


 In front of the door….




You keep pressing  the bell about 5 times…

Aishh…Pabo ___! Oppa is not at home of course! Tchh…

You then enter the passcode and enter the house…


When u step in the house……


The house is in a MESS!!..

Aish…..You then put ur bag down and u phone on the table….

You shook ur head when u saw   rubbish lying on the floor…


 You the pick up the rubbish and throw into the dustbin….

You the poundered to urself…

Hmmm..wad should I do??

I think I have to clean the house….

You then started vaccuming the hall and wash the dishes in the kitchen……


Infnite Pov


Infinite just finish their schedule promoting their new song BE MINE.

They are on their way home…

“I wonder what is our baby doing at the hospital??”,wonder Woohyun..

“SLEEPING!Obviously…”,answered Dongwoo.

“ya!im just asking!!..  ah.. I miss her…”.said Woohyun.






“YA!”,scream Sunjong..

“who didn’t lock the door properly??”,ask Sunjong worriedly..

“wae??”,ask Sunggyu.

“the door is not lock….”,said Sunjong.

“bwoh??”,said Sungyeol..

“who left the house last??”,ask L.

“ah..Dongwoo is the last to leave the house…”answer Hoya.

“ya! Dongwoo…”,scream Sunggyu…


They enter the house slowly….

"Hyung! You should take the baseball stick near our shoe rack...",said Sungyeol.

Sunggyu look stunned..

"when did we have a baseball stick anyway??",said Sunggyu.

Sunggyu then take the stick and hold it against his chest...

They then slowly tip toe inside the house...

They look shock

"eh...if there's a theif  then why is our house is really clean?",said Sungyeol.

"ahhaha...not funny but anyway what u say is right?",said Dongwoo.


While they were checking the house whether their thing is missing or not..

"ya!!",said Sunggyu.

"u hear something cominng from the toilet??'',asked Sunggyu.

"ya..why?'',ask infinite..

"i think the theif is still here...!!",said Sunggyu.

"guys grab something and block the toilet  so that the theif won't run away...",said Sunggyu.



Your Pov


You were in the toilet when infinite arrive....

While u were washing ur hands...u heard noises....

You then open the door and........

"ah!!!!!!'',u scream...

You were shock when u saw each of ur oppa holding a different kind of weapon....

Sunggyu was holding onto the baseball stick.

Sungyeol was holding a frying pan..

Woohyun was holding onto a broom.

Hoya was holding onto a mop.

Dongwoo and Sunjong @ the back ...

"An....nyeong...",u say and wave to them.

''_______!",infinite say in harmony..

''oppa wad ar u doing with those things??",u ask

"oh...we thought there's a theif when the front the door is not lock",said Woohyun.

"ohhh...'',u answer

"anyway why u didn't tell us that u can be discharge aready??",asked Sunjong.

"ummm...i thought of giving u all a surprise but i end up getting a surprise....",u said while smiling to them.

"oppa miahn...",u said

"genchana baby",said Woohyun..

"oppa come let's eat...i cook already...",u said

"_______! u just recoverd and u cook for us and even clean the house.....",said Sungyeol.

"we feel really bad _____....."said Infinite

''ah...im fine already and it's okay...see im STRONG! i even clean the house...",u said....

"LET'S GO &  EAT!!",u said while dragging eat of themto the kitchen..


hei nEEEEEEQ here!!!

SO SORRY for not updating kekekekke....i was busy as i hav to go back to school.....

btw chapter 13 the guy that u bump into is Dongho from U-KISS













( Credits : http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=UKISS%20neverland&order=9&offset=0#/d47r5zy )














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( Credits :http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/dongwoo?before=1317813573  )












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rockUrbody #1
great job !
sterlingpaper #2
i enjoyed reading it
hye_yong #4
@hye_yong : hahaha i know...nope it's not the last but it's going to end soon... :(
hye_yong #6
aww HoYa is so so so sweet...But it is the last episode alr? :(
Update soon!
chuayo~<br />
CookieYua #9
Update Soon!
dreamzen #10
it's fine...the update iss coolll....more updates <3 <3 <3