The Last Performance


"Haejin, where are you sitting?" I was annoyed that she didn't wait for me, even though I told her I'd be kind of late because my ankle still hurt.

"What? Where are you? You were supposed to meet me twenty minutes ago you loser, so I already sat down," said Haejin loudly through the phone.

"I figured, but where exa-" I dropped my phone after bumping into someone. 

"Ah, sorry, are you ok?" asked the girl that bumped into me. "I can't really see cause it's so dark in here. Oh, it's just you."

"Huh?" I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her. Then I realized it was the girl from the relay. She walked off before I even had a chance to say anything. "How rude."

I huffed before squatting down and patting the ground around me to find my phone. I found it after a couple of seconds and just as I was about to pick it up someone stepped on my hand. I yelped in pain, then I grabbed my phone with my other hand. I could tell that the screen was cracked once I felt it in my hand.

"How am I supposed to find that girl now?"

I wandered down the aisles, trying to make out Haejin's face with the dim stage lights. Why don't they keep the lights on if it hasn't even started yet? I gave up since the concert was about to start and decided to just sit in the back where the empty seats were. 

I checked to see the damage done to my phone and noticed three long cracks starting from the top left corner. It wasn't so bad that I'd waste my money to get it fixed, but my poor phone was hard to look at. I've had it for over three years now! I stuffed my phone into my pocket and leaned back into my seat.

"How long until this stupid concert starts?" I asked out loud.

"Hm, I think a couple more minutes." I screamed in shock and almost jumped out of my seat. Pretty sure people were staring, but I couldn't really see anything.  

"What the heck? How long have you been there?" I didn't mean to ask so angrily, but getting scared randomly makes me mad.

"I've been sitting here the whole time. I was wondering where you were. How could you leave me with that evil cleaning maniac?" asked Junhyuk dramatically. 

"Did you see where Haejin was sitting? It took me a while to get back here, so I couldn't meet her on time." 

"I think I saw her sitting in the front with Hanbin," he answered. Then he handed me a pamphlet. "Here's the list of performances. I think that guy is performing last."

"What guy?" I asked indifferently while trying to read the pamphlet in the dark. "Hey, let me use your phone so I can read this."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket before handing it over to me. "Don't be mad if it dies, it's on 10%."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The screen lit up and showed a cute picture of his brother on the screen. "Oh my gosh, he's so adorable," I squealed. "Did he come today?" The performance list was totally forgotten. 

"Nah, he's staying with our grandma today since I can't watch him," he answered nonchalantly while taking his phone back. "You gonna look at the list or wh-" 

He stopped talking once the bright lights started flashing and loud music started playing. I looked to the stage as a spotlight came on. The host came out to get everyone excited for the first performance.

Everyone started clapping and screaming as Bobby and Jinhwan walked onto the stage. Now I could see how popular they were. They did a cover of Geeks' Officially Missing You. I didn't know they were so talented. Well, I didn't know much about them anyways.

The next senior onto the stage was doing a medley of the current hottest songs, so I decided to go to the bathroom. Junhyuk pulled my arm as I got up. 

"Where are you going?"

"Gotta pee," I blurted out. He let go of my arm quickly which made me laugh. "I'll try to be quick."

Right when I pushed the door open, I heard someone yelp in pain. I tried as quickly as I could to help the person up. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked in a panic. 

"I'm fine. Fine," answered the girl. "Oh, you're B.I's girl! Soorin, right?" I finally noticed that it was Dayoung.

I blushed once I realized what she said. "We're just friends. Why are you here Dayoung-unnie?"

She tucked her hair behind her ear before answering. "Yunhyeong invited me and Yunsung to come."

"Ah," I nodded my head in understanding. "I hope you've enjoyed the concert so far. I gotta go."

"Yeah. Oh, and thanks for helping me up," she said cheerfully.

"No problem," I answered back with a smile. "See you around, I guess."


"What took you so long? You missed three songs and some guy falling off the stage," said Junhyuk. Are you kidding me? I always miss the dramatic stuff. 

"I got lost in the bathroom," I replied sarcastically. "Anyways, is he gonna be okay? The guy that fell."

"They said he was fine. It wasn't a 'he broke his legs' kind of fall, more like a bruised kind of fall. You know what I mean?"

"I kind of get it, weirdly enough. Who's the next performer?" I asked while trying to look for the pamphlet I had earlier. 

"Your friend's performance is next. I think it's the last one, too," he replied. Right after he said that, the lights started flashing and two people walked out onto the stage. 

The familiar whistle of Troublemaker started playing and everyone started going crazy. The lights finally calmed down and focused on the two people on stage. I realized that it was Yunhyeong and his race partner on the stage. 

"What in the world?"

I guess I said that out loud since Junhyuk had the nerve to ask if I was jealous. I slapped his arm before turning back to the performance. What surprised me was that Yunhyeong could actually sing and dance.

What surprised me, and probably the whole crowd, the most was when she pulled him in for a kiss at the end.


Sorry I've been neglecting this story for

the past year guys, but here it finally is...

An update! Woo!!!! I'll try to update more now ^^

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Going back to try and fix some typos of mine. Sorry I haven't updated in months. You guys must hate me :( I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 18: can u please update again...
i kinda really want to know what happen next after that performance and that kiss...(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: I am wondering when will you start updating again. Please update soon :')
Chapter 18: This was so random and funny lol. I love Troublemaker!!
Chapter 18: Wtf. It was so long after I've read this that I totally forgot the story and I had to read from the start again. Now I didn't expect this update. I think I need to search up trouble maker perf to get some idea.
Chapter 18: Excited to see what's next~
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 17: next chapter please
farishhaa #9
Chapter 17: Omg please continue ):
Chapter 16: Omigod they're so hilarious