Author's note


So. I'm back at school now. I don't have time to update a lot so I'll update when I can but don't expect anything too often :3



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yogurt3200 #1
Chapter 13: fighting with your school! XD take your time. no need to rush. do want to need to do first my dear :)
Chapter 13: Aw well Ill be waiting ^^ take your time though :) good luck!
Chapter 12: nice story :-) though I would like it if something angsty happened to getting hurt, so that n can show his concerns :-)
Chapter 12: I really like this story ^^
YnVox98 #5
Chapter 12: "wonshiK" is sooooooo much better author-nim, i just though you were joking when you write "won" until it appear too much... and i like more neo moments please... i will wait for you no matter what, and hope you have a great time with your friend author-nim :*)~~~~~~
yogurt3200 #6
Chapter 11: I still amused by the Won name LOLLLL he's gonna be won forever LOL
this chapter confused me even more or I read it after I got up and still sleepy? LOL i dunno...
but it's nice to have some little Neo scene. N's getting along well with the others ^^

ps. It's my honour to be in your story but I have no idea which character I'd become. XD
Chapter 11: I wonder if N and Leo would like to cook together since both of them seem to cook well.
yogurt3200 #8
Chapter 8: Wow fast update!!!
sooo N was officially in Vixx team and soon-to-be Leo's partner LOL this is interesting LOL
won and hongbin relationship is really cuteeee
the way bean hugged wonshik and talked awwwww cute.
can't wait for Neo relationship improvement XD I like it when they sited silently but comfortable. it's a good sign anyway.
also, waiting for action scene! yayyy
Chapter 7: Like the teams included in this story:3