
Beneath The Surface

I'm awake. Lying in bed in the middle of the night with the lights off. I can't sleep. I glance at my phone fifty missed calls from MInzy. I flip my phone over, don't look Dara, don't look. The night quickly turns into a new day. I dread going to school. What kind of new surprise will Chaerin bring today? Yesterday after school I questioned Chaerin again which she happily anwsered since I had done my part of the deal. This was the first time I had actually questioned her, Her responses we very...interesting..


"So Chaerin we have the detention room all to ourselves because I had it cleared out for your sake." I draw a chair next to Chaerin with my new questions.

"Why were you crying in the bathroom?" Chaerin looks up at me like she ignored what I had said. She was busy filing her nails and now she has her eyes fixated on me.

"I'm not answering any of you're questions Chaerin, you already know why." Chaerin rolls her eyes. 

"Fine then whatever hurry up and ask me your damn questions." She growls at me and continues to file her nails.

"Ok, let's start with basics, what's your favorite color?" Chaerin laughs and motions to her body.

"It's obviously black, Shrimpy, next question" I write her response and then proceed. 

"What's your favorite food?" I await her response.

"It's pizza, You should bring some next time." I roll my eyes, yeah right.

"What is your biggest fear?" At this Chaerin freezes.

"I'm not answering that. I'm done with your questions." Chaerin abruptly gets up. 

"But I will ask you one question Shrimpy... You have no friends now corect? Then...why don't you join my entourage? I won't pick on you if you join me." Chaerin smirks and waits for my response. Is this crazy? Why would I ever want to be surrounded by Chaerin all day? But then again I don't think I can imagine what she'd do to me if I said no. 

"Ok, I'll join your group." Chaerin smiles a wicked smile and walks out of the room. I just keep digging myself deeper in this hole. 

*Flashback ends*

I arrive to school and am immediately absorbed into Chaerin's clique. I don't do much with them all day, I am clearly an outcast in their group and I am made alienated. Chaerin also never bats an eye at me, why did she ask me to join then? I put up with this constant alienation not just for that day but for the next week that followed. Today is a friday and this officially marks my week and a day with Chaerin's clique. A week and a half of no real answers to any of my questions. Everytime I ask Chaerin a personal question she shoots me down. It's a good thing this project isn't due till the end of the semester. I have to find a way! I'm walking down the halls, making my way to my locker as I pass MInzy awkwardly. I stare her in the eyes with pleading eyes, hoping she can understand. She meets my gaze with cold, distant eyes. She walks swiftly past me and I turn to see her walk away. As she walks away Chaerin, who arrives from class, sees me from the end of the hall stare at Minzy. I see Chaerin's eyes glaze over, oh no what is she thinking. Chaerin walks over to my point of focus.. calmly and swiftly she trips Minzy and I hear a clatter of books. 

"What the Chaerin?" Minzy slowly collects her books and realizes her elbows are bleeding.

"Oh sorry I guess I don't have 20/20 vision after all or I would have seen you standing there" Chaerin cooly smiles at Minzy.

" you Chaerin, you took my best friend away from me. I don't know how but this all started when she met you." Minzy looks down the hall at me. 

"Oh please, She's not worth stealing. Consider it a favor, she was weighing you down anyways" At this I drop my book bag on the floor and sprint down the hall, I do not stop until I tackle Chaerin to the ground. I don't stop there my frustration is at it's peak. I begin violently attacking Chaerin. I deliver the toughest blow I can manage at her face. All of a sudden Minzy grab me from the back to stop me. As I'm getting up, I see Chaerin's eyes. She has that glimmer I saw when I smacked her in her car. What is this? Is this perhaps fear? 

"You know what Chaerin, I'll gladly accept that F. Our deals done. C'mon Minzy lets go." Before I leave I see Chaerin sit up while blood trickles down staring in my direction. What is the price I'll have to pay for that?

"Minzy aren't you coming?" I turn around and she has tears in her eyes.

"You chose Chaerin over me?" She turns towards me.

"YOU CHOSE A STUPID GRADE OVER ME, YOUR ONLY FRIEND?" Minzy's sadness is slowly replaced by a cold disappointment.

"Just go by yourself Dara, as far as I see it, I don't know if I'm ready to call you a friend." Minzy walks away and I am left with Chaerin. 

"Stupid Chaerin this is all your fault!" I angrily walk over to her. I grab her by the tshirt and look her dead in the eye.

"What kind of joy or excitement do you get out of these twisted games?" I see she doesn't put up a fight, a tear drops from her eye.

"WHY IS IT ONLY EVER ME THAT YOU PICK ON? Why am I the target of your hatred?" My head thuds violently against my head

"It's because I envy you...." Chaerin manages to choke out these words in a soft whisper as I realize she must be in a lot of pain. 

"Oh cut the bull alright!" I look at her and she's out. Damn it... Envy me? For what? I get up and leave her in the hallway. Halfway through the hall I yell. 

"DAMN IT" I go back to where Chaerin is lying and I try to lift her up. Eventually after much struggling I manage to get her on my back. I take her to the nurses office.

"Whoa what happened here?" The nurse looks over Chaerins face and I realize her right eye is swelling.

"Do you know who did this?" The nurse asks quickly getting Chaerin an ice pack.

"It was me." I say it simply and coldly. The nurse looks at me in shock and in what I sense to be fear.

"You're going to have to explain this to the principal." 

"I don't care, take me now." I feel nothing. I don't care what happens to me from now on. Hitting Chaerin should have made me feel victorious, but I feel nothing. I enter the principal's office and spill the whole truth. I get spared of having my valedictorian compromised, but I have to clean classrooms after school. He informs me my mom will be called. What do I care?  I'm no longer scared, I have nothing to lose.




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The ideas are really flowing tonight thank you to everyone who's checked out my story!


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Ilovechaera11 #1
Chapter 16: Omg you are back!!! I love your story you noe&^^
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 16: Nice, welcome back, pls update soon
2addicted2ne1 #3
Chapter 16: Welcome back! Loving it as always. Don't even think about remaking this story. It's all good. I swear :)
Chapter 15: <3
Dara pov :)
mikichow11 #5
Chapter 14: Author, no matter how many decade you need, i will long as dont stop
che21lo15 #6
Chapter 14: Wow! That's it Dara full of confident never think negative everyone deserve to win....chaera fight go.go.go.
Chapter 14: Ooh, Chaera as Prom King and Queen? Interesting.. The prom will be very interesting. Hahaha, thank you for updating this story again.. ^€
che21lo15 #8
Pls update
JustQueen #9
Chapter 13: Great chapter, thank you for updating <:
mikichow11 #10
Chapter 13: Welcomr bck auThor, they are so sweet...I like it