Blind Date

When the Camera Stops Filming

        Park Bom unfolded the little piece of paper for the hundredth time, smoothing out the creases.  She looks around nervously at the other tables in the dimly lit restaurant.  It was a nice and cozy restaurant, a good choice for a first date.  Bom wasn't sure if she was nervous because she was anticipating her date, or more nervous to see if her attempt to finally let go of him would be successful.  To say that she was surprised when he approached her to recommend a blind date to her, would be an understatement.


~* A few weeks ago *~


        "Yah, Park Bom-noona!  Wait up," a voice called out to Bom as she came out of practice with the girls.  Turning around, she saw Jiyong walking up to them.  Waving to the girls to go on ahead of her, she waited for the young man.  Bom couldn't contain the smile on her face at the sight of him, she's always happy when Jiyong and her ran into each other even though most of the time she could not express it.

        "Hey Jiyong, did you need something?"

        "Yeah noona, I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in a blind date.  I know years ago pre-debut you had rejected the idea but in a few days your No-Dating contract is up, isn't it?" Jiyong asked her with a slightly excited face.  Bom's smile faded, disappointment clearly written all over her face.

        "Ehh?  A blind date?? How did you know when my No-Dating contract was ending?" Bom questioned, curious as to why even after all these years Jiyong is still trying to set her up with another guy.

        Jiyong bashfully rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at his feet, "Ah, I asked Hyung.... Anyways, are you game for it or not, Noona?"

        "I don't know, Ji.  I don't know this person do I? And isn't it a little too soon?" Bom tried to get out of the situation that she was in, feeling very awkward.

        "What are you talking about, Bom?  You've been saying all of these times that you wanted a boyfriend, and now that you can... you should do it quickly.  Plus this person has been waiting for you for a long time now," Jiyong said.  The two of them started to walk out of the building towards a coffee shop that was nearby.  Bom knew this was true, she really did wanted a boyfriend now to make up for the number of years that she has been training and performing.  But for the one person that she wanted to date to offer to set up a blind date for her...  was just too ironic.  And pathetic.

        Bom raised her head up to look at Jiyong suddenly, "Hold up, you said he's been waiting a long time for me?  What does that mean?"

        "Well he's the same one as last time.  You know, from when I asked if you wanted to go on a blind date.  He's been waiting all of these years for you to say yes to meeting him.  Don't worry, he hasn't been stalking you or anything all of this time!  So don't worry about that Park Bom-yang~" Jiyong laughed at that idea.  Bom looked at Jiyong hesitantly across the table.  This person must really want to meet her if even after all of this time he's still not in a relationship or married.  This might be a chance she won't get again anytime soon.  Plus it doesn't hurt to try to move on. Sometimes, males can be so dense, thought Bom as she took a sip of her coffee.

        "Ok, how about you give me a day or two to think about it.  Then, I'll let you know if i decide to go to this blind date of yours or not," Bom decided.  Jiyong nodded his head in understanding.  They spent the rest of the time catching up and talking about each others' upcoming schedule.

        The next day, after much debating, Bom finally decided that if anything she wanted to meet this guy that has been waiting for her.  It would be wrong to reject the blind date, after all he's been so patience, right?  So, Bom sent Jiyong a quick text and was surprised when Jiyong quickly texted her back, the date and time and location of the restaurant she was to meet this person.  It was strange that it just so happen she was also available and free that day.  Not thinking much of it, Bom scribbled down the information and went on with her day.


~* The Present *~


        Park Bom sat patiently waiting for her date to arrive.  She had put in quite a bit of effort to leave a good first impression.  She had on a summer dress that was soft and silky, hugging her at the waist with the skirt flowing down to her knees.  It was much more natural then the tight-fitting dresses she wore on stage.  Her hair was curled and pulled into an up-do with curls falling down, a light touch of make-up completed her look.  

        Bom's thoughts returned to Jiyong as she waited.  She thought back to when she had agreed to the date and debated again if she had made the correct choice.  They have been friends for so long, and had such a strong relationship.  She was hoping that he had felt the same about her, but was disheartened to find out it wasn't so.  Afraid of losing her friendship, she finally decided to let go of her feelings for him, and move on.

        Lost in her own thoughts, Bom didn't notice the figure that was approaching her table.  A lovely bouquet of red roses came into her line of vision as the man slowly held it up to her.

        "Annyeong, Park Bom."

        With trembling fingers, and tears in her eyes, Bom stood up to greet the young man and take the roses.  The shock and surprise of who he was left her completely speechless.  As the tears began to fall, the man's face who was smiling earlier turned to worry.

        "Why are you crying?  Are you not happy to see me?"

        Bom shook her head vehemently, "No, I'm happy to see you!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around him, the flowers forgotten on the table.  Tears of happiness continues to stream down Bom's face as she bury her head into the man's neck.  Hesitant hands slowly reached up to hug her back, and lightly he patted her head calming her down.

        "Park Bom-yang, you don't know how long I've been waiting for you," Jiyong whispered into Bom's ear.



A/N: Not to brag or anything but even I am amazed at how well this one turned out.  So if anyone had noticed "Blind Date" started with a B also... unfortunately I only thought of this word after I had already finished posting "Beanies and Butterflies" but this topic (although a reoccurring one, it has been written before) was just too good to pass up.  Especially my take on it... so I hope you like this as much as I did... =)

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Hmm... Tapping on the surface of the desk as I wait for an update.
Chapter 1: I'm scared to death reading the beginning the story.gosh..thanx God that was only nightmare...
mtrlfcpa #3
Chapter 5: the girl in the picture really look lie bom though..hehhe
mtrlfcpa #4
Chapter 2: this
mtrlfcpa #5
Chapter 6: Hope you update soon! :)
ge-ale #7
woaaaah awesome!
hope you remember and update this story soon :)
your stories are awesome...please update this story^^...
Ele_chan #9
er Bommie! "Catch me on fire" jhdgdggqgdfgwdgw ♥ I love your Fic! ♥ ¡¡¡Gbom!!
Yeah..its been a long since you updated..
Thanks for update again, but why so short?? Kekekeke...
I love caring Jiyong and childish Bommie..
CATCH ME ON FIRE!! Lmao..yeah we're fire beibeh!!
Update again pweasee..