Jealousy Might Hurt Someone

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person


 P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun


’25: 10 for Team A!’ The P.E teacher finished the match. ‘Yeah!’ I high-fived Jinyoung for our third consecutive win.

‘Tzz…if it wasn’t for Ji Hyun, you would have totally lost. What a loser.’ Joon scoffed from the sideline and walked away. Why is he behaving so rude towards him? I questioned Joon’s bad behavior.

I looked worried at Jinyoung who just glared at Joon’s back. Wow seems like the two of them don’t get along with each other. ‘Hey don’t listen to him, you were great.’ I complimented Jinyoung. ‘No you were great, I am not really good at sports.’ He just shrugged.

‘Hmm…that’s probably the reason why you look so skinny, you don’t have muscles at all.’ I and pointed at his skinny arms. ‘Yah I am strong enough to lift you, I guess that’s already enough, or do you like muscular guys?’ Jinyoung raised one eyebrow.

‘I don’t know, I want someone who can protect me, but a hulk is not that good either.’ I scratched my chin.

‘Wouldn’t that be Joon that you were describing?’ Jinyoung frowned.

I laughed about his expression. ‘Yeah I guess. Are you jealous?’ I asked teasingly.

‘No!’ He denied and I could see him slightly blushing. Seeing him embarrassed is actually cute, now I understand why he likes to tease.

‘J-O-O-N, Joon Oppa hwaiting!~~’ I heard several girls cheering from the stands. Weird that they just told the teacher that they didn’t feel so well to play volleyball, but are able to scream their head off for him I shocked my head in disbelief.   

‘You don’t want to join them.’ Jinyoung chuckled next to me, we were both sitting resting from the matches. ‘No, I am not that crazy.’ I stated.

‘But don’t you like him?’ He asked me.

‘Hmm…but I wouldn’t show my affection to him in that way. I always hope that he will notice me even though I don’t swoon all over him in public.’ I sighed. ‘Guess it’s not working.’ I mumbled the last part and looked at my hands.

I expected Jinyoung to make fun of me, but he just stayed silent watching Joon playing. I wonder if he thinks I am stupid for trying so hard for someone who only consider me as a best friend.




‘Now we will have the final battle, since we are running out of time we will just play one match instead of three, arasso?’ Joon, Hyuna, Jinyoung and I just nodded.

‘Good luck.’ I smiled and took the volleyball, because the coin just gave us the right to serve first. I noticed that Joon and Jinyoung were having a little starring contest. Damn do guys have to make every match so dramatic? I thought and rolled my eyes.

‘Ready, go!’ The teacher blew the whistle giving me the start signal. I knew that Joon was super strong in any kind of sports so I aimed for Hyuna who was just like any other of this girl who were ‘sick’. I guess if it wasn’t for the fact that she was paired with Joon, she would have again told the teacher that she had cramps.

The match was actually quite level until the end, because Joon soonly saw that he had to play all alone. I could tell that he aimed a lot more for Jinyoung than for me.

‘Ji Hyun and Jinyoung make a quite good couple.’ I heard one of our classmates saying.

Just then Jinyoung got hit hardly by the volleyball on his head.

‘OMO gwenchana?’ I ran to Jinyoung, then I turned my eyes to Joon who was responsible for that ‘Oh sorry wasn’t my attention.’ He smirked.  

‘I guess I am fine.’ Jinyoung said, still holding his head, but his eyes were piercing, obviously indicating that he didn’t think that that was an accident.

‘Ji Hyun go with Jinyoung to the school nurse, he needs an ice pack, so his head won’t get swollen.’ The teacher advised us. ‘Arasso.’ I nodded.


When we were far away from the curious crowd I looked at Jinyoung and asked him again if he was okay. ‘Yes don’t worry.’ He assured me the second time.

‘Oh so now that it doesn’t hurt anymore can I tell you that you really looked funny when you were hit?’ I forced myself to hold in my laughter, remembering the incident.

‘Bwoh you are so mean! It still hurts you know.’ He became upset.  

‘Bwoh I am stating the truth look you were actually making a 90 degree bow when the ball came from above. Just like that.’ I tried to imitate the accident.

‘Yah it’s still not funny.’ Jinyoung nudge me, but I saw him trying to hide his smile.

‘You are such a bad liar, you thought the same right? Just say that it’s funny’ I laughed at him.

‘No I was just laughing about your cuteness.’ Jinyoung said making me blushing.


When we arrived at the school nurse’s office she wasn’t there. I already looked all around the room, but I guess she was having her lunch earlier.

‘Then I guess we have to go back.’ Jinyoung said and wanted to leave.

‘Ani.’ I hold him back. ‘What about your bruise?’ I said. ‘It’s not that painful anymore.’ He shrugged.

‘Really?’ I poked the spot where he was hit with one finger, when he let out a small scream. ‘I thought so.’ I shocked my head laughing.

After some minutes of searching we finally found some icepacks. Jinyoung immediately took a icepack out of the freezer and wanted to placed it at his head.

‘Are you crazy?’ I yelled at him and took the icepack away from him. ‘You shouldn’t place it immediately at you head. Have you never used one before?’

‘Bwoh? I saw many people just placing it on the head.’ He said sincerely confused.

‘You have to wrap it with a small towel if not you will get frostbite.’ I explained him, while doing so, and then I placed the icepack on his head.

Just then I realized how near our face were. Why can’t I look away from him? I thought, my heart was beating a lot faster when I stared directly in his eyes.

‘Hey what are you two doing here?’ We were suddenly interrupted by the school nurse. I moved immediately away from him probably blushing like hell.

‘We were just searching for an icepack. I had an accident during P.E. classes.’ Jinyoung spoke up for us.  


P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


I was thinking back to the moment when Ji Hyun and my face were just inches away. It was like I was under her spell, I couldn’t move away from her I remembered how I was mesmerized by her eyes.

‘Hey I heard about you accident.’ Baro snapped me out of my thoughts, when he sat down at the table with his food. ‘Apparently you were like this.’ He hit his head with his hand that was turned to a fist then he made a 90 degree bow.

‘Talking about Jinyoung’s accident?’ CNU asked taking his seat next to me. ‘Of course.’ Baro laughed.

‘Can you guys stop making fun of me?’ I rolled my eyes, when Baro was imitating my ’90 degree bow’ every time when someone joined us at lunch. I didn’t even know how they actually knew about that incident, but apparently they had all their secret ’sources’.

Probably just their fan girls, jjin-jja the guys really took advantages of them. I remembered how they always acting cute, charming or just totally different from their usual selves that they showed to me, to get some stuffs from them.

‘Okay enough of making fun of him because of this accident today, let’s rather be more mature and talk about what has happened between Jinyoung and his girl.’ CNU interrupted the younger boys who argued about who could imitated the accident the best.

‘Right there will be probably a lot more moments to make fun of him.’ Baro chuckled and claimed himself as the winner of the stupid contest.

‘You know Christmas is coming soon and I already promised Gongchan that he will get a bigger present than you, but it won’t be hard to find something bigger, because if you keep acting like that you will get nothing.’ I threatened him and pointed with a fork at him.

‘Bwoh..ani…ani…hyung you can’t be serious. I am stopping okay?’ He raised his hands in defense. ‘Nice move.’ CNU whispered next to me.

'So well tell us how far Ji Hyun Noona was going to make you forgive her?' Gongchan asked excited.

'Oh my god, she's so cute, hardly surprising that she's popular.' Baro said, when I finished telling them about Ji Hyun’s little performance and my promise to sing for her one day.

'Not that I want her or something. She obviously suits you Hyung.' He added quickly when I shot him a glare.

‘Hyung turned into a jealous person.’ Gongchan teased.

‘Come on Maknae we are not here to state the obvious, we are here to analyze and by hearing your story I can say that your chances to make her yours are slowly increasing to 20 %.' Sandeul laughed.

'But shouldn't you deduct some points because he made a fool of himself, when he got hit by a volleyball?' CNU snickered. 'Hey don't even try to threat me, I am not that greedy for presents like this one here.' CNU said and pointed to Baro, who was biding in his sandwich.

Why do I always have the feeling that at each B1A4 emergency session they keep make fun of me?

'I don't think that we should deduct some points, because this incident made everyone’s mood brighten up right?' Gongchan asked innocently. 'Everyone's except mine, I still have a headache, Joon was definitely doing that on purpose!' I complained.

‚Yes I guess he was jealous of you. You see jealousy is not a good thing, but then again isn’t that actually cool, it would be the great battle between you two?’ CNU sniggered.

‘Oh yeah the big fight, I am rooting for Joon.’ Baro cheered. Before I could respond to his statement, Sandeul stopped another unnecessary argue between us.

‘Come on, classes are almost starting again, we wasted almost all our break, let’s focus on a nice plan to make Jinyoung shine during his little performance for Ji Hyun.’

‘I would have never expected you to be the most mature out of them.’ I thanked Sandeul for making them stop fooling around.

‘How about the typical making a heart of roses on the ground, you standing in the middle singing a heart-rending song to her?’ CNU shrugged.

‘No way, isn’t that already the last step? She would obviously think that he’s super creepy, when he does that at the state when he has only 20% chance of winning the battle. Let’s rather do it step by step and not rushing things.’ Baro retorted. ‘ me if you have love problems then ask the almightily love doctor Hambaro.’ He made a victory sigh.

‘Dude you are sometimes so self-conceited.’ CNU hit him. Just after CNU had finished scolding him the school bell rang.

‘Let’s just agree on thinking for a nice idea for a performance and this afternoon we will meet at B1A4’s hide-out to hear everyone’s suggestion’



Most of the time I didn’t really pay attention to my class, but I rather found myself ponder about a good Plan ‘P’. ‘P’ for performance Sandeul had explained us, when everyone was having the ‘what-the-heck?’-face. I should think of a better name, cause plan P just sounds as if I have already failed plan A, B,C etc. I considered looking out of the window. Aish so many thoughts only to win a girl’s heart, love is indeed frustrating! I moved my hand through my hair.





Author's Note: Okay even though I have finally my Winter Break, I still can't find a lot of time to update my creepy o__O Now it's 3am in the morning here and I guess I don't have to tell you guys how sleepy I am now, but my story comes first who cares about sleep lol :p I don't know if this story is slowly turning somehow randomn, at least it was what I thought when I wrote this chapter T.T  what do you guys think? :/ Anyway thank you for those who have subscribed and yeah hope that some will leave me a comment about that chapter :)!!

Besides I have written a Oneshot starring You & Myungsoo/ L from Infinite, it would be cool if someone would check out the story. <3

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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)