The Show Must Go On

Dear Pen Pal



I got up with a purpose for the first time in a while. My dear friend is 21 today, so that just makes the day seem even more important. I saw this as my last chance. If I blew this, I may not get to try again... Like, ever. I dressed like normal, did my morning routine, which really only consisted of brushing my teeth, seeing as they didn't give me anything else. If you're wondering, we have set shower times in a room full of shower heads and no curtains. Ugh. I finger-brushed my hair back into a ponytail using a rubber band I had found. Then, I made my way out of my "prison cell" and into the hall... Which wasn't much better to look at.

"This is it," I said to myself, quiet enough so that no one could hear. Once a year, there is an inspection. All the kids look forward to it because it's the only day we get to eat something other than the sludge they give us. If I could just get the inspector to see what an awful place this was... I sighed and started on my chores. I had kitchen duty today. Unfortunately we couldn't touch the food. No, we clean the dishes and the sink and the floor. The inspector usually comes around noon... I had to make sure everything was perfect. I looked at the food they had been preparing for the day. If I could just make them switch it out...


Noon came and so did the inspector. They were just about to serve the kids if the cafeteria when the cook came up to the owner and whispered something in his ear. I smiled to myself, turning my head to hide it. I heard the inspector's deep voice.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing! Ah, why don't I show you the showers first, hmm?" The owner was trying his best to keep him from seeing the sludge we had to eat. I had slipped some maggots in the soup they were going to give us. Don't ask where I got them. I don't plane on doing that again, either. When inspection day comes, they put curtains in the shower room. Not that we get to bathe when they're up or anything. I managed to slash all the curtains before I was missed. Some of them couldn't be used for anything, now.

"No, I'll stay here first. I have a list," he said, holding up a clipboard. Ah. A "by-the-book" kind of guy. I tried not to smile wider. Just as the owner tried to protest, out came the food. I looked at the bowl I was given. Well, it wasn't the sludge. I was surprised that they didn't change it out. I saw a maggot worming around the top of my bowl. I guess this will still do. I heard the other kids groan in disgust and some looked like they were going to puke. The look on the inspector's face... I don't think I had seen anything so beautiful since the first and only time I had gone to Korea.

I heard the owner pleading with him, saying this was the first time this has ever happened, and trying to encourage him to check out the rest of the orphanage. He looked skeptical, but he agreed. As they walked out of the cafeteria and to the shower room, the kids all started murmuring to each other, confused and scared of what the owner might do to them. It was at that moment that I heard the inspector yelling and shouting. He stormed back into the cafeteria.

"Who's the oldest here?!" he yelled. All the kids quickly pointed to me. I suddenly felt hot and began to roll up my sleeves. He walked over to me.

"Where might I find a phone," he asked politely. I had to think about it for a minute. I hadn't really seen a phone in my seven years here.

"I'm not sure... You might find one in the owner's office..." I said hesitantly, pointing in the direction he should go. His eyes followed my arm, the stopped. I saw his eyes harden, then soften.

"Show me," he said, gently taking my hand. Many of the kids had gotten up by now, and watched with wondering eyes as we walked out the door.


Author's Note: Well, here's the next chapter! I hope everyone is liking it so far. Thank you Sujung for subscribing! ^^ I hope I can make the next chapter longer and get it out sooner. I'll admit, when I'm stuck, I watch B2st MVs for inspiration. :)

@ cutiepi2124: Is this about what you had in mind? But she's not out of the dark yet. They're still in the orphanage. -_-

@ DilEMMA6969: Thank you! ^^ I hope you continue to like it as the chapters go on. :)

@ Sujung: Thanks! :) Is this soon enough, or would you like sooner? I do have work, so it's a bit difficult to write when I want to...

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Jhddghhfgvhvjyf YOU MUST WRITE MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREEEEEZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol that is true x)<br />
ahh he realizes its her! yay doojoon! haha you helped yoseob realize x) update soon! :)
Sujung #4
yooo!!! long time no see!! :L<br />
i just read like three chapters and OMG THIS IS SOOOO GOOD!!! <br />
im sorry i havent been reading lately T^T computer time is always being stolen from me or im too busy to go on it DX im really sorry!
cantresistTAEMtation #5
omg it would be amaze if yoseob and candice met again!! :D
LOL haha your not incredibly predictable..and im not that great at guessing either. it was random? :D hehe ahhh but i didn't think that yoseob was gonna ignore it ._____. cmon yoseob! its herrr! ya know...that girl from seven years ago? do you remember? :O "I REMEMBERRRR" ahah sorry....that line in that song just suddenly popped into my head xD heeh update soon! :D
hmmn i guess that is<br />
yeeeyyyy!! it worked! :D haha in a sense... x) she didnt' really escape...but at least shes free from that place! :D <br />
:OO is yoseob gonna by chance, see the news and maybe somehow "recongize" her? or like recongznie her name or something? ahh so curious...update soon~
LOL nope not really xD haha i was kinda off...but i am happy shes succeeding for far :) ahh your right..they are .___. hmmn whats the inspector gonna do? :O why did he ask for the oldest? is it cuz shes more "responsible?" lol update soon! :D
kidamazone #9
I love the way you write. <333