Police and Thief

My First LOVE

Monday Morning,.. 2nd Period: Physical Exercise


Every Monday will be our P.E Class with Mr Cho. I don't really like this class but it is a compulsory. Honestly, I love music more than P.E but for a 4th Grader, P.E Class is a must.


I was still in the Ladies changing room when Eun Jung called me.


"________-ah, aren't you coming? Do Young and I have been waiting for ages!" I could hear Eun Jung Shouting on top of her voice.

"I'm almost done...Eun Jung. Give me five minutes please.." I quickly wear my P.E Shoes and ran out from the room. I took quite some time in the Ladies as I had an important business that needs to be done. I think I ate too much breakfast before coming to school today.

My stomach is still painful...

Outside, Eun Jung and Do Young are gathering with all our other classmates with our class monitor standing in between them.

Our Class Monitor seems to have annoucements to be made.

"Today, Mr. Cho will not be coming for our P.E Class. He had an emergency meeting at this moment..." Before our class monitor even finished his sentences my classmates started to chat with each other.

"Silence, everyone! " Our class monitor tried to control the situation.

"Because of that, we will not be having our P.E Class today but I suggest let's not waste this time. As the Class Monitor, I suggest we play a game. Any suggestion?" Our class monitor asked. I could hear some of the girls shrieking with delight when they hear the word NO..

"Why don't we play Police and thief game?" Min Woo suggests. Why does he has to suggest that game.

"Then, Police and Thief shall our game be. Everyone, line up!!!" I really admire our class monitor as he was a very prominent leader. Everyone obeys his instruction. We lined up.. as he divides us to different group.

"Police.....Thief...Police...Thief...Police.." His finger points to me. Did I hear it right that I will be in the Police team?

"________, you are in the Police team. Now move along!!" He must have noticed that I didn't really hear which group I belong to. I lazily walked over to my group.


Do Young and Eun Jung were both in the Thief team... What makes it worst is that Min Woo too is in the same group as them. It seems that I have to chase after them.


The game started...

I chase after Eun Jung... I'm quite a good runner so I managed to caught her. Now, nobody was up to chase after Min Woo. All the girls in my team were running after Do Young as expected. Fuh! They're insane. The guys are running after the girls.. so boring!

I tried hard to ignore Min Woo who is trying to attract my attention. Obviously, there's only me available to chase after him. But, I just don't feel like chasing after him... for if I chase after him, sure he will bully me again. I don't want that to happen.

"_________, What are you doing? Chase after Min Woo!!!" One of my classmates who're in the same team as me shouted at me. He was busy chasing after one of my girl classmates.

"Why me? I don't want to!" I tried to protest but failed.

Feeling forced...I started chasing after Min Woo. He's a good runner. Perhaps one of the best as he's one of the best runner at the Track and Field Club. I chased after him for more than 20 minutes..

Panting...Feeling tired, I stopped for a while. Min Woo is just such an annoying pest!

"__________, Are you scared of me, stupid!" Min Woo started insulting me.

"I'm not!" I answered. Feeling rather pissed off, I started chasing him again.

I guess I really ran after him hard that finally I was managed to caught him.

"You're a loser!!!..." He started to break himself free by moving his body left and right. But my hand was gripping his shirt way too hard---He didn't changed his clothes to his P.E Attire. One of his shirt button came out....

"Now, what shall I do?" I wondered what will happen to me..

I know he will surely give me a good beating.. now that I damaged his clothes.

True enough...


"_________,You're dead!" He shouted at me. He is sure has a bad temper.


He pulled my hair and pushed me to the ground. I landed face first. Imagine yourself landed face first.. It was really scary and the feeling is terrible. I don't even want to think about it.

He was just about to give me a good kicking when I heard a loud thud sound. I slowly opened my eyes and guess what I saw?...

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Chapter 6: Awwww!!
That was very touching!!
Even though i didn't experience it yet..
But I really learned some lesson here..
"If you love someone but he's inlove and happy with someone else..just let him go..
If you're meant to be each other you will end up together..
I want to be INLOVE!!! Lol!!
Thanks for this wonderful story author-nim!
Thanks Syeera_sungmin!! I really appreciate it. It has been quite sometime since I last update my story.. feel a little bit discouraged. But because of reader like you, I feel like wanting to continue writing more stories. Do please read my other stories... and I really hope you will like it too. Love you lots!! And Happy New Year :)
m0zarts0nata-- #3
ur story is really really DAEBAK!
Thank you for writing this story.. I wonder if it ever happened in real life ^^~
I know this is super short but i couldn't help it. I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway... Thanks for reading and support (n_n)