34th day after....

Message of Regret


Me and WookieCookie are thinking of making a joint story. What do you think? Am I good enough to join?

Minho reflects back on what happened off-screen.


---34th day after the incident

“Hey Baby girl, I kept forgetting to tell you how Dongjun came back to life. Did you get to see him before you left us? Did he surprise you? You know…He keeps rejecting girls because he only ever loved you. All the others also miss you a lot, I never realized how much of a family they were to you, I guess I’m a y brother huh?-“

Minho’s quill pen stopped scratching on the parchment, reminiscing back to the first few days he started living with this household.


The younger boys laughed and punched each other on the arm after hearing Eunhyuk’s story of one of Shindong’s adventures in SM Town. As the laughter died down to chuckles,all of Ze:A’s and FTI’s eyes turned to look at Dongjun, the young boy of muscle grinning cheekily.

“So little Scary Maknae, tell us of your ‘close encounter’” teased Minwoo who was leaning against Junyoung’s shins.

Dongjun who had plonked himself on Heechul’s(Ze:A) lap, started wriggling in excitement as people were finally going to listen to his story.

“Okay, it was dark in the corridor as I waited for Soonie to come back from her mission. I knew she would be feeling awful after it so the thought of making her happy kept me hanging around. Then I saw her walking to her door, her head down and not looking around. So I went up and hugged her-“

Minwoo and Hyungshik chuckled and nudged each other at this part, silently teasing the young boy about his love for the girl.

“-she hugged back though, which was nice.” Dongjun grinned and flushed at the memory. “But then she tensed up, before saying she was sorry. I really didn’t know what she meant, I thought she was sorry that she made me wait but then she stabbed me...”

Siwon and Hangeng flinched at the blunt statement but continued listening.

“Then when everything went black… But I could still hear and feel things so when they carried me, I could still feel Soonie and Lord Onew, I think it was, carrying me and putting me on Ciel. After that for some reason, I saw everything from the sky as though I was floating. I saw Soonie race my body towards the town instead of the ditch which was in the opposite direction, it was heartbreaking to see her crying over my body like that. Then I kind of flew inside the house and saw how all of Super Junior were running around trying to revive me. Apparently they couldn’t and Soonie left without saying goodbye… I found her crying her heart out in the castle kitchens.”

Minho found it hard to keep looking at the storyteller. The same person his sister had loved, he had ordered her to kill.

“Then she started crying out ‘Dongjun come back, please don’t leave me like this. Who’s going to keep me in check?’ I knew it was true. I wished and wished and suddenly I was jerked back awake at the Super Junior house because they did some foreign treatment on me.” He made a confused face. “But I could still hear her voice in my head. That was when I teamed up with everyone to storm the castle and save my Soonie.”

Henry’s face hardened but he put it behind him and smiled, knowing he had no chance against Dongjun over Soon Hwa’s heart.

“How did you know it was her that was you know…punished?” asked Hongki.

“Oh. I was looking for her in the castle because I know she would never leave Minho but instead I found a hairtie with her long hair in it like a fake ponytail. So I had the image of her without her long hair and all I could see was Minho. That’s when I realized what she was doing but I-I was too late…” The boy started tearing up, his eyes wavering and droplets ran down his cheeks as his shoulders shook.

Heechul (Ze:A) patted his back while Minwoo crawled over and hugged him.

“I didn’t get to tell her that I-that I loved her…”

Minho looked away and silently slid out of the room.


“- I guess I was always jealous of your love….I wanted you all to myself. I’m a selfish, mean blind bastard huh? I’m sorry. I hope you might read this someday… What are the chances right? Love, Minho.”

The next morning, Minho let the bottle go. It moved back and forth, back and forth before the current took it outwards into the open sea.

Drifting away, a small bottle of glass

A message with a wish placed in

Far beyond the horizon

Quietly disappearing 


Next time on MoR: It's the final chapter, what will happened to Minho? Will he continue to be withdrawn? Will he be consumed by regret?


Then, the 29 males on the shore watched with sadness as the boy was consumed by sorrow. In his cracked and pained voice, Minho began to hear someone singing a song softly.

a/n: omgggg its sooooo bad ;A; Please forgive meeeeee! *somewhere in the world a fangirl wants to kill me*

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UNNIE!! I LUVS IT!! <3 <3 <3
XD I agree with Moonsoo :P<br />
And that painting sounds so pretty *__*<br />
Can't wait to read more~
shnannae #3
Waiting for it~! <3 :3<br />
Hwaiting, unnie! <3<br />
<br />
Ps. we should spazz about you-know-who sometime ;DD <br />
update plzzzz
-herojaeforevah #5
nice..<br />
update the next chapter<br />
<br />
read my fic too if you have time :)<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/72219/mysterious-cache-i-m-inlove-with-my-bestfriend-s-boyfriend-mystery-pain-romance<;br />