Mind Control


just a quick little Rahyuk oneshot i through together.


this prompt generator here is always helpful if you need a promot. that's where i got the promot for this


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Just_me_cjb #1
Chapter 1: awww. this is sweet!

(i came here to check out your fics when you commented on mine. and omg so much rahyuk! <3 i must read them all! ^^)
Wah that was cute and I can't believe it just ends like this. I barely had my dose of Rahyuk. T.T I've never asked for a sequel before but you're torturing a new shipper. :( but seriously, I'm looking forward to your next Rahyuk if you ever write another one. :))
Chapter 1: Cutie~~~ even of I'm Wonsik I'd do the same. For hyukkie. Lol.
Chapter 1: Kawaii:D good job :P