1st Year Anniversary [JongKi]


this chapter is for my awesome eonni~ ^^






Jonghyun sat on the steps of Ki’s house anxiously.


He had a big present for her.


It was her birthday today and he wanted to surprise it.


It was also their one year anniversary.


He put his hands together and smiled to himself, his eye brows gently furrowed together.


“Ottoke…” He said quietly to himself.


He sat there for a few more minutes and then he stood up, the box in his hands and his back still facing against her red town house door.


“I’m going to do it.”


He turned around to face the door and then took a step, two steps at a time and he was standing close to the door now.


He lifted one hand from his present and then slowly put his finger against the door bell.


He was really nervous.


He didn’t know how Ki would like this present because they rarely got to see each other due to his schedule but today, he specifically asked for a few days off to spend with her so he could make it up to her.


He sighed and then screwing his eyes together, he pressed the door bell.


Within a millisecond, the door had opened and out stepped Ki with an expectant smile on her face.


Jonghyun didn’t tell her that he was meeting up with her today.


“Oppa! Annyeong!” Ki said with a bright smile.


Her smile just reminded Jonghyun how much he loved her.


“Annyeong Ki-ssi! Do you have time these days? I got some time off so…”


Ki laughed.


“Don’t I always have time for you?”


Jonghyun blushed.


“Come on it oppa.”


Jonghyun nodded and then walked in.


When he sat down in the living room and Ki was sitting next to him, waiting for him to speak.


Jonghyun shuttered.


“U-umm…well…today is you…birthday…right?”


Ki laughed.


“Oppa. Stop being so nervous. I’m going to eat you!”


Jonghyun smiled.


He held out the present for her.


“Saengil Chukhanida Ki-ssi!” And he gave her a peek on her cheeks.


She smiled and then opened the box.


Inside, sitting there with a large smile was a small stuffed bear with the words “I love you” on it.


Ki looked at Jonghyun.


“I didn’t make it well did I? I think I-“


Ki hugged Jonghyun.


“Saranghae oppa.”

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very cute <3
MoonlitPhantom #2
Nawww~~~ This is soooooo cute~!!! =3<br />
Can't wait for the others!! =3
Awws u make taemin sound so cute ^^ <3<br />
I wanna pinch his wittle cheeks even if he is my oppa XD <br />
Adorableness~ yay! I can't wait to read more ^^<br />
thanks! You make me so happy :3 <br />
Yu Maknae fighting :D gomawo saranghae.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... i feel like a big loser saying that :P but it's cute :)