw, come on Hae, want some??,” he give me his pleading look and urge me to eat a large spoonful of cake that he was holding. Damn!! I can’t stand his cutie eyes!!

I stare between him and the cake he was holding. I was wavering either to eat it or not. “Sigh…fine…,” I was about to ate it before someone went ahead me and gulped the cake in an instant.

“YAH!!! YOU STUPID GAME FREAK!!! THAT’S MY CAKE!!!,”  I shout loudly. Kyuhyun just smirked in victory. “Emm, that is SOO delicious!!! Can I have another one again Hyuk??,” he said to Hyukkie. “HELL NO!!!,” I drag Hyukkie away from him.

“WHAT THE FISH!!!,” Kyuhyun snorted. I stuck my tongue out at him. “Yah!! You two stop it!! Why don’t you give him a break??,” Sungmin approaches us slowly. We are inside the student council room. Everyone except Siwon had come to hear about the last duel.

“I think both of you could make such a cute couple, what did you think?? Just end this duel in peace and try to date together!! And leave Hyukjae ALONE…,” he added. Everyone was laughing except me and Kyuhyun who frowns loudly. “ME?? WITH HIM?? NO WAY!!!,” both of us said together and we prevent ourselves look at each other. “Aigoo…they are blusing!!! Haha!!,” Heechul teasing us. Damn it…that is soOO…embarrassing!!!

“Oi!! Quit laughing!! Where is that damn president!! How long are we going to stay here!!,” Kyuhyun try to change the subject. His face was reddening. “He supposes to be here right now…,” Leeteuk hang on his sentence as the door was pushing opened and Siwon walked in.

“Ah, mianeiyo everyone, I had some urgent matter to do…,” he bows slightly before make a way to his seat. Then, he winks his eyes to someone. I stare at him angrily. WHAT THE??? Did I just saw him winking at my Hyukkie????

Everyone took their seats on the round table. Hyukjae was forced to sit between me and Kyuhyun. I felt a sudden guilty in my stomach as he keeps on peeking at us nervously. He probably afraid of me and Kyuhyun are going to start our ‘war’ again… I take a look around the table. Me, Hyukjae, that stupid gamer, Heechul, Hangeng, Leeteuk, Kangin, Sungmin, Siwon, Ryeowook, Yesung,……and………………Dangkoma???

That mysterious little turtle was resting peacefully on the seat behind Yesung. “Hey guys, are we having an additional member here??,” they all looked at where I pointed my fingers. “ case you didn’t notice, my precious little friends here are going to be one of the most important things in this last duel!! So , mind your attitude Donghae…,”Yesung warns me. Everyone sighed heavily. “Actually, that freaky turtle represents Kibum and Shindong…they are absent today…,” Leeteuk explains. Kibum and Shindong are also one of the student council members. (author- I just add them in this story!! ;)

“Okay, back to our first topic, as the judge for this final duel, I’m going to explain to you the details for our event tomorrow…”

“WHAT!!! TOMORROW!!!???,” both me and Kyuhyun cut his words. We hang our mouth in open. “Yes, tomorrow…,” he said it again and continued. “Okay, this duel is really ‘simple’ but ‘tricky’…and we are going to do it inside the forest…,”

“WHAT!!! FOREST!!!??,” we cut his words again. “Yes, in forest…,” he sighed and wait if any of us going to interrupt him again. “Sigh…as I said earlier, the event will take place inside the forest, which forest? That will be my secret, my men will bring all of you to that place, so first thing, I want everyone to gather in front of the school and wait for my men to pick you up sharp at 8.00 a.m. neh??,” he watch us and we all nodded in unison.

“The rule is simple……JUST. FIND. HYUKJAE……that’s all…,” he explains shortly. “Huh?? You means find him inside the forest??,” I asked Siwon and he nod. “But of course that would not be that ‘easy’………,” he added and all of sudden I felt something uneasy atmospheres inside the room. What is this uneasy feeling…

“There will be several task that you will face along the search…and every time you meet them, you had to find a way to WIN over it, and after that, you will provided the next clue or direction which then will slowly lead you to Hyukjae…,” he finished his explanation and wait for our response.

“Ermm…what kind of task??,” Kyuhyun was the first to response. “That……will be a secret…… well, I can only tell you that it’s got nothing to do with you two, which means not the things that you are very good at, like games and dancing…,” Kyuhyun and I stare at him in horrified look. Not the things that we’re not good at?? Urgh…this is BAD NEWS……

I looked at Hyukkie. He had been silent since we sat down. I can’t tell what is he thinking right now……his face are unreadable… but just with seeing his face is enough to give me a courage. I went closer to him and whispered in his ear.

“I will not lose Hyukkie……I SWEAR!!!”



The Third/ Last Duel – The First Task!!

“Where are you going to hide him??,” Heechul ask Siwon before the duel started. I search Hyukkie in desperately. He is nowhere to be seen. My head are aching. Can I trust Siwon?? Far from the corner of my eyes, Kyuhyun also did not look so comfortable today. He kept on giving his deathly stare at everyone. Even his own brother can’t stand him…

“Don’t worry about him…I have got my own men’s and Sungmin is also with him!,” he ensures us. As I heard he mention Sungmin with Hyukkie, I breath out in relief. At least Sungmin can be trusted. I looked at Kyuhyun and he seems to satisfy with Siwon explanation.

“Wow!! Your outfit looks epic!!!,” Ryeowook squeals. I was wearing a weird looking white uniform just like a prince from an old Cinderella story, while Kyuhyun wears a black uniform just like a mighty knight who is ready for a fierce battle. Well, thanks a billion to that devil diva for this outfit…

“Hyung!! This is too heavy!!!,” Kyuhyun whined to his brother. “Just wear it!! It will protect you from getting killed!!,” Heechul insisted. “THIS IS NOT A REAL WAR HYUNG!!!,” he shout loudly. “YAH!! Shaddap or I will not let you TOUCH or SEE Hyukjae for a month!!,” with Heechul threatening, Kyuhyun shut himself automatically.

“Okay, are you guys ready??,” Siwon looked at both of us. We nodded nervously. I glance at Kyuhyun. He smirks evilly. I frown loudly. This brat never learns how to respect everyone…

Siwon clear his throat to get our attention. “On my mark, get set……… GOOO!!!!,”Siwon wave his hand and we both headed for different routes. Me on the left, and Kyuhyun on the right. “Good luck bro!!!,” Leeteuk and Hangeng wave their hand frantically at me. I smiled and wave back. I take a quick glance and saw Kyuhyun also receives the same supports from his siblings. He gave them thumbs up before turning to me and gave me thumbs down. Dang!! That evil gamer!!

I quickly walked through my path while Kyuhyun take his. There are arrows pointing on tree so I decided to follow it. I keep following the arrows for almost an hour now. Left…right……another left again……I sighed. How much further!!!?? Then, I stopped. There, in front of me, stood Ryeowook with his childish smile. He was sitting behind a table that is full with kitchen utensils, cooking ingredients and………………….WAIT!!!?????

I stare at him in horror. “My first challenge is………………Co-CoOkInG????,” I stuttered. “Yes Donghae-shii!! You need to prepare an absolute dessert for our guest here!! If they say YES!! Then, you’re off to the next challenge!!,” he cheerily said and pointing to the hidden ‘guest’. I felt my heart could burst from my chest at that moment. NO WAY……………

“Hello Danghae!! Please make us some nice dessert would you!! I wouldn’t mind what kind of dessert you want to make as long as they are NOT that BAD……,”

Heechul and Kangin give their most mischievous smile at me.

Oh God…this is NOT HAPPENING!!!!! How on earth I’m going to win over those two evil brothers!!



Kyuhyun POV

I stopped and hold on a nearest tree behind me for a support. I take a deep breath before facing the arrows again. Both my legs are aching. !! Why this path is SOOO long!!!?? Darn that Siwon!! I cursed him under my breath before continued to walk again. I walked and walked until I saw a small tent not so far from my spot.

“There you are Kyuhyun-shii!!! I’ve wait for a long time here!!,” I glance towards the voice from that small tent and gasped.

“Shindong??,” I asked him. “Yah!! Where is ‘Hyung’ at the back?? Puff!! Maybe I should give you a lesson first on how to respect your Hyung!!,” he whines loudly. He was wearing a pink apron and holding a frying pan on his left hand. His mouth was busy munching something. A carrot???

“What is this??,” I scratch my head. Why I suddenly have a BAD feeling about this…

“Isn’t that obvious??,” another voice coming from Shindong back. I gulped as I saw two people walking out from the shadow.

It’s Leeteuk and Hangeng…

“You are going to be our chef today…,”



“Minnie?? How long are we going to sit here??,” Hyukjae asked the person who is sitting behind him. “Hmm…I don’t know…until one of those idiot coming??,” he said in his most boring voice. They have been waiting for at least more than two hours inside a small tent.

“I thought you’re taking part on one of those challenges??,” Hyukjae asked him again. “Well, that’s true…I’m waiting for their signal but it seems that it’s still not coming…..and that means those two idiots are still not passing their first assignments…,”he sighed.

Hyukjae chuckled. There is no way that Kyuhyun and Donghae would pass their first task so easily. They have never cooked before!! And their judges also come from the opposite sides!! I wonder how things going there…


Eh?? Sungmin suddenly stand up sensing something. “What’s wrong??,” Hyukjae asked him but that latter continued scanning their surroundings. “I thought I heard something…urgh, probably just animals…,” he replied but stiffens his position. He was thinking hard about the images he just saw in a few seconds. He swears he saw a black figure from behind the trees behind them but when he take a second glance, the black figures disappears. He felt cold shivers rush down his adrenaline.

All of sudden he gets worried.

Something bad is going to HAPPENS……



*Haha!! Sorry for the short update!! I want to save what will happens next!! >u<

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Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #1
Chapter 24: I wonder whose fase junsu forced hyukjae to wear !! And who's the one in hyukjae's house ...maybe kibum .
What about siwon ? I don't think he's dead for real
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 23: Ohhhhhh I swear to god I Guessed it would be JunSu with mask .
I wished eunhyuk was real though .
BTW how JunSu faked hyukjae's gummy smile ?!
Anyway, well done ^^
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 22: This chapter is kind os scary , but reeeaaally god job *thumbs up*
Oh BTW is eunhyuk by any chance have feelings for his so supposed to be his twin ???? o_O
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #4
Chapter 19: OOOOMMMMGGGG .how can be there's another hyuk =-O.
Besides who will be his mate??!!
OMG wil he be gpod or evil . I'm sooooooo curious >_<
Chapter 3: Very smart Kyu using kisses as punishment so you can kiss the one you love very smart indeed.
Okay i just needed to tell you I laughed for a good minute at chap 9

<I bent down my knee and picked the flower from that turtle. I just stare at it silently. Er…who will explain about this one to me?? Then, Ddangkoma meet my eyes and blink his eyes.

“That………is called blue salvia……,”

I gasped in horror.

“WUAH!!! THAT TURTLE SPEAK!!! OH LORD, HELP MEEE!!!,” I hushed away myself from it but Henry who doesn’t pay much attention, just continued his duty playing music.

“Yah!!! It’s not him who speak!! It’s me Yesung!! I’m speaking to you through this small microphone on his body!!,”>

Just had to say that ^^
i like that confession part of Hae! i also want it to happen to me!! how sweet~!
It's an amazing story!
Kind of disappoint me at the end since I thought this will be finished in one go, but it's continued in the sequel, yeah?
So I'm going to read the sequel now :3
So kibum is hyukjae's real sibling. And the fake hyukjae is junsu aka hyukjae's long time secret admirer, and wanted to revenge on kyu, since kyu is alway with hyukjae. But why did the fake hyukjae wanted to killed(??) siwon?! >< Anyway i'm your new reader, i'm reading this cause i wanted to read the sequel, cause the sequel sounds interesting, which makes me curious. SO! update your sequel soon! ^^