

"wah..i miss this house!!",u said while streching ur hands in the air.

"hahah..u should!",said Shaera.

You were lazyily lying  on  the couch...

"____ have u pack ur things??",ask Shaera.

"for what??",u ask.

"for what??u still can ask??",shout shaera.

"ah..im tired will talk tomorrow k?",u said

"ya!!!",scream Shaera

Her high pitch scream echo the whole house....

"what.......",u said lazily.

"ya we're going home in a few days u know...anyway it's like the next two days....",said Shaera.

"huh?really...Fine i will pack up now!!",u said while running to ur room.

"haizz..that kid...",said Shaera .



You then pack up all ur belongings and went to bed..

"ah.....i can't sleep..",u said as u were tossing & turning on ur bed...

"ah..this is frustrating...arghhh....",u said to urself...

You then decide to listen to music so that u can sleep..

You scroll at random songs and the it plays Infinite  Voice of my heart.....

U then slowly drift off to sleepp.......



NEXT morning ,

"ya!!! wake up",scream Shaera.

When u heard Shaera scream,u quickly cover ur ears with ur pillows...

"ah...dun wake me up..i'm TIRED.....'',u said while pouting...

"i know ur tired....me too okay?",said Shaera

You then sit up and sigh....

"chill..after this we are back with our daily routines.....",said Shaera with a smile.

"okay....but...", You were about to say something but Shaera cut through ur sentence.

"let's go...u should bath now....u reallly smelll u know!",tease Shaera.

"ya!!!",u scream.

Shaera quickly lock ur bathroom door..

After bathing u then wear ur clothes and and grab ur bag..

"ya!! faster....we're late u know...",said Shaera..

"ara!",u said while grabbing ur andwich on the table  and quickly head to the door..


YOu then lock the door as  Shaera was waiting for u.

"faster......",said Shaera...

"shaera wait up...."u shouted.

Shaera was ahead of u as she was running very fast....

You were far behind and at the same time u were running while holding onto ur sandwich....

You stop for awhile and breath hardly......

You suddenly heard footsteps infront of u...

"shaera..i thought u...."u said while being drag by her..

"no time to talk....",scream Shaera..


Both of u then run to school quickly.......

When u reach school, both of u were panting heavily.....

"why are u both panting?? it looks like u have just gone to a marathon....",tease the teacher.

Both of u just smile..

"okok let's go....everyone...",said the teacher...








sorry for short update and sorry if this chapter is kind of crappy...

ANYWAY!! thanks for the comments.......

Love it.....  :D!







ANYWAY.... Happy Belated Birthday to Dongwoo oppa!!! 



(credits : http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?q=dongwoo+gifs&um=1&hl=en&qscrl=1&biw=1280&bih=675&tbm=isch&tbnid=_kvTIGUrh07ODM:&imgrefurl=http://yeahjangdongwoo.tumblr.com/post/2690782653&docid=PldX2iJ8fSc31M&imgurl=http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_leu0dytbUv1qcrx42o1_500.gif&w=500&h=253&ei=DhrOTpbqCsqGrAf6-_zEDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=368&vpy=341&dur=1487&hovh=160&hovw=316&tx=137&ty=119&sig=111430722410395228716&page=1&tbnh=99&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0)

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rockUrbody #1
great job !
sterlingpaper #2
i enjoyed reading it
hye_yong #4
@hye_yong : hahaha i know...nope it's not the last but it's going to end soon... :(
hye_yong #6
aww HoYa is so so so sweet...But it is the last episode alr? :(
Update soon!
chuayo~<br />
CookieYua #9
Update Soon!
dreamzen #10
it's fine...the update iss coolll....more updates <3 <3 <3