The Beginning Race


I ran as fast as I could, but I didn't get very far. I should probably work out more. I looked back to see if he caught up to me yet. Of course, why would he run after me? He's mad at me.

I was just about to cross the busy street when...

"Soorin, watch out!" yelled Yunhyeong before pulling me into his arms. "You could've gotten youself hurt or killed. What were you thinking?"

"Why do you care? I don't like you," I replied before pushing him away. 

"It doesn't mean I don't li- Hey, wake up."

"Huh?" Instead of hearing Yunhyeong's voice, all I could hear was Freeze by Beast. Then I could hear someone telling me to turn off my alarm. 

That's when I realized that I had been dreaming. I barely had my eyes opened but I managed to turn the alarm on my phone off. I wiped some drool off of my face before getting up.

I sat in bed staring at the wall until it finally hit me that I had a dream with Yunhyeong in it. I slapped my face a couple of times and started pacing around.

"Is it because I haven't said sorry yet? Oh my gosh. Why would this even happen? What was fake Yunhyeong going to say anyways? I li- what? Ah, I must be crazy," I muttered to myself.

There was a knock on the door before Donghyuk stuck his head in and announced that breakfast was ready. I'll just skip breakfast again today, they won't notice. 

I quietly got ready and was just about to sneak off but got caught by Hanbin. "Jinhwan-hyung! She's trying to skip breakfast again!" shouted Hanbin with his arms crossed.

I was just about ready to choke him to death when Yunhyeong came over with some bread.

"You should eat something," he said as he handed me the bread. 

"Th- thank you." Yunhyeong walked back while Hanbin just stood there watching me. 

"Wow, you're unbelievable. Have you even said sorry yet?" he asked while he leaned his shoulder on the wall. 

"I've been meaning to, but I don't know why I chicken out every time. Do you think he hates me now?"

"I don't think it's gone that far yet. Anyways, you should apologize soon. See ya at the school festival," he said as he patted my shoulder. Crap, I totally forgot. 


"Soorin, you're our representative for the games along with Oh Sanghyun," said Hayoung as she pushed me towards him. 

"Why me?" I grumbled. "You guys are twins, you should do it together."

"I would go but they really need me here. Plus, you already agreed to it."

"Why do I have to work with the clutz? She'll make us lose," complained Sanghyun.

"Oh, like you're any better Mr. I-got-rejected-from-the-soccer-team-twice," I retorted with my hands on my hips. 

"Aw, such great teamwork. Now go," said Hayoung after pushing us both out. 

We walked over to the soccer field in silence. Just before we were gonna step onto the field, Sanghyun stopped me.

"You better not slow me down, or else." He tried to threaten me. How dare this tall, wimpy noodle try to threaten me?

"But if I run too fast, how are you gonna keep up? Let's face it, we all know why you never made the team," I said before walking off.

I went to the sign-in tables and got our arm bands with our team number on them.

"I didn't think I'd see you here, Kim Soorin-ssi." I turned to see who was talking to me. 

I scratched my head in confusion. "Um, who are you?"

"Huh? Did I say that out loud? Pretend you didn't hear that," said the girl as she flailed her arms around. 

I shook my head and made my way over back to Sanghyun who was trying to flirt with some underclassmen. I decided to mess with him since the race hasn't started yet and I was bored. 

"Sanghyun-ah~" I cooed as I went over to him and held onto his arm. "Who are these girls? I thought you said I was the only one for you?" I pretended to tear up until those girls walked away glaring at Sanghyun. 

He stared at me in shock, then he started glaring at me. "Kim Soorin, you're asking for death."

"What? Sorry, can't hear you that good. You're kinda mumbling there, sir," I said sarcastically. 

"I'm not doing the race," said Sanghyun as he plopped down onto the ground. "I'm tired already from being around someone so childish. Do the race without me."

I sat cross-legged down next to him. "Great, I didn't want to do this race in the first place. Let's just say we lost cause you tripped over my foot."

I could tell Sanghyun was about to say something but then he looked back because of all the noise. 

"Yun, how about we go wait over there." "Oppa, I brought you some water." "Do you want some watermelon?" "Here's a towel, oppa."

"Wow, that guy is something," said Sanghyun. "I don't know what girls see in him. I'm taller than that shrimp and better looking."

I turned to see who was the cause of all the commotion, only to see Yunhyeong staring straight at me. I looked away quickly and tried to cover my face with my ponytail. 

"Wow, I didn't think you were athletic enough for these types of things," said someone who was (thankfully) blocking me from the sun. I looked up with squinted eyes. 

"I'm athletic... just slightly lazy," I retorted once I realized it was just Hanbin. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I got volunteered as a tribute," he replied seriously. 

"You're not funny," I said. "But is, um, Yunhyeong doing the race too?" I asked as I looked back down.

"Uh, ask him yourself. He's coming over here now."

"Oh goodness, help me up," I demanded as I held my hands up. He pulled me up and I turned to see Yunhyeong coming towards us. "Ok, act natural."

"You're the only one acting weird," said Sanghyun as he stood up too. "What? You like him, too?"

"I do-"

"Hey guys, I didn't think you'd be a part of the race," said Yunhyeong. Who's that girl clinging onto him? She looks kinda familiar. 

"Ah, you're that weirdo from earlier at the sign-in tables!" I pointed at her while she looked at me as if I was the crazy one.

"What are you talking about? I don't know you," she said in a snobbish tone. "Come on, Yun, let's go wait over there."

"Okay," he said as he looked at her, then he turned to us. "Good luck on the race. You're gonna need it."

Sanghyun turned to me and grabbed my hands.

"Soorin, let's win this and show him who really needs luck," said Sanghyun. There seemed to be a fire in his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe then that girl will realize that I'm not the crazy one." Then we both started laughing maniacally. Hanbin just stood beside us with his arms crossed while shaking his head.

"What a psychotic pair."


Hello, hello my dear readers~

I meant to update yesterday, but my mother told me to run some errands that took unnecessarily long.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. Don't worry, this Sanghyun character is just minor.

Thank you for the upvote kyofuji! ♡

Here's a slightly longer chapter immaVIP_appler :)

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Thank you!
Going back to try and fix some typos of mine. Sorry I haven't updated in months. You guys must hate me :( I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 18: can u please update again...
i kinda really want to know what happen next after that performance and that kiss...(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: I am wondering when will you start updating again. Please update soon :')
Chapter 18: This was so random and funny lol. I love Troublemaker!!
Chapter 18: Wtf. It was so long after I've read this that I totally forgot the story and I had to read from the start again. Now I didn't expect this update. I think I need to search up trouble maker perf to get some idea.
Chapter 18: Excited to see what's next~
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 17: next chapter please
farishhaa #9
Chapter 17: Omg please continue ):
Chapter 16: Omigod they're so hilarious