After gradution

After graduation

About one year passed, since I graduated from high school and left my hometown to study at an university, which is in another city. As my exam period reached his end, I finally have time to go back to my hometown and visit my old school, where I spent the most beautiful and also the most painful segment of my life.
I am walking on the road from the train station until the enormous bilding of the school with my hands in the pocket of my jeans. It’s spring, so the cherry-trees are blooming in their wonderful, pink colour. I sigh a little, when I lift up my face to the sky and the rays of the sun are waming my skin. But I don’t stop to enjoy it for a long time, I keep going forth with steady steps. My body becomes tense, when I see the structure of the school, which I know so good, like my palms. It didn’t change a tiny bit in the past year, since I left it. Students are infesting the yard, just like in my time. Because of my height I could really fade into the crowd and it is the same now. Nobody knows that I am not a student here…
I open the heavy double door and step into the big hall. I see a lot of student running to their next lesson and I hear the voices of teachers, who are shouting at them to walk slowly. A smile appears on my face, because I was one of the most scolded boy when I was a student here. I cross the hall and start to walk on a corridor, which leads to my old classroom. When I am arrived, I peek in. My countenance searches the desk, where I was sitting, than on the other table, which was next mine. It was my best friend’s, who also was the first and only love of my life. His name is Taehyung. I imagined his creatures on the now empty chair. I see his orange-blonde, ruffled hair, his chestnut coloured eyes, his perfect nose and his smiling or rather cutely grinning face. My heart starts to pound faster and louder because of his only fancied, but really beautiful sight. The suddenly, sharply ringing bell washed away this imagination. I slowly turn around and start to head into the way of the steps. I get on moving hazily, until I reach the roof of the building. This was my favourite place. I met with V here for the first time. I reach for the doorknob than puch the creaking door with shaking hands. As I step out on the ground of the roof, I feel the soft wind going through my hair and shirt. I walk in the middle and sit down on the floor, reaching my legs ahaed. I close my eyes, so I can sink in my memories. Pictures start to show in front of my eyes about the times, which I spent with Taehyung. I remember everything. We were really reckless and this caused the heart-rending end of our relationship. Even so the good memories are still in my head, they are so intense, as if they happened yesterday. Every day we faced with new things and hardness, but together they were not that big and hard to fight down. At that time I didn’t know, that cruel things can happen, like growing up, decisions or separation. I only lived for the moment. The only thing I cared for was you. You meant the life for me. But now… I am alone. I have lost the only thing, which was important to me. Every moment is so long and boring. I think, my life is pointless. I always ask myself, how could this happen. Naturally, the answer don’t want to appear.
- I wish you could be here with me!
As I said this out loud, a teardrop start to flow down on my cheek. Than suddenly, the door opens and I turn my head into it’s way. My body frozes when I identify the person, who appeared in the sight. It’s Taehyung. I stand up immediately and stare in his eyes. I just can believe, that he is here. I can’t say a damn word. Fortunately he is brave enough to broke the silence.
- J-jiminshi!?
When I hear the pet name, which he gave me, warmth starts to biuld u pin my heart. My expression could be really surprised, so he says sorry.
- Don’t be!
- B-but I called you this stupid pet name… You really must hate it. – he said with sad voice.
- I don’t hate it. I like it very much. – I admit it.
- I am very happy to see you.
- Are you?
- Yes, because there is something, I want to tell you.
- What is it about? – I ask and hope that it won’t be painful.
- Look… I am really sorry about the past. I messed it up… I wanted to go to the same university with you so bad, but I wasn’t good enough. I am a hopeless person when it comes to grades…
- Please, don’t say that! You really tried your best. The only problem was, that you kept it from me as a secret. You should say it to me, so I can change my application.
- This was the exact reason, why I didn’t say anything to you! I didn’t want to take away the chance from you to study at a classy university.
- But you disappeared! One you came to scholl and on the another don’t. Do you how worried I was? I thought, that something terrible happened to you! I search the entire town for you, but you moved away. Without saying bye. I thought, we are friends… - I shout while tears breaking their way on my face.
- We were, I swear! And I keep you one right now too. How about you? If I told everything to you, would you wait for me to meet again?
- Of course! What do you think, why I came here? A few seconds ago I wished, that you could be here with me, just like in our school years. Talking, playing and eating with each other…
As I said my words, I saw tears forming in his eyes too. This whole conversation is hurt us both. Why aren’t we hugging each other instead of quarelling? I fall on my knees and hide my face in my palms. I just can’t bear with the pain in my heart. I want to tell him how strong my feelings are for him and I want to hug and kiss him. As I am bomb myself with these weird thoughts, I hear small steps coming closer than I fell two warm arms wrapping around me.
- Jimin, I don’t want to lose you anymore… Please, forgive me! I need you! No! I love you! – he whispers into my ear.
A strange, electrifying feeling runs trough my body. The blood in my veins comes alive and starts to pump really hard, making my vision foggy and blocking my head from normal reasoning. I lift my head up and look into V’s eyes. He is waiting inpatiently for me to say something. How the hell can he be this cute, gorgeous and also y int he same time? Not searching for an answer, I close the distance between us and Press my lips to his. We change a long, sweet kiss, in which we show our suppressed feelings.
- Pabo, I can’t be mad at you, because I love you so much!- I say, when I pulled away from the kiss.

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Chapter 1: love vmin. ty
chocochanbaek #2
Chapter 1: this is awesome i love it <3
how cute they are~ you did a good job author-nim!
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 1: this is so romantic, wow!!
you did a good job ^.^
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful *sob* TT_TT if you don't mind, can you please make a sequel for this fic?
Chapter 1: This is perfect
eyesmilegyu #6
Chapter 1: Eheit vmin beautiful friendship ;;
Chapter 1: Ouo~~ so cute vmin <3 made me cry T^T *sobsob*