What Does He Actually Mean To Me?

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person

P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun


When Joon and I were on our way back home from the grocery shopping, it was already pretty dark and breezy outside. Joon insisted to carry all the bags, so I was just walking beside him my hands in my pockets.

 ‘It has been a while since we have spent time together don’t you think so?’ He broke the silence. ‘Yeah you seemed very busy with Eunji.’ I mumbled.

He stopped his track and raised one eyebrow. ‘Who is Eunji?’ He asked sincerely confused.

‘Isn’t she your girlfriend?- I mean the tall girl with those long straight hairs, extremely high-pitched voice and most probably D-cup s.’ I added. ‘Oh you are talking about her.’ He seemed to remember.

‘Wait why do you know her cup size?’ He chuckled. I rolled my eyes ‘Oh please every day she was walking around with her s hanging out.’ I responded back which make him laugh. ‘You are right Ji Hyun-ah well I broke up with her.’ He shrugged.

 I didn’t know whether I should feel happy about him breaking up with this annoying girl or sad because he didn’t seem to take love very serious. ‘Why did you get over her so fast?’ I then asked.  

‘I don’t know at first when I see those girls I feel a sparkle and the need to make them my girlfriend but after being in relationship with them they turn out to be completely different as I have expected. Eunji was too clingy and annoying.’ He explained.

‘And you didn’t see that  she was annoying in the first place? It was quite obvious, you must have been blind to not seeing that’ I .

Joon pouted and lightly bumped his shoulder against mine. ‘Yah, stop making me feel so stupid.’ I laughed about his childish acting, sometimes I really wished I’ve never felt in love with him, that way I could sincerely comfort him with his girlfriend problems without feeling this pain inside my heart.

When we were nearly reaching my house, I asked him if he wanted to go inside, but he denied with a smile saying that he has to do chores. When I finally found my keys I took the bags from him ‘Thanks again for walking me home, Joon Oppa.’

When I wanted to enter the house, he held me back. I looked at him confused but he just stayed silent. Before I could asked him if he wanted to tell me anything he moved his face closer making my heart racing.

‘Have a nice evening Ji Hyun-ah.’ He whispered after having kissed me on the forehead. I blinked still dumbfounded about his action when he walked away.

I was still speechless and my thoughts were going crazy, remembering the forehead kiss. It was the first time that he has kissed me, okay it was just a forehead kiss but still he managed to thrill me. I couldn’t wait to tell Krystal about it, so I quickly write something down for English and then wrote a message to her.


To: Krystal


           You know what? Joon has just kissed me !! ^o^ :D <3 ~~


Just a few seconds later my phone vibrated signaling a new message.


From: Krystal


          What the hell o_O? Tell me every single detail? What on earth has happen, wasn’t he dating this Eunji ?~~



To: Krystal


           Well it was ‘just’ a forehead kiss and no he has broken up with her *high-five* :P  ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~


I sent this message and just finished my Ramyun.



From: Krystal


          Hmm…I see you are happy, but please don’t get your hopes up too high, okay? I don’t want you to end up being hurt :/. After all, Joon plays with many girls’ hearts.



I sighed re-reading Krystal’s message the 100th time. I know that he is a big player, but why do I keep falling for him? .

When I rolled over my bed my eyes met the stuffed animal that Jinyoung has bought me. Immediately flash-backs from today popped into my head.

‘And why do I think about you now?’ I mumbled and buried my head in my pillow.




When I entered the classroom Krystal came to me ‘Mianhe Ji Hyun-ah I didn’t mean to anger you, you didn’t reply to my message.’ She apologized. ‘I know you were just worried about me. I understand, I shouldn’t make a fuss about something that meaningless.’ I sighed.

She sat in front of me and responded ‘Well you never know right maybe he will change.’ She tried to sound convincing. I rolled my eyes ‘You can just say your opinion I won’t get mad.’ ‘Sorry but I just don’t like him.’ She stated the obvious.

I was looking out of the window, when I heard a chair move beside me. ‘Hi.’ Jinyoung greeted me briefly and just plugged his earphones in. Why is he acting so weird? I thought but didn’t dare to ask him.

At lunch time Gongchan asked me to join B1A4 at their table. I couldn’t help but notice that Jinyoung wasn’t there with them. The boys were asking me many questions about my hobbies, my likes and dislikes. It somehow sounded like an interrogation. ‘What’s your ideal type?’ Baro suddenly asked out of the blue.

‘Euh someone sweet, caring, gifted in music I guess just every girl’s type.’ I laughed. ‘So the complete opposite of a player?’ Gongchan pointed out. ‘Yeah you could say that.’ I mumbled looking down at my plat. Was he referring to Joon?

 ‘But why do some girls like bad boys?’ CNU asked me. ‘I am not sure…but I guess it is part of the whole dream that this guy will somehow fall in love with the girl and throw away his lifestyle to settle down.’ I explained my feelings.

‘So should I change and become a bad boy to get more attractive?’ Baro tapped his chin. I laughed about his question ‘You are already quite popular, stay yourself.’ ‘Oh no, you shouldn’t have said that now he becomes all cocky thinking that he is the best.’ Gongchan warned me, making everyone on this table laugh except Baro




A week has passed and I got closer to B1A4 except for Jinyoung. He always greeted me very briefly but barely talked with me. I remembered our first days and I was asking myself why he became a completely different person.

As for Joon, he continued acting normal around me, we sometimes would talk but I still saw him flirting with some random girls I guess this forehead kiss didn’t mean anything to him. I thought when I saw him with a new girl.

Since I was lost in my thoughts I didn’t pay attention to my surrounding so I suddenly bumped into someone. When I wanted to apologize I noticed that it was Jinyoung. ‘I am so sorry.’ I said quickly, ‘Never mind.’ He just shrugged and left me at my spot.

I didn’t know why the fact that Jinyoung was ignoring me made me even sadder than the fact that Joon was flirting with some girls. What does he actually mean to me?  I asked myself and looked at Jinyoung’s back.




It was again one of those nights when I couldn’t sleep. ‘When I wouldn’t have you as a proof I would have thought that he had never been nice to me.’ I said to the stuffed bear. Weird, you are just weird Ji hyun. I scolded myself for talking with a stuffed animal. I dialed Gongchan’s number and when I waited him to pick up I almost wanted to hang up since I felt so uncomfortable.

‘Yoboseyo.’ A sleepy voice asked me from the other side. ‘Euh sorry here’s Ji Hyun, did I wake you up. I can hang up if you want.’ I quickly said. ‘Ah no, we can talk.’ He responded still sleep drunken. Aish how should I start it? ‘Euh yeah about that, I actually wanted to ask you something about…Jinyoung.’ I mumbled the last word. ‘I didn’t get the last part.’

‘I wanted to talk about Jinyoung.’ I blurted out. Suddenly he sounded somehow really excited when he ask ‘About Jinyoung? Sure, what do you want to know about Hyung?’ He beamed. ‘Well.. .’ I scratched my head. ‘Is he by any chance mad at me?’

‘What makes you think so?’ He asked. ‘I don’t know, he is ignoring me lately, acting so different than before, but maybe he never really cared about me.’ I faked a laugh. ‘Aniyo I think he likes you.’ He said giving me some hope.

‘Jjin-jja? But why is he acting like that?’ I responded. ‘He usually acts like this when he is mad at someone he cares. Believe me he already gave us many times the cold shoulder and if he doesn’t care about you he wouldn’t even get mad.’ Gongchan explained.

‘So should I apologize to him in order to make him talk to me again?’ I asked for advice.  ‘I guess, if you really care about him.’ ‘Oh okay, thanks for the talk I hope I didn’t bother you.’ ‘Don’t worry about that Noona, you can talk about everything you want with me, so sleep well.’

I moved to the desk, the lamp to write an apology letter Dear Jinyoung, I am sorry to make you angry. I hope we can be friends again like I scratched the whole line out and crumpled the piece of paper throwing it away in the trash. Aish I don’t even know the reason why he is mad at me.


P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


I was staring at the ceiling thinking about her again. Was it right to listen to Yunmi, wasn’t my acting totally childish? I sighed ‘More than week has already passed, she will never apologize.’ Suddenly my phone rang.

‘OMG OMG OMG.’ I heard Gongchan repeating. ‘What do you want?’ I asked him confused. ‘Oh you have already picked up that quickly?’ He responded surprised. ‘I was still awake.’ I explained. ‘Still thinking about Ji Hyun Noona?’ He sniggered. ‘Anyway the problem for your sleepless nights will soonly be resolved.’ He sung. ‘Ji Hyun Noona just called me to ask about you.’

‘Bwoh?’ I sat up from my bed. Suddenly I felt as if I huge weight was taken away from me.

‘She asked me if you were mad about her because she noticed that you have ignored her the whole time. She even thought that you didn't care about you, but fortunately I could convince her that you care about her, so anyway at the end I guess she decided to apologize to her, Yunmi Noona’s plan totally worked out.’ Gongchan said totally hyper.

Suddenly my phone vibrated signaling that I have received a new message. ‘Gongchan I just received a new message, hold on a second.’



From: Ji Hyun


          Jeongmal mianhe. Please don’t stay mad at me ok? >_<


‘OMG she really apologized.’ I grinned probably looking like a complete idiot, but I just didn’t care. ‘What should I do now?’ I asked the Maknae.

‘Euh I don’t know, ask Yunmi, wait don’t ask her at such a time, call her tomorrow.' 'And what about Ji Hyun?' I asked. 'Just pretend that you haven’t checked your messages yet.’ 'Okay seems logical' I agreed.

'Anyway Hyung I am really tired now, seriously you have to love me since I do so much for helping you out with your love life.' He yawned. 'Arasso, arasso, you want a big Christmas present right?' I laughed. 'Hyung you know me the best. I want a bigger one than Baro's okay?' He said 'Okay, now sleep well.' I responded and then he hung up. 

I re-read Ji Hyun's message to make sure that I wasn't imagining things. How can such a short message brighten up someone's mood? I asked myself before drifting into sleep.




Author's Note : Hey, so I hope you guys have enjoyed the chapter. Sorry that it turned out so boring , but I didn't have inspiration and all T.T Currently I am struggling a lot with the story plot, I don't know what to do ._. ?! Anyways again thanks to my lovely subscribers & those who have commented <3 ~~ comment & subscribe if you like the story ok ? :p


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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)