Hyemi's Advice

Brand New Breeze
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Zhang Li Yin - Back Then

Hyemi finally decided to talk with Kris at the large yard owned by the college. There were still a lot of people there, but she was convinced that the students there were busy with their own stuff and they won’t gather much attention, unlike in the hall earlier.

They decided to sit on a park bench, overlooking the pond in front of them. The weather was really nice, the wind was not too strong and there was no falling snow. Perfect weather for the outdoor activities.

“I’ve heard everything from Hayoung.” She decided to open up the conversation first. Kris nodded, it means that he didn’t need to tell it from the beginning. Hyemi definitely just wanted to know the story from his point of view, to make her understood about his behavior toward Hayoung.

“I’m going to be straightforward and I hope you will do the same.” She said. Kris nodded again, agreed. “There is actually another reason which causes you to avoid Hayoung? Based on the story that she said, of course it’s not just because of her friendship with Luhan, right?”

“It’s not. I can not possibly avoid her just because of trivial matters.” Kris admitted. He finally spoke honestly about this problem other than to Luhan and Tao.

“So what is it? Sorry before, I did not want to interfere your problem with Hayoung, but I guess since you’ve decided to ask me, which I believe is also about this problem, I will also do the same.” She added quickly. Hyemi was not a person who wants to interfere in other people’s problems, even though they asked for her help. But this was different, because it concerns the issues of her best friend and she will do whatever the best for Hayoung.

Kris shook his head, “That’s okay. I know you are Hayoung’s best friend. I won’t mind if you want to know what happen between us.”

“Okay.” She nodded then waited for his answer of her question earlier.

“I actually don’t mind her friendship with Luhan. Luhan is my best friend for years, so I know he’s a good person.” He began, but still there was still doubt in his voice. Hyemi waited patiently until he was ready to talk again.

“You certainly disappointed about something. Is that true?”

Kris nodded. *This girl is really fast to proceed the story well.* he thought silently. “Yes, there is something that disappointed me.”

“What is it if I may know?”

Kris sighed and looked up to the sky, silently enjoying the fresh weather. He leaned his back and crossed his long legs. Hyemi watched him in silent and admitted in her head that he looked like an alive sculpture from her point of view. *This guy has a really nice side profile.* she complimented. *No wonder those girls in the hall are fussing about him,* she shook her head.

“You saw me several times with Hayoung, right? When I joined the basketball club for the first time and also when I visited your building.” Hyemi nodded. If she thought about it now, it was true that she caught him several times with Hayoung which made her wondered why the new guy acted so close to Hayoung. It was like Kris had just read her mind, her question immediately answered by him.

“I knew her before this. Probably earlier than you.”

“Really? How come she never mentioned you before in front of me?”

His corner lips tugged downward, “I knew her since I was 6 years old.” The fact just made Hyemi gasped in surprise. It was even longer than their friendship. Kris caught her expression from the corner of his eyes then continued, “She was the first person who approached me in the neighborhood.  No one wants to play with a kid who can’t speak their language, you know.” He grinned at the memory. Hyemi saw this and she could tell that he really appreciated Hayoung’s kindness back then.

“So you are her childhood friend.” She concluded.

Kris nodded, “But now she doesn’t even recognize who I am. I just realized recently that I unconsciously have been watching her since I arrived here. It’s been 14 years since the last time I saw her before I left to Canada. So I kinda..” he stopped and bit his lower lip, feeling unsure on what to say next to express his feelings.

On the other hand, Hyemi knew exactly what he felt towards Hayoung. “You missed her and you are disappointed when you knew that she doesn’t even recognize you. The disappointment that you try to hide suddenly came up when she mentioned that it was ‘Yi Fan’ who connected her and Luhan and not ‘Kris’. Am I right?” she spoke on his behalf.

Kris snapped his gaze towards her direction with wide eyes. “How do you know?”

Hyemi smiled and shrugged, “Rather than saying that I know, I guess it’s really easy to tell how you feel on my point of view.”

“I guess you are right.” He agreed. Usually people will find him really hard to approach due to his cold exterior but once they get to know him, Kris was rather a person who expressed his feelings by his actions rather than from words. Kris found it am

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Chapter 49: update pleaseee.. pleaseee update ..T-T
Chapter 49: i feel sorry for sunhwa . i pity her the most . i have a goosebump when read sunhwa and her father part. i hope hayoung not taking a lot of time thinking for answer. hope she choose the right one . but im still ship kris and hayoung together . update soon
sazuka #3
Chapter 49: KrisYoung Please~
2407briana #4
Chapter 49: Omg.. I don't know who to ship. Hayoung with Kris or Kai? I like Kris but I'll feel bad for Kai
beautifulady #5
Chapter 49: Okay! Since sehun met hyemi. I have to arrange this relationship! First: KaiYoung,SeMi,and YiHwa! Second: JongMi,KrisYoung, sehun and sunhwa have their partner as well. What do you think?
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PiKai_chu #7
Chapter 48: Kris is gonna leave??? AGAIN??? Why why why??? TvT If you, Kris Wu, Wu Yifan, Kevin Li, Li Jiaheng, or whatever your name is, »_» leave the country aka Hayoung, I'm going to haunt u.. Put this in your mind dude!!! I'M. GOING. TO.HAUNT. YOU. (as if I can uhh uhh v.v)
Many things could happen if he leaves the country.. ANYTHING could happen~~~ ANYTHING ~~~ ANY ANY >>>>>> .uhhhh

HAHAHA damn i like what Kris did to Sunhwa ^^` Huhuhuh... That WOMAN deserves it tho... Hope that she will be on her right mind again --' Bcause Kris won't be there anymore for Hayoung..
WO!! Wait, Kris will be leaving... So what about this Sunhwa girl?? *.* She will not disturb Kai or Hayoung again??! Or what.... uhmmm

Actually, author-nim @ Nana, x))) ^o^ Hehe uhmmm , actually I've made my mind. I'm gonna ship KrisYoung v.v hehekk just sayin tho.. But, about that Kris guy, and his 'leaving' thing, should I cancel to ship them ? »_> ».«
v.v Although Kai is my ultimate-bias, I don't ship him with Hayoung. You know why??? Well i don't know tho.. But I choose Kris over Kai.. Okay I think that I need to accept KaiYoung. Bcause I THINK that nobody will try to stop Kris from leaving, especially when Hayoung just treat Kris as A brother... =______=° `.` :-}}}}

-+++But, we still don't know whether Kris will be truly leaving or not.. but, whatever tho ->>»»°°
Chapter 48: so thats what kris problem was . feel pity on him , he has to make a decision that he don want to . what if kris don't comeback , or he going to comeback with his future wife . owhhh i dont like that . why is it they always will be separated. for sunhwa : you deserve it woman . you think changing your appearance will make kris love you . hahaha . btw thanks for the newest update . its interesting and UPDATE SOON . ~^O^~
2407briana #9
Chapter 48: Mhm. I knew Sunhwa had something to do with the incident. But Krisssss ~~T_T~~T_T~~T_T~~T_T~ He's leaving again... He should've confessed to her.... still shipping Kris and Hayoung
chodenlovekaixoxo #10
Chapter 48: I dnt knw wat to say TT^TT

But onething is for sure "I want Hayoung wid Kris"

fighting....thnx for update :) tk cr~