The Date Pt. 2


I hit all the baseballs that were hurled towards me by the machine. "Wow, Soorin, you're really good," said Yunhyeong as he gave me two thumbs up. "I only managed to hit ten."

"Well, maybe if you weren't looking at me you could've done better," I said jokingly. 

"Oh, Soorin, is that you?" I turned to see who was asking. It was Chorong and she was holding hands with a boy. 

I walked out since I was done and went to greet her. "I never thought I'd meet you here unnie."

"Yeah, Woohyun and I made a bet to see who could hit more," she said while pointing to the boy beside her. "And I see you're here with your boyfriend too." She nodded her head behind me to where Yunhyeong was standing. 

I shook my hands and gestured to the both of us. "No, no, we're just friends."

"Friends don't just match their outfits," said Woohyun. With nothing left to say, I just bid them goodbye and went out. Yunhyeong followed close behind. 

"Your friends are so nice," he said happily. "Where to next? Do you want to hold my hand again?" He waved his hand in front of my face. I slapped it away and started walking down the street.

I turned back to look at Yunhyeong since I couldn't hear him following me. "Well, aren't you hungry?" I asked loudly. 

"Coming," he said as he walked quickly towards me. 


"You know... When you asked if I was hungry, I was thinking we'd eat at a restaurant or something, not some cup ramen at a convenience store," complained Yunhyeong. 

"I asked you what you wanted to eat, you said ramen. And guess what we're eating now? Ramen," I argued back. "Besides, you were the one that asked me on a date so you should've picked where you wanted to eat." 

"But I wanted you to pick."

"Whatever, now are you gonna finish those noodles or not? I didn't pay for them to just sit and overcook."

"Ok, ok. I'm eating," he said. Then he took a big mouthful of noodles and slurped it up. I just watched how fast he was eating since I was already done. 

"Slow down, you might get indigestion." He stopped eating and looked at me. 

"Is Soorinnie worrying about me?"

"What? No. Just finish eating," I said as I made him shove his chopsticks into his mouth. I sat back and crossed my arms, then looked around. 

"I'm bored," I said after just a minute of looking around. "Are you done eating yet?"

"Awmose," he said with a mouth full of noodles. 

"Gross, don't talk with your mouth full." He finished chewing then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 

"Sorry, its a bad habit of mine. But I'm done now, where'd you want to go next?"

"Home," I replied plainly. 

Yunhyeong shook his head and crossed his arms. "You agreed to a date, so we're gonna spend the whole day together." Then he got up and pulled me up too.

"Let's go to the amusement park," he said excitedly. "I haven't been in a while." 

I had to choice but to follow along with him. Soon, I was going to regret it. 


"Oppa~" cooed the three girls that were crowded around Yunhyeong. "How'd you know we were going to be here today?" 

They were all trying to get as close as possible to him. Geez and I thought he was annoying, these girls were ten times worse. 

"I actually came here with Soorin," he said as he looked back at me. We were in line for a roller coaster and I was actually five people behind them, but they talked loud enough where I could still hear them clearly. I glared back at him and looked away.

"Who's that? Where is she?" they asked at the same time.

"She's right be-"

"Next! Come on people, keep the line moving!"

"Oh, oppa, you can sit with us. It's four people in a row."

I didn't look to see if he went with them or not, but he probably did because I sat in a row with a couple and a boy that looked really scared.

After the ride was over, I wandered off by myself and went to look at the games they had. Why don't they have any games I'm good at?

Just as I was about to walk away from one of the game booths, someone crashed into me and made me fall over. "Watch where you're going next time!" I yelled after them. Geez, didn't even bother to help me back up. I got up, dusted myself off, and checked to see if I got hurt anywhere.

I crossed my arms and walked around the amusement park angrily until I found a bench to sit on. "That jerk, he tells me we're spending the whole day together and then ditches me for other girls," I mumbled to myself. "Wait, why should I even care? I'm finally free from that weirdo."

"You know, talking to yourself is kinda weird too," said a boy that came out of nowhere.

"Who the heck are you? Go away, stranger. I sat here first," I said as I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"I didn't think you'd be so rude, Soorin-ssi. And to think I found your wallet for you," he said as he held up my black wallet.

I snatched it away from him and looked inside to see if everything was still there. "Ouch, I'm hurt. Did you think I would've stolen from you?"

"Um, thanks for finding my wallet," I replied sheepishly. Then I put it back in my purse and stood up.

"I want something in return," said the boy with a smirk. 

"Uh, I'll buy you ice cream?"

"How about something sweeter?" he asked as he inched closer. I scratched my head and tried to think of something sweeter than ice cream.

"Cake? Chocolate cake?"

I was still thinking, when the stranger pulled my face closer to his. "How about a kiss?"

"Nope. Hands off, buddy. She's mine," said Yunhyeong as he grabbed the boy's wrist. 

The boy looked like he was shocked to see Yunhyeong, but then he composed himself. "I didn't know you were taken, Soorin-ssi. And by him no less."

"We- we're not together," I said to the stranger,  then I turned to Yunhyeong. "What happened to your other girls?"

"Hm... I think it's time for me to leave. See you soon, Soorin-ssi."

After the boy whose name I don't know left, Yunhyeong turned towards me. "Care to explain what that was?" he asked with a raised eye brow and crossed arms.

"What's there to explain? You're not the boss of me," I replied as I crossed my arms and turned around. "Besides, don't you have other girls to entertain?"

He walked in front of me with a grin in his face. "Do I sense jealousy coming from THE Kim Soorin?"

I scoffed and turned the other way. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't get jealous, just annoyed. Now let's go home, I'm tired."

"Okay, whatever you say sweetie," he said as he threw his arm around me. I shrugged his arm off and walked towards the exit.

"Don't walk so close me. I don't like people breathing down my neck," I said after turning to look at Yunhyeong who was walking close behind me.

"Let's hold hands then," he suggested as he happily held out his hand. "Or I could just show everyone this really cute picture of you." Then he held up his phone with his other hand. 

"Ugh, fine. This better be the last time," I grumbled as I took his hand and we walked out of the amusement park hand in hand. 


Hello everyone ^^

Thank you for the upvote AidaYayang~

& thank you new and old subscribers ♡♡♡

Sorry I haven't been updating as fast as I usually do, I just started my 2nd semester not too long ago and I'm just ready to pull my hair out with how stressful it already is. I will still try to update as fast as I can, don't worry :)

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Going back to try and fix some typos of mine. Sorry I haven't updated in months. You guys must hate me :( I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 18: can u please update again...
i kinda really want to know what happen next after that performance and that kiss...(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: authornim when will you update yunhyeong storyyyyy ....i want to read again :'(
Chapter 18: I am wondering when will you start updating again. Please update soon :')
Chapter 18: This was so random and funny lol. I love Troublemaker!!
Chapter 18: Wtf. It was so long after I've read this that I totally forgot the story and I had to read from the start again. Now I didn't expect this update. I think I need to search up trouble maker perf to get some idea.
Chapter 18: Excited to see what's next~
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 17: next chapter please
farishhaa #9
Chapter 17: Omg please continue ):
Chapter 16: Omigod they're so hilarious