Chapter 7

It all started with a misunderstanding, but ended as love instead

“Uh, it’s too late?” He Jin asked sweetly while Hyung Joon removed Choco from the paralyzed Ki Bum. When Choco was already out of Ki Bum’s hands, he snapped out of confusion and screamed using his girly voice, and it made everyone laugh.


“Jeongmal mianhe Ki Bum-ah…” He Jin apologized as she bowed but Ki Bum stopped her. He shook his head and smiled, then looked at Choco. “I guess I have to give Choco away…” she continued


“Andwae, Choco can stay…” Ki Bum responded and it made He Jin happy, even Choco barked when Ki Bum said that. Even Hyung Joon barked… =. =


“But I thought you hated dogs?”


“Well, I do… but, what will happen to Choco if you gave him away?”


“Thank you Ki Bum!” He Jin happily said and hugged Ki Bum, which startled him. He Jin looked at Ki Bum after hugging him but she noticed that his face was turning red, so she asked what’s wrong.


“No-nothing…” Ki Bum said and then went straight to his room


“What’s with him?” He Jin and Hyung Joon said together




The next day, while He Jin was at Hyung Joon’s house, Hiro was back at Key East holding a bunch of papers he signed. First, he was happy that the manager who tried to kidnap, no, who kidnapped Hami is now gone. Second, Ji Reo will be their partner when practicing or dancing.


Hiro’s POV


‘Wait, did I just say that I’m happy because Ji Reo will be our partner?’ I asked myself and then shook my head and went straight to the practice room to meet my group mates.


“Excuse me…” I said as I slowly open the door and saw 3 other guys dancing inside. I watched them and thought if I can dance like that someday. Then, the music stopped and all of them looked at me, making me drop all of the papers I’m holding.


I picked the papers one by one and noticed that there are feet in front of me, I looked up and I saw the guys who were dancing earlier. They helped me pick up the papers and lead me inside. When inside, one of the guys earlier asked me if I was Kim Hyun Joong, I remembered what the former manager and I talked about then I nodded.


“Well, my name is Heo Young Saeng and I’m also a member of the new group you’ll be in” a guy who was wearing a hat said and we shake hands.


“I’m Kim Kyu Jong, nice to meet you…” another guy who had a teddy bear pattern in his shirt said and smiled.


“Park Jung Min, y charisma~” the last one who had a carrot in his mouth said, and I can only smile awkwardly.


After they all introduced themselves, I thought it was my turn but then, Jung Min received a call and all of them left the room, leaving me alone. I wanted to ask why they left me alone, but Young Saeng came back and told me that one other member is at his home so we must pick him up or else the manager will get angry.


I can only follow them and ask questions back in my head, but I went inside the car anyway.


When we arrived at the place where Young Saeng said where the last member of our group lives, Kyu Jong parked his car near the gate and we exited the car. But before we left the car, each of us wore a disguise, it will be a problem if a fan sees us. When we exited the car, fan girls swarmed around the car like a wave, but how come they recognized us?


“Hello my ladies~”


All of us looked behind and what do you know… it was Jung Min.




He Jin’s POV


Yesterday, Jung Min dropped me here at Hyung Joon and Ki Bum’s house. He didn’t tell me the reason why but I’m happy that the guys I’m living with are not annoying and noisy. In fact, they are really quiet, too quiet.


I walked to the living room and saw Hyung Joon and Ki Bum playing with Choco. I laughed and both of them looked at me, quickly letting go of Choco. Choco ran towards me and I picked him up then sat in-between of Ki Bum and Hyung Joon.


“Spill it…” I said and both of them froze up. But when they were about to answer, someone rang the doorbell. I quickly ran towards the door and opened it but…


“This is not supposed to happen…”




sorry for the short chapter :)) i just wanna make a cliff hanger chapter again ^^ jeongmal mianhe~ :D

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Chapter 3: oh i like this. it is good ! i like the characters. they feel so real to me !
nicki minaj looks like hyorin
luhans-vaqina #4
i'd like to apply? :D
so adorable~! update!
joongkatsaeng #6
please update it excited for the next episode...
pinkypn #7
i hope u update soon
Azninvasion1002 #8
awwwwwww so cute! i wish i was surrounded with hot boys too :D
MightyMaknae #9
Unnie... When will you update this?? I really wanna know huaaaaaa~
awesome_501 #10
it's a great story! i wonder what'll happen next... so excited for ur next update:)