The Other Girl


After telling Haejin mostly everything that happened, she just kept looking at me funny. If I told her to stop she would just do it again, so I didn't bother. Good thing I left out the part about Junhyuk being there, or else she would start teasing me even more. 

"So, what was this picture exactly," asked Haejin as she stopped walking with her bike.

I covered my face. "It was just a really embarrassing one," I groaned. Of course I couldn't tell her that it was a picture he took when I was sleeping. 

"How embarrassing, on a scale of one to ten."

"Ten million!" I exclaimed. "As embarrassing as that picture of you after a bird pooped on you at the beach!"

Haejin turned red and slapped my shoulder. "Don't talk so loud, we're still near the school!" She turned everywhere to see if anyone heard. Then she got close to my ear and started whispering. "Unless you want to me confirm that it really was you with Yunhyeong."

I backed away shocked. "You wouldn't dare," I stated as I pointed at her. 

"Try me. Kim. Soo. Rin." She inched closer with every syllable of my name, then she started laughing like a maniac. 

"You know, sometimes, I wonder if you're really my best friend or just some psycho trying to ruin my life."

"Oh, don't be silly. I'm obviously both," she said with a smile. We both bursted into laughter. It actually took us a couple of minutes to calm down. 

"But really," started Haejin before she got closer to my ear. "The bird poop incident is a no no." She wagged her finger in front of my face. 

"Whatever," I replied after slapping her hand away. "Can I come over today? I miss Mama Choi's cooking." 

"Sorry, Rinnie. Gina-unnie is taking us out to eat, apparently she has something 'really' important to tell us," said Haejin as she emphasized really. 

"Aw, well, maybe tomorrow then. Goodbye, my love," I said. I waved bye to Haejin dramatically as she crossed the street. I could tell she rolled her eyes, but she waved back happily. 

As soon as I turned around, I jumped back in shock. "You can't just stand behind me like that. Geez, I almost had a heart attack!"

"I was just waving bye to Haejin." 

"When did you get all friendly with her?" I asked suspiciously. I poked his shoulder for some emphasis. 

"Once I realized we have class together. And who was that with you guys at lunch today?"

"Oh, really? You guys have class together. Why didn't Haejin tell me?"

"Hey, what about my question?" asked B.I as he poked my shoulder. 

"He's just some guy in my class that transferred over from somewhere. Hmm, where's everybody else?" 

"They're probably home already. And before you ask, I had to do something after school but it got cancelled. It's not like I wanted to walk you home, you weirdo."

"I didn't want to know," I said with a blank face. B.I's cheeks started to get pink and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Geez, you're making me seem like I like you but you don't like me."

"Hey, you kinda brought it up first, you weirdo. Anyways, come on, let's go home," I said before walking away. 


Even before B.I and I made it into the apartment we could already hear the noise from outside the door. 

"What's with all the noise? Think about our neighbors!" shouted B.I while taking off his shoes.

An unfamiliar voice answered back. "B.I, is that you?"

We both looked at each other and then we noticed the pair of heels in the entrance. Oh crap, I should probably leave. Before I could put my shoes back on, B.I was already dragging me with him towards the living room. 

I grudgingly followed him and I met eyes with Yunhyeong once we made it to the living room. Surprisingly, he looked away first. 

"Oh, noona, what brings you here?" asked B.I who still had a grip of my wrist.

"I just wanted to see my favorite boys," said the pretty girl. "Who's your little friend back there?" She looked to me, then B.I, as she raised her eyebrows. 

"Oh, I'm just a fr-" I got cut off by B.I before I could finish.

"This is Soorin. Kim Soorin. We're friends." Then he let go of my wrist. "Good friends."

"Mhm... well, I guess I should introduce myself now. Hi, Soorin. I'm Lee Dayoung. You can just call me unnie," said Dayoung as she shook my hand. I looked at her in confusion. Now I knew her name, but I still didn't know why she was here. 

"I guess you're wondering how I know them, huh?" Whoa, it's like she can read my mind. 

"Just a little," I replied, embarrassed that she could tell. 

She pulled Yunhyeong towards her. "I came to see my boyfriend, Yunhyeong." My jaw literally dropped to the floor when she mentioned that Yunhyeong was her boyfriend. I noticed that Yunhyeong looked shocked too. Dayoung laughed politely with her hand covering . 

"I shocked you didn't I?" asked Dayoung with a smile. She pinched Yunhyeong's cheeks. I closed my mouth. This guy is really too much. 

"I was just kidding," said Dayoung. "My boyfriend is actually this kid's cousin."

"Chanwoo?!" I asked incredulously. I was even more shocked. How old is Dayoung anyways? 

"Oh, gross, no! That kid is way too young," replied Dayoung as she scrunched her nose. Then she sat back down on the couch. "Anyways, come sit. Tell me how you met the boys."

B.I was about to sit down, but I pulled the back of his shirt to make him stand. "Actually, Hanbin and I have to go to the library. I just remembered that we have a research project to work on."

"What are you tal-" I stomped on his foot to stop him from talking then I pushed him towards the entrance. 

"Sorry, I hope we can talk again next time."

"No problem," replied Dayoung. "Have fun on your date~"

"We're just doing research." I could feel my face heating up. Ah, B.I should've just let me leave before so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.


Hello dear readers~

My spring break is coming up which means more updates!


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Going back to try and fix some typos of mine. Sorry I haven't updated in months. You guys must hate me :( I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 18: can u please update again...
i kinda really want to know what happen next after that performance and that kiss...(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: I am wondering when will you start updating again. Please update soon :')
Chapter 18: This was so random and funny lol. I love Troublemaker!!
Chapter 18: Wtf. It was so long after I've read this that I totally forgot the story and I had to read from the start again. Now I didn't expect this update. I think I need to search up trouble maker perf to get some idea.
Chapter 18: Excited to see what's next~
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 17: next chapter please
farishhaa #9
Chapter 17: Omg please continue ):
Chapter 16: Omigod they're so hilarious