First Date [JinYun]


this is the shortest out of the 5 ><

its onew....


i wantd their stories to b only a pg long but i endd up xtending the others xcept onew oppa's

and i havent gotten much time to extend it ><



i hope ull like the chapter regardless ><





Onew knocked on the door of Jaeyun’s apartment and waited for her to answer.


She opened the door and saw Onew standing there, a small bouquet of flowers in his hands.


She didn’t really like flowers but when she saw Onew holding onto them, she knew that she wouldn’t mind flowers in her small apartment.


“I’m nearly done, hang on a second. Come on in oppa.”


She held the door widely her Onew to walk in and in he walked, nervously too.


When Onew sat down comfortably, Jaeyun walked back into her bedroom to finish off changing into a new set of clothes so that she could go on a date with Onew.


Finally, she thought to herself.


Onew and Jaeyun had been together ever since their song Lucifer came out which wasn’t a very long time ago, maybe about a month but they never got the time to see each other, let alone go on a date.


Jaeyun sat down by her dressing table, her handbag lying towards her left and some make-up opened in front of her.


She closed them all.


She wanted to be with Onew as her, not as some one else with make-up on.


She got up front her seat and took her handbag and then walked out to where Onew was sitting.


He was so upright, so nervous and so perfect.


Jaeyun laughed and Onew looked up, startled.


“Oppa…this is obviously the first time you’ve dome something like this huh?”


Onew smiled nervously and nodded stiffly.


She walked towards him and he stood up as she neared.


Jaeyun stood in front of Onew, leader of SHINee and looked down at the bouquet of flowers.


“Are these for me?”


Onew looked down and then suddenly registered that he was still holding them.


He held them out for Jaeyun and nodded.


Jaeyun laughed and took him and then smelt them.


Although Onew didn’t know much about her, Jaeyun told Onew straight away when they went out that she didn’t like flowers that smelt too strong.


He remembered.


She smiled at Onew and then put them into a jar that she filled half way with water.


Then, she walked back to Onew and held onto his hand and said with a smile,



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very cute <3
MoonlitPhantom #2
Nawww~~~ This is soooooo cute~!!! =3<br />
Can't wait for the others!! =3
Awws u make taemin sound so cute ^^ <3<br />
I wanna pinch his wittle cheeks even if he is my oppa XD <br />
Adorableness~ yay! I can't wait to read more ^^<br />
thanks! You make me so happy :3 <br />
Yu Maknae fighting :D gomawo saranghae.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... i feel like a big loser saying that :P but it's cute :)