
Lies That Remain in Me

I cannot focus on my work at all; probably thinking of Jaehwan.I keep repeating the same mistakes and finally I stop.It is better before I ruin all of them.I found Jaehwan looks confused when I came with Taekwoon to his room this morning.That 'Do-you-tell-Leo-hyung' look to me.No Jaehwan, of course not.

A sudden call by Hyuk alarms me.


"The composer wants to meet you,hyung."

I finally move after spending almost five minutes,questioning why on earth the composer is finding me.It is always the main vocals to be called by him, and mostly Jaehwan.It is something related to vocal chords anyway.

"Yes Hyung." I took a seat,politely.

"Hakyeon-ah,you know we should record the songs as soon as possible," he said.I have no idea what is he thinking,yes we will comeback soon but we agreed to do it when everyone is ready.I mean,when Jaehwan recovers.But I shouldnt tell him,or anyone.So I come up with some excuses.

"Hyung,what if we start recording three days after this?Everyone is still practicing before the real recording starts.Besides,Jaehwan is having a fever.It might affects his voice after all and we still .." 

"How many times you want me to wait?! If you guys really want to practice more and record later,then we will arrange your comeback at the end of the year!" he yelled, to my shock.

"No hyung I am just .. "

BBANG ! The composer slams the door and leave me alone.Confused.

It is only February and what if he really meant it?Then Vixx will not have any activities until the end of the year! I just asked for a few days delay and our ceo was the one who told us to take time,for perfecting our vocal and be ready.

I bite my lips due to nervousness.The composer has a big share in Jellyfish.He might do anything that he wants;without ever thinking about our feelings.No, please no.

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Jaehwan being dramatic
lily623 #2
Chapter 2: Please update!!!
Chapter 4: i really love this story...... it is so touching and inspiring. thumbs up to the writer. hope chapter 4 is not the ending cos im really curious of what going to happen to jaehwan next. keep up the good work writer nim
Chapter 3: Uwah!! This story is so cool!! I love your writing style and think it's super duper awesome that we don't know what Jaehwan's "secret" is yet! Cannot wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work!