The Eventful Night


Jieun was just finishing my make-up when I got a call. Without looking at the caller ID, I picked up the phone.

"Oppa, are you here yet?"

"Where did you want me to go? I'm at the arcade." Wait a minute, that voice didn't sound like Sangmin's.

I took the phone away from my ear and looked at the number that called me. I didn't expect to see a picture of Yunhyeong with the ID, My Oppa♡.

"How? When? What?!"

All I heard was laughter on the other line. "You should put a lock on your phone so then strangers won't be able to get my number."

"You just- ughhhh! I'm hanging up!"

I crossed my arms and glared at the wall. "Who was that?" asked Jieun.

"I'm sorry unnie. It's just... boys make me mad."

"I know what you mean," she said with a sigh. "Where's Sangmin? I thought you had to get to the party by six. It's already 5:30."

"What?!" I exclaimed after jumping out of the chair I was sitting on. I quickly grabbed my phone and purse and went to get my shoes. 

"Unnie, can I leave my things here? I'll come by and get them later," I said loudly from the front door. 

Jieun came out of the room laughing and handed me a gray, wool cardigan. "Sure, and it still gets cold at night. Be careful not to get sick."

"Of course," I said as I put the cardigan on over my dress. "If I do get sick, just blame Sangmin-oppa."

"Ok," she said with a smile. "Have fun! I'll scold Sangmin if you need me to when you guys get back!"

"Bye bye, unnie~"


"Did you go buy my shampoo? Or were you here the whole time?" I asked with my arms crossed. 

Instead of answering me, Sangmin continued to stuff his face. I pulled his arm to stop him from eating. 

"Oppa! It's already 6:30!" I cried as I tried to yank him away from the food stall. "You only eat like this when you're depressed. How'd you get this depressed in just two hours?"

He still wasn't answering me, so I walked a couple feet away to call Seogoong. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, Soorin. When are you gonna get here?"

"Sorry, I'm with oppa and he's depressed right now. So we might not even make it to the party," I replied sadly. "Tell Sanggyun I said happy birthday."

"Well, that . I already told everyone you were coming, but I understand. Tell my friend to feel better," he said with a laugh. 

"Sure thing. Bye."

"Bye bye."

After hanging up, I turned back expecting to see Sangmin still stuffing his face but he wasn't there anymore. I rushed towards the food stall and looked around. 

"Ahjumma, you know that boy that was just inhaling food right here?" I waited for her to answer before continuing to question her. After she nodded her head, I continued. "Did you happen to see where he went? I'd call him but his phone died."

She pointed to the left and then shooed me away. "Thank you!"

I ran off towards the direction she pointed. I didn't have to run that far because I saw him drinking soju at another food stall. Just as he about to down another shot, I smacked the back of his head. He ended up getting the soju all over his face.

"Yah!" he yelled angrily. "What do you think you're doing?!"

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Oppa, we have a party to get to remember? Why are you so depressed? Did Gayeon-unnie finally break up with you?" I asked sarcastically. 

Right when I said her name his face fell, and I thought he started crying. "Did she really?" I asked more concerned. "I thought you guys were doing great, even if it was long distance."

I pulled a chair over and sat down next to him. "What happened?"

"The real reason I came here was to see Gayeon, but I just saw her with some other guy an hour ago," he said with his head down. I patted his back, and checked the time on my phone. 

"Well, that . Want me to get revenge for you? I never really liked her anyways." How dare she break my brother's heart like that? 

Sangmin looked up and gave me a small smile. "You don't have to, she's not worth it."

"Ok, fine. Well, since you're okay, kind of, let's go." I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "I heard they invited some pretty friends to the party."

Sangmin laughed lightly. "Don't they always say that?"

"I guess you're right." I hooked my arm with his and we walked towards the closest bus stop. 

"Do you remember where he said the party was gonna be?" asked Sangmin.

"Yeah, he sent to it to me on my phone," I said as I reached for my phone in my purse. Right when I tried to look at the address, my phone died. "What in the? I could've sworn I charged it! What about you?"

"My phone's dead too, remember?" said Sangmin as he held up his phone. 

I pulled at my hair and groaned in frustration. Maybe we're just not supposed to go to the party.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked. Sangmin shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna take a cab back to my friend's house. You should just go home."

"Are you really just leaving?"

"Yeah, I don't feel too good either," he said as he hailed down a cab.

"You sure you okay. About Gayeon-unnie, are you sure she's cheating?"

"Bye Rinnie. See you next time." Then he got in the cab and I was left standing alone at the bus stop. I decided to walk back to my apartment complex. 

I was almost to the entrance when I spotted someone petting Mr. Black. I guess he sensed my presence since he looked up and meowed. The stranger looked up too. I couldn't help but stare because she was so pretty.

"Uh, hello," I greeted shyly.

"Hi," replied the pretty stranger. "Is this your cat? You should put a collar on him so someone doesn't take him."

"Ah, he's just a stray that likes to hang around here. I named him Mr. Black," I said as I walked closer to the meowing cat and pretty stranger.

"Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, I'm Park Chorong," she said happily as she held out her hand.

"I'm Kim Soorin," I said as I shook her hand. "Do you live here too?" I gestured to the building in front of us. Mr. Black jumped suddenly and ran away down the street, which caused both of us to get shocked. We laughed it off.

"Yeah, I moved in two weeks ago. Shall we go in together?"

"Of course," I answered quickly. "How do you like living here so far?" We both got in the elevator and pushed the button for the fifth floor. 

"Oh, you live on the same floor as me?" questioned Chorong.

I shook my head no. "I'm just going to get my things that I left at my friend's apartment. I actually live on the twelfth floor."

"Aw, I thought I'd have a new friend to hang out with besides my unnie." She pouted cutely. "Ah, how old are you Soorin-ssi?"

"I'm seventeen, but my birthday is next month."

"I'm your unnie then," she said as we both got off the elevator. "I'll just call you Soorin then."

"Okay, unnie." We waved bye, but we ended up going in the same direction. We even stopped in front of the same door. 

"You live here?" 

"Yeah, my sister let me rent one of the rooms," she said as she opened the door.

Jieun came to the door. "Rongie, are you finally off work? Oh, Soorin, didn't expect you to come back so early and with Chorong at that," said Jieun.

"We just met each other before coming up," I replied. "I didn't know you had a sister, unnie."

"It always seemed to slip my mind that's why I never told you. Let me bring your things for you," she said then she went and brought me back my backpack.

I was taking off her cardigan to give back but she told me to keep it. I bid farewell to the sisters and went back to the elevator to go up to the twelfth floor. 

I opened the door using Jinhwan's key, and I didn't expect for the lights to be off when I walked in. 

I took off my shoes and tried to flip on the switch but the light didn't turn on. I turned to lock the door and when I turned back around there was a white face staring back at me. 

I screamed so loud my throat hurt and I threw my shoes at the ghost. Then there was a light flashing in my eyes.

"Ouch. Noona? Did I scare you?" asked Donghyuk. He turned out to be the scary white face that was staring at me. 

"What do you think?" I retorted angrily. "Why are the lights off anyways?" I felt bad for getting angry, but I usually get angry whenever I get scared. 

"Sorry, but they cut off our power for the time being. Something about maintenence," he said. "I thought you were gonna be home later. It's only 8 o'clock."

"My plans got cancelled so I came home early," I answered calmly. "Where are the others?"

"They went out I guess. I don't know, I was sleeping then I heard someone come in."

"Right, well, um... I'll be in my room then," I said as I tried to walk towards the direction of my room. 

"Um, good night," said Donghyuk as he shined the flashlight in my direction.


Hello my lovely readers~

Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been busy getting ready for my 2nd semester in college ):

I was also having writer's block. So, sorry if this chapter isn't that good.

Thank you to topbomlover1 for the upvote! ♡

And thank you new subscribers!  ♡

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Going back to try and fix some typos of mine. Sorry I haven't updated in months. You guys must hate me :( I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 18: can u please update again...
i kinda really want to know what happen next after that performance and that kiss...(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: I am wondering when will you start updating again. Please update soon :')
Chapter 18: This was so random and funny lol. I love Troublemaker!!
Chapter 18: Wtf. It was so long after I've read this that I totally forgot the story and I had to read from the start again. Now I didn't expect this update. I think I need to search up trouble maker perf to get some idea.
Chapter 18: Excited to see what's next~
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 17: next chapter please
farishhaa #9
Chapter 17: Omg please continue ):
Chapter 16: Omigod they're so hilarious