The Matchmaker

Thank You,MAMA 2014!

A/N-Sorry for the wait,my internet connection was giving me problems.A huge thank you to everyone who subscribed.I also want to explain that there will be several time jumps in this story.I don't think it's realistic for both of them to fall in love within days so I'll be using time jumps to help speed things up.If you get confused,,you can always ask me.Also this is my first time doing a multi-chapter fic so I would appreciate any suggestions and criticism.I also want to thank the subscriber who suggested I add more idols to the story,I'll keep that in mind. ^_^ Oh and Merry Christmas.Personally all I want for Christmas is IU's comeback and if possible for her to do another drama soon.


   Jinwoo glanced at Mino who was busy doing something on his laptop, "Hey,it's lunch time.Aren't you coming to eat with us?" Without even glancing up,Mino replied, "Nah,I'm not hungry.You guys go ahead without me." Jinwoo stared at Mino for a minute.Ever since MAMA 2014 two weeks ago,Mino had been acting strangely,spending all of his free time glued to his laptop.Was it related to Mino's crush on IU?Shaking his head,Jinwoo decided to leave his friend alone for now but he would be quizzing him about it later.

  Mino still entirely focused on his laptop didn't even notice his fellow group members leaving the training room.During the past two weeks,Mino had spent almost every second of his free time surfing the internet to find out everything that he could about his crush.Mino had even befriended Yoo In Na as he was sure that as IU's best friend,she would be able to help him woo her.Yoo In Na had been surprised to say the least when he had cornered her at the cafeteria and told her directly that he liked IU but thankfully she had agreed to help him.

  It was a good thing too as he could use all the help that he could get.After spending so much time surfing the net,Mino was well aware of how many famous idols like her.Even top actors were no exception.Lee Dong Wook had once chosen her as his ideal type.Despite how he had smiled then,Mino also still couldn't forget how Song Seung Hun had given IU that red rose at MAMA 2014.Not to mention his strong competition from his fellow idols as well- Beast's Yoseob,2PM's Wooyoung,EXO's Suho,SHINee's Jonghyun,his own labelmate and IU's ideal type Big Bang's Taeyang as well and that didn't even make up a quarter of the list.

 Just as he was mentally lambasting himself for crushing on a girlwith so many ardent fanboys,Mino's manager walked in and handed him a pile of papers. "Here are several drama scripts.YG wants you to look through them and choose one."Then satisfied that Mino had paid attention to what he had said and nodded,his manager left him with a pile of scripts by his side.Thirty minutes later when In Na entered the  training room,she found Mino going through scripts.

   "What are you doing?Haven't you come up with an idea to win my best friend's heart yet?" Hearing the irritation in her voice,Mino looked up and smiled at her, "My manager wants me to choose a script but none of them interest me and to answer your second question,yes,unfortunately I'm still running blank on ideas."In Na grinned knowingly at him, "You can't decide between the scripts because you're only interested in capturing my bestie's heart but still remain clueless on how to do so."He just nodded slowly,In Na was right,he had only one goal right now.

  In Na sat down next to him and glanced through the scripts as well while trying to come up with suggestions to help him achieve his goal.When her eyes landed on a particular script she instantly saw the best way of helping him.Getting up immediately,she left quickly but only after warning Mino to wait until she had returned before choosing a script and mumbling something about killing two birds with one stone.Once again he just nodded as he watched her almost fly out of the room in her hurry.Had she come up with an idea to help him with IU?Knowing that he had no choice but to wait until she came back to find out,he returned to his laptop and started watching the first episode of the variety show,Heroes to quell his excitement.





In Na strode with a fierce determination into IU's apartment.She had already called her to let her know that she was coming.Truthfully,In Na had wanted to play matchmaker for IU for quite a while now but she had never had the chance.So when Mino had sought her help,she had been eager to assist.She had given him two weeks to come up with an idea to woo IU,more than enough time really but seeing that he had yet to do so,In Na was just going to have to step up and help him.

 She made her way to the couch and plomped down next to IU who was busy reading a script.IU looked up at her and her face broke into a huge smile before she pulled her into a hug. "So why did you suddenly want to visit me?Shouldn't you be hanging out with your handsome boyfriend?"After she finished speaking,In Na lightly punched her arm, "Yah!Don't you want me here?I just wanted to see my best friend.I see him every day but it's been ages since I saw you."

  IU just smiled at her best friend,the last time they had seen each other was three days ago but she wasn't going to bother pointing that out.She did need a break and some girl time would be helpful.In Na reached for the script IU was holding and tugged it out of her hands, "Have you decided which script to choose yet?"Her best friend shook her head at her question, "Nope but I've narrowed it down to two scripts.I was actually planning on calling you for advice but you beat me to the punch."Handing both the scripts to In Na,IU leaned back into the couch and watched her friend read the two scripts intently.

 Knowing that IU was watching her,In Na pretended to read the scripts throughly but she had already decided which script to suggest after just looking at their titles.Of the two scripts she was holding,one of them was the exact same script that Mino had among the pile of scripts that his manager had handed him.In Na's bright  idea was to get the both of them to act in the same drama.Spending four months together shooting,sparks were bound to fly.Since it definitely had in her case,she was fairly sure it would work for IU and Mino.

 After 15 minutes of pretending to read the scripts,In Na looked  at IU and handed her one of the scripts, "Here.This script is better." "Really?But you only read about half of it."Smiling,In Na tried to convince her naive best friend, "Exactly!I only read half of it but I'm already convinced it's good.You should definitely choose this!"A little bit surprised at how vehement In Na was being,IU just nodded, "Fine,I'm sure you know better about these things than me.I'll let my manager know later."Satisfied that she had caved in so easily,In Na grinned like a Cheshire cat.The two best friends spent the next hour playing Go Stop before In Na decided to leave.

  With a smile on her face,IU watched her leave before picking up the script that In Na had insisted she choose.As she read it one more time,IU realised that she did indeed like this script better.The drama was set in high school and woul allow her to relive some of her high school memories.Besides,she would also be able to sing in this drama as well as her character was a girl who desperately wanted to become a singer.

  The more she read the script,the more she liked it.It was a heartfelt story about a girl who goes through many struggles to achieve her dream of becoming a singer and finds love along the way.It reminded her a lot about her own struggles to become the star she was today.The only difference was she had yet to find love and honestly she had long ago given up hope on that front but a tiny part of her,the most naive part still held some hope even if IU rarely admitted it even to herself.


A/N-Let me know what you think.The more comments I get,the more motivated I am to update quickly. ^_^

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Chapter 9: Hi! Just came across your story and I love it! I like IU and any story about her. I like the way you tell a story and I honestly never notice any grammar or whatever mistakes you think you did. I just hope you will still finish this story since I am curious how Mino will eventually confess his feelings for her. The sasaeng fans of EXO are really scary and death threats & harrassment seems normal for them ( I always see them in exo ff but I am not familiar with them). Mino playing the hero for IU may get him closer to her. Altho’ the recent attack on her may make her more wary of dating idols. Hope they get more chances of being together so IU will finally notice Mino’s feelings for her. Would it be possible for their relationship to progess a bit faster and the problems of staying together will make their story exciting. I pity Suho if he finds out how deadly it is for female idols to date exo. Btw, it would be interesting to see how bigbang would react to Mino with IU. Thanks and hoping to see updates soon even after more than a year.
sinikka7 #2
Chapter 9: Welcome back and thank you for long and great story! I really like how you put facts to this story like when IU had slipped on the stairs and B.I, Mino and Bobby helped her.
Fighting Authornim!
PearLee #3
Chapter 9: Anti fan! Sob why only 2 weeks of filming and suho is having his last scene already?
Chapter 9: don't worry author-nim, the story development so far is great, and just write the story the way you want it to be even if some of us wants it to be different, i mean, it's nice of you to take in our suggestions but it's just suggestions, so if you feel that you really want your story to turn out like what you hoped for, then just go for it:D
Chapter 8: ermmmm i think for iu, it's fine either ways for her to know about the guys' feelings, or if you choose not to let her know, then i guess it's fine too as long as the story flow is not disrupted. For the cameos, maybe B.I? hehe bc he's such a boyfriend material and so hot in front of girls, like he can suddenly be reaaaally gentlemanly and considerate in front of girls, so that might be his character in here? ofc you have the final say in this:D LOVE THE STORY SO FAR, DON'T GIVE UP OR LOSE MOTIVATION TO WRITE. HWAITING
sinikka7 #6
Chapter 8: Authornim fighting! ~
PearLee #7
Chapter 8: I'd like to have B.I to appear..because...well he's hot hahahaha
Chapter 7: i am kinda sorry bc i have bad feeling about suzy lol. i hope its just my feeling. and i'm anticipating for mino vs suho upcoming battle!

anyway, thanks for considering my suggestion;;
Chapter 7: thank you so much for taking my suggestion into account! i think this chapter is fine, since it sorts of like sets a foundation for the rest of the story to be developed. I'm reaaaally anticipating next chapter now that you've mentioned there will be IU Suho moments kyaaa!!