Chapter Two

Love Me in 100 Days


Love me in 100 days

Chapter Two


"I can't believe you just said no to the hottest guy in school!" Suhyun gushed. "That was the hottest guy?" I rolled my eyes as Suhyun gazed at me with such interest. "You’re so cool Hayi! No girl has ever denied Bobby!" I only laughed.

After school ended, I decided to stroll around. To find any opening part time jobs. Something to help pay off my father debt quicker. Searching for a decent twenty minutes, I didn't find a single place who had an opening spot for a high schooler, so I rode back home.

That was until on the same street, I noticed a paper that said in bold and bright letters 'HIRING'. And on the bottom of the paper was the number to call. I hurried to my backpack and jotted down the number. It was described as only as a part time maid so it didn't seem too dangerous.


 -The following day- 


 "HAYI!~" Suhyun cried as she hurried to catch up with me. Her cheek were a bright pink color and her hair was all over the place. Her breathing was heavy but continued to ask me "Have you read what people are messaging about you?!" I looked at her strangely and asked "No why?" she didn't know whether to giggle or not but replied "The whole school is calling you Elsa."

I rolled my eyes “The girl off frozen?" Suhyun nodded her head in agreement and then added "Ever since you turned Bobby down. You made history yesterday Hayi!" I let out a weak laugh but continued to walk to first hour with her.

There was constant gossiping within our classmates but I ignored them as Suhyun hurried so we wouldn't hear them. We both took our seats in the back as they continued to speak loudly. I turned to my right and saw Bobby grinning at me. I made a disgusted face at him, scrunching up my nose even more than what I generally do before I went to focus on the teacher.

The bell had rung and I reached for Suhyun's hand before practically running to gym class. The faster we walked the more I caught what they were saying about me. "She like the real Elsa" The crowd whispered. "Yah! You got a trail of ice behind you!" One shouted as they all burst into laughter.

I busted through the locker room and let go of Suhyun hand as I threw my bag in a locker. She didn't really pay much attention and only put her things away. Changing into my gym outfit, which contain a regular white T-shirt and burgundy shorts. I tied my hair into a tight ponytail before leaving with Suhyun following as well.


 - Third POV - 


 "YAH!" Hanbin yelled as he tried to exit the girl’s locker room. Bobby grabbed him and shoved him back in the room. "Why don't you ask her friend who always follows her?!" Hanbin said wanting bobby to change his mind. Bobby looked to make sure no one was around before responding "Because she'll tell Hayi. Remember I'm supposed to surprise her?" hanbin sighed but begin to search for Hayi bag.

They were looking to find her cellphone number so bobby can start messaging to her. If he had asked her she would've said no. "Found it!" Hanbin yelled but stopped when bobby hit him behind the head. "Stupid do you wanna get caught?!" Bobby took the bag away from him and started to look inside. Books, papers and pens filled her bag, but there was no cellphone. Maybe she didn't have one?

He kept looking until he found a paper with a number written sloppily on it. Pulling it out, he saw it was a number for a part time job, as a maid. Bobby grinned before asking hanbin for any pen or pencil. He erased the number Hayi wrote down and quickly wrote another before shoving it back in her bag and into the locker. Then they sprinted out of the locker before hearing the girls come back from running a lap outside.

The school day had finished, and Suhyun offered for Hayi to come over her house, but Hayi had something else to do. Once Suhyun left, Hayi opened her bag and dialed the number she wrote down. The phone call didn't last much, maybe because the male she was talking too had other guest since they were a bit noisy in the background.  "Come after school." The male voice instructed before giving out the address.

Hayi got on her bike and piddled fast. She followed the instructions and within fifteen minutes she found the house. She parked it next to a tree and walked towards the front door. 

Hayi looks at the door nervously. She worked many different jobs but being a maid? It was a first. Her small hand knocked on the door as she tried her best to give a sincere smile. However it vanished when she realized who opened the door. Bobby gave a cocky smirk "Don't be so sad Hayi. At least you don't have to wear a uniform."



AN- This chapter was a little shorter than I expected but I still hope its good ^^ Chapter three is in the works so be on the look out! Remember comments and votes lets me know if I should continue this ^°^  ---❌⭕Jenny 


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madhyarfn #1
Chapter 3: I'm hoping you'll continue this story. >_<
Chapter 3: I just came across this fanfic and I love it. When will you update this?
Chapter 1: I love it!!! <333
xxxggom #4
Chapter 3: Love it!! Cant wait for your update!!
Tarotora #5
Chapter 3: Bobhi~ love it (^∇^)the story's great and can't wait for the next update
donksdonks #6
Chapter 3: awww omg I ship hanhi more than bobhi I hope hanbin doesn't get his heartbroken too badly :(
Chapter 3: KJHAGSDJKSHDHASDJFHGASJKDHFGAKSFJHASD omg B.I/Hi is actually higher on my ship list than Bobbhi omg on if she ends up with bobby im gonna be so sad for hanbin
furiousgerbil #8
Chapter 3: "Dude, have you been watching dramas or what's up with the main lead's clichéd pick up? Especially after what we overheard about Hayi, this isn’t going to work." Now Bobby was laughing "And being second lead is better?" "You don't even have any competition right now"

Oh. Ooh. Oooooooooooh. You speak too soon, mate. XD Gotta love that irony, tho my heart always goes out to the "nice guy" second lead who won't get the girl. Haha. /preparing for a heartbreak :')/

I love how you made it so that despite his confidence, Bobby still turned to his bff for help. My brotp feels~
I know this fic is about a love triangle centered on Hayi so I didn't expect any Double B moments. I appreciate that particular scene a lot even though it's only a small gesture. Thank you. T^T

I enjoy your writing in third person more than in first person POV. Hmm, maybe because it kinda spoils the cold, mysterious vibe thing that's going on with Hayi. It is just me, projecting my taste, so please do whatever floats your boat. Or your fic, in this case.

whoops 90 days to go!
chiechie01 #9
Chapter 3: I'm loving it.. please update soon.. fighting
xxxggom #10
Chapter 3: loveeeee it! hehehe. please update soon