Texty Time w/ Taemin

Texty Time w/ Taemin



The room was bustling with people rushing everywhere. The smell of hairspray filling the air making Taemin cough and splutter, his hyungs either seated in make-up chairs, getting their slap on or sprawled across the many sofa's in the room, fiddling with their phones or game consoles.


He himself was sat on one the couches in the far corner, turning his phone over and over in his hands, sighing loudly to no-one in particular when his mobile made a buzzing sound and vibrated in the palm of his hand. He jumped at the unexpected noise, barely there with the level of volume in the room. Flipping the screen open, he looked at the display, it was a text message from an unknown number. He frowned, his brow furrowed together. He only passed his number out to people he was close to, SM family at the very least. He pressed the open message button, confusion distorting his beautiful features even further as he read the text.


To: Taemin


From: Unknown


Hey y. You are looking dayuuuuuum fine today, if there wasn't so many people surrounding us, I would come to your dressing room and ravish you right there and then ;)


He looked around the room. No-one was looking at him, they were all busy doing their own thing, that included his hyungs who were busy getting ready for their camera rehearsal at Music Bank. It couldn't be any of his band members sending him this unnerving text, for one, he could see them and none of them had their phones open, they may have been throwing them in the air but none had their mobiles in one hand whilst the other toyed over the buttons, and for two, his hyungs wouldn't send him a message like that knowing it would have their maknae thinking too much and performing too little, besides, he knows all their phone numbers.


He fidgeted in his seat before deciding that replying to the text would be the best option, only time would tell if that was a good decision or not.


To: Unknown


From: Taemin


Who is this?


Not thirty seconds passed, before he got his reply, whoever this was, they were quick with their fingers, the thought alone made Taemin blush, although, he wasn't entirely sure why.


To: Taemin


From: Unknown


Why don't you come find out? I'm down the hall from your dressing room, in the little cupboard on the right, I’m waiting Taeminnieeeeeee =)


Taemin gulped, eyes like saucers, palms sweating, throat drying up. He couldn't, could he? It was inappropriate, he was at work. He didn't know who this was. It could be a or murderer or something. He may never be seen again if he went. Ok that was a little bit dramatic, but still, it wasn't a safe thing to do, he didn't think. On the other hand, it could be one of his other hyungs from another band, like one of his Super Junior sunbae's or one of his 2PM hyungs, it may even be one of the SNSD nuna's but to be quite honest, he didn't think they would do that, even if it wasn't a joke and they did really find him attractive, women don't work that way as far as he knows, from what he has seen on TV or read in magazines.


He stood from his seat and rubbed his thigh's, pushing his skinny jeans down his legs in the process, he picked up his phone which he had placed on the arm rest next to him as he was absentmindedly pondering all the possibilities of the journey that lay before him. He had decided, he was going to the cupboard, he just had to know who was there, waiting for him. At that thought, his heart started hammering in his chest, flooding his ears with the sounds of rushing blood cancelling out the busy noises of the dressing room, so much so, that he didn't hear when Onew called his name from his seat in a make-up chair. Key grabbed Taemin by the wrist, causing the maknae to halt and look down at him before Key let go and just nodded his head towards their leader. Taemin's head swung in the same direction and landed on Onew, who smiled sweetly at him as he said "I said, where are you going Minnie"? Taemin walked towards him and placed his hands on his hyungs shoulders as he looked him in the eyes through the mirror on the vanity "Just heading to the restroom hyung" he replied, returning the smile, just as sweetly. Onew nodded and placed his hands atop of Taemin's, "Ok but don't be long ok, we are going for rehearsals in about twenty minutes" Taemin nodded his head as he walked towards the door, waving a small bye to the room behind him.


He maybe should have told his hyung the truth but he really wanted to know who his new secret admirer was, butterflies filling his stomach at the thought and a ghost of a smile caressing his lips, he knew if he told Onew, his protective appa side would come out and he wouldn't let him go, at least not alone and Taemin needed to do this alone, he was after all, a man now and apparently not only he felt this way, his admirer too thought he was grown up enough to be lusted after. Taemin blushed, if he had have known that his new hair style for their new hit single Lucifer would have gotten him this much attention, he would have done it sooner.


He walked quickly towards the closet, passing and bowing to many staff members as he went. The backstage halls of Music Bank were always this busy, it was like a day at the zoo most days or what his beloved hyung Minho called 'controlled chaos'.


He stopped right outside the door to the room that would reveal all to him. He glanced around, again, no-one was watching him. They were all too caught up in their own business. His hands were shaking slightly as he reached for the door handle, the vibration in his back pocket stopped him. He reached into his pocket and pulled his mobile out. Flipping open the screen he saw it was another text from the mysterious messenger.


To: Taemin


From: Unknown


Open the door then babe =)


He quickly shut the phone and pushed it back into his pocket, now he really was apprehensive, they referred to him as babe. That meant they weren't shy whereas he clammed up at the mere thought of talking to someone he respected, never mind someone he found attractive.

He took in a lung full of breath, straightened himself up and exhaled as he pushed the door open. Stepping into the dark room he pulled the door closed behind him, his eyes desperately trying to adjust to lack of light when he felt arms encircle his waist, pulling him closer to a warm body. He inhaled deeply and the scent of the stranger filled his nostrils, a cool, fresh scent of aftershave that filled him with a feeling of warmth. Warm breath ghosted over his face as the stranger spoke in a familiar voice "I knew you would come and I’m glad you did," it was a voice that Taemin knew really well and the familiar scent of the gum the other had been chewing on but was long discarded was forcing his mind into overdrive as he frantically tried to place both the voice and the scent to one person. One he clearly knew well, one he trusted and felt comfortable to be with, one he loved dearly. Then it hit him as his eyes widened and mouth formed a silent O, the other body pressed closer as the presences lips softly touched Taemin's before pulling back, he could hear a smile on his admirer's lips as he spoke, pulling the light chain as he did, flooding the small closet with a bright burst of light, temporarily blinding both occupants.


"Surprised?” The blurry figure asked, grin spread wide on their face.


"Yes,” Taemin replied, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms tightly around his grinning, goofy looking hyung.


"But very happy hyung, very happy.”

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AptonKey #1
Chapter 1: It's OnTae *fangirls*
veveanna-dreaw #2
Chapter 1: come on not fair whooooooooo/? onew oppa???
@OnTaeSupporter<br />
<br />
Yep yep, alot of folks saw Ontae ( ^ _ ^ )<br />
Thats not who it is in my mind though keke =P<br />
You are soooo cute keke<br />
Ontae are gorgeous though, I have an Ontae vid and a few more Ontae fics, love them. <br />
Thankyou so much for reading and commenting babe, I appreciate it more than you will ever know<br />
Take care and have a great day<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE OUT!!<br />
<3333333333<br />
I saw Onew. LOL. NOT ONLY COS I'M ONTAE BIAS, but also cos you said goofy XD Even though its humanly impossible for Onew to be at 2 places at once...
@charisma1869<br />
Keke<br />
( ^ _ ^ )<br />
If thats who you want it to be, then thats who it is babe =D<br />
I have a few other 2Min fics, if you're interested<br />
I'll send you the links<br />
Thankyou so much for reading and commenting, i appreciate it so much<br />
Take care and have a wicked day<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE<br />
@melfaescotland<br />
Haha. Yesung it is. How cute :)<br />
Love you too <3
@Arikethtae<br />
Its 100% up to you who he was with, but i saw him with Yesung, only because of that video of the two of them hugging and being cute together keke, just goes to show you how long ago i wrote this fic <br />
( ^ _ ^ )<br />
Love ya babe<br />
I think Minho, but then I have a 2min bias [//shrug//] Just curious, who do you see as the mystery man?