The basketball team

Bulletproof Boys: Basketball Affairs

The next two days during lunch, Jimin found himself sitting with Taehyung again, this time accompanied by Sungjae; another kid from their class who happened to enjoy hanging out with them. Sungjae was extremely hyper; beaming at everyone around them with rows of white teeth and skin glowing with excitement. When Sungjae asked whether if he could join them at lunch, Jimin immediately said yes with a welcoming smile but Taehyung dragged him to the back of the class and mouthed, ‘Are you serious, he’s ing glowing!’

Jimin replied with a slow sorry, face dropping slightly with guilt but Taehyung sighed and decided it’s best to let it pass.

Taehyung ended up ordering Sungjae around to get him his food and strangely, Sungjae didn’t seemed to mind a bit as he balances two trays on his hands, walking to where Taehyung and Jimin were seated. “Here, your bibimbap, tteokbokki, jelly and strawberry milk,” Sungjae placed Taehyung’s tray in front of him and sat down beside Jimin. Taehyung mouthed a simple thanks before digging in his food.

Jimin was still puzzled by Taehyung’s 360 degree change in attitude whenever anyone approaches him. When it was just the two of them, Taehyung laughed a lot and became friendlier, clingy even but whenever another student goes to them, Taehyung would let out the cocky attitude he has in him; looking disinterested in most things, eyes gazing around lazily.

Jimin munched on his chicken and let his eyes wander off to the Bulletproof Boys’ table, taking a quick look at a certain red-head before rapidly bringing his eyes back to his food. He looked at smiling Sungjae, and decided some Q & A session wouldn’t hurt.

“So, Sungjae, who are the Bulletproof Boys?” Jimin asked.

“Oh? I’ll introduce them to you, one by one!” Sungjae beamed and Taehyung looked at Jimin, ‘He’s ing glowing!

“There’s Jung Hoseok, a junior. His mom is the founder of the make-up brand Beauty2U. He’s probably the brightest out of them all, and he interacts with his fans a lot,” Sungjae pointed to a member who was currently laughing at his friends. Taehyung scoffed. 'Fans'

“Beside him is Kim Seokjin, and he’s a senior. Both his mom and dad are chancellors at Seoul International University. He’s the top student among the seniors and has a reputation for never scoring below 90 for every test. Isn’t he amazing?” Sungjae exclaimed. Jimin hung his mouth in awe. Excelling your studies while still doing well in sport is something hard for him to maintain.

“Next is Kim Namjoon, he’s in the same class as Hoseok. His dad is the famous producer Kim Yihyuk. Namjoon is also into music as well, you should see his performance last year!” Sungjae finished and Jimin narrowed his eyes at the pointed blond, trying to get a clear view of him.

“In front of him we have Jeon Jungkook; the only sophomore in the team-“

“Wait, he’s a sophomore and he’s already in the team?”

“Yeah, most of the students here, including me are from Seoul Bang Middle School, the counterpart for this academy. Most students that attend the middle school go straight here. Anyway, Jungkook was the captain for the middle school team, and he was already good friends with the Bulletproof Boys, so everybody assumed he would automatically join the team once he enters high school,” Sungjae sipped his banana milk.

“That explained why everybody here is close with each other,” Jimin concluded.

“Anyway, lastly, we have our captain Min Yoongi,” Sungjae pointed towards the red-head that Jimin has been eyeing.

“He’s the captain?” Jimin repeated, trying to suppress his inner self from doing weird squealing.

“No ,” Taehyung stuffed a spoonful of jelly into his mouth. Jimin shot him a look but turned back to Sungjae to listen again.

“Yeah. Last year, the captain was Ikje, and they had Hunchul and Donghyuk but they were all seniors and left for university. Everybody knew Yoongi was going to be made captain, he had some sick moves and he never misses a shoot!” Sungjae bounced, almost knocking his own drink. He smiled sheepishly at his own action as Taehyung continued acting disinterested, only focusing on finishing his food while Jimin nodded in awe.

“So are you guys going the club fair today? They- Oww!” Sungjae abruptly stopped talking when a hand pulled his ear.

“Yook Sungjae, we’ve been looking everywhere for you, you brat,” the student said as Sungjae looked over to see the face of the owner of the hand.

“Oww, I’m sorry Ilhoon hyung I was just trying to find some peo- OWW!” Ilhoon pulled the younger’s ears harder until the younger’s face was red.

“Did you forget your duty to help Sohyun with the flyers? The club fair is this evening you idiot! We need to scout members!” Ilhoon proceeded to pull Sungjae onto his feet. Jimin and Taehyung watched with shut mouth and sorry eyes. They didn’t know what to do.

“Bye Jimin and Taehyung! It was nice sitting with you! See yo- OWW hyung!” and just like that, Sungjae was dragged away.

Jimin looked at his empty tray and Taehyung asked with a grin, “Do you want to go to the fair together?” Jimin looked at him, lips pressed.

“Why are you always changing your attitude?” he didn’t answer Taehyung’s question.

“I don’t know, actually. I’ve been like this since Hong Kong. Maybe I’m just tired of people befriending me for my looks and status. You’re different, my attitude shows it,” Taehyung flashed his rectangular smile and Jimin laughed in return before nodding. There was no denying, Taehyung is exceptionally attractive with big eyes, sharp nose and pink lips; no one would resist him. Jimin on the hand, wishes his eyes were bigger, his nose bridge was a bit higher and for the baby fats in his cheeks to go away.

“Okay whatever. And yeah, sure. I’ll go back first and change my clothes. Let’s meet up at two by the school gates,” Jimin suggested.

“Where do you live?” Taehyung asked.

“Uhm, my house is on the Jonggu street. It’s a fifteen minutes walking distance from here,” Jimin replied, unsure.

“Great! My house is in that direction too! I’ll pick you up from your house then!” Taehyung replied with enthusiasm, unaware of the tteokbokki sauce spread on his face.

“Okay then, if that’s fine with you. God, you’re such a kid,” Jimin gestured at Taehyung’s face and Taehyung messily took out a tissue from his pocket before wiping his mouth clean.


Jimin wore a plain black tee with a washed denim jeans and pulled on his red converse, hoping not to look too unimpressive. He ran his hand through his hair a couple of time before putting his snapback on. Jimin stood in front of his full mirror, trying to see whether if he could improve his appearance when a tiny voice rang in his head. Relax, it’s just the club fair.

The door to his room was opened by an eager Hyeon, crashing straight into his older brother. “Hyung!” short, stubby arms encircled themselves around Jimin’s waist. “Yah, didn’t I teach you too knock my door before entering?” Jimin squat down to match Hyeon’s eye level. He pretended to be mad, but Hyeon seemed so eager Jimin couldn’t afford to keep his angry face any longer.

“Sorry hyung, but some handsome Taetae hyung is at the door looking for you,” Hyeon spoke. Jimin smiled, eyes turning into crescents at his brother’s cute antics. “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute,” he ruffled Hyeon’s hair and the latter nodded at him before running down the stairs.

Jimin took a last glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, deeming satisfied with his own look and grabbed his spare of the house key, his wallet and phone before descending down the stairs to Taehyung making silly faces at a giggling Hyeon.

After saying bye to Jimin’s mother and Hyeon, the two walked down the pavement side by side. Taehyung sported a thin grey hoodie with black pants and his usual white Vans. The weather was nice, not too hot with some clouds hovering over them. “Your brother is cute,” Taehyung broke the silence. “He said you’re handsome,” Jimin chuckled.

The two continued their walk with jokes and talk, learning more about each other as they progressed. Jimin learned that Taehyung’s father owns a retail company, and they moved to Hong Kong when Taehyung was ten because his father needed to manage the new branch there. They moved back to South Korea last year due to main branch issues and the branch in Hong Kong is now managed by Taehyung’s uncle. Taehyung has an older sister who is studying in California.

Jimin contemplated on sharing his story about life back in Busan, because it seemed too ordinary compared to Taehyung’s, but Taehyung insisted on hearing so Jimin continued to tell him about the sea, his old friends, his poodle Gurong that died and everything he can squeeze in during the short walk. Taehyung seemed interested in his life, so Jimin figured that maybe being friends with Kim Taehyung doesn’t require a high standard at all. The other appeared to be so carefree and Jimin decided it’s time to put his guard down around Taehyung.

So Jimin draped a lazy arm over Taehyung’s shoulder as he dragged him to the school’s compound.

“So, what should we look at first?” He grinned at Taehyung and the other looked confused at his sudden change in behavior, but quickly returned the favor by draping his own arm over Jimin’s shoulder.

They walked lazily around, looking at different booths. After a while, Jimin dropped his arm because Taehyung is quite tall, therefore it was kind of tiring for him to continue placing his arm there. Taehyung chuckled but continued dragging Jimin around.

There saw the drama club, and Taehyung spotted Yoyeun and a couple of other girls giggling at the booth as they spoke to a boy, probably a junior who was handing out drama club forms. Taehyung rolled his eyes to Yoyeun’s obvious flirting and pulled Jimin to other booths. They spotted Sungjae at the modern music club booth, beaming with his wide smile as he called out to people, handing them forms in the process.

Jimin was about to tug Taehyung towards the booth’s direction but Taehyung immediately mouthed a serious, ‘Not glow boy’. Jimin pouted.

“Why? Do you think Sungjae wanted to be friends with you because of your status too?” Jimin asked.

“What? Hell, no. He’s nice and all but Jimin I told you, he’s ing glowing. At least let me get some shades on,” Taehyung pretended to be blinded by some invisible ray of light. Jimin sighed. “Okay okay.”


After some time walking, nothing really caught their interest. Jimin went to the vending machine and bought him and Taehyung canned drinks. They sat on a bench under a tree near the compound and Jimin begin drinking his apple juice.

“Thanks,” Taehyung said as he opened his own can.

“Did you see the basketball team booth?” Jimin asked after two big gulps. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips at Jimin. He prodded a slim digit at Jimin’s chest.

“Don’t tell me you actually want to try-out for the team,” Taehyung accused. Jimin swallowed his saliva, suddenly becoming nervous. The way Taehyung sentenced out his intention made it sound like Jimin was going to make the stupidest choice of his life.

“Well, I- actually I was in my previous school’s team, and I don’t find any other curriculum activities worth joining so-“

“Okay,” Taehyung cut Jimin short. “What?” Jimin stuttered. “Nothing. I said okay. By the way the team does not need to set-up booths. People would be lining up for try-outs on Friday,” Taehyung said casually. Jimin’s mouth formed and ‘o’ and he gulped hard at the thought of competing with so many people for so few reserved spot.

“I’m going to the toilet for a while,” Jimin said and Taehyung merely nodded.

On the way to the student’s toilet on the first floor, Jimin’s eyes were wild scanning the people around him. He did not spot any of the Bulletproof Boys around and was slightly disappointed. He was never going to admit this but he kind of like Min Yoongi’s face.

As soon as he stepped in the toilet, he froze on his foot when Min Yoongi cam into his view. Min Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him but Jimin stayed put, seemingly still shocked by the fact that the senior he was thinking about was standing right in front of him. Move you idiot, move! Jimin commanded himself. With a lot of willpower, Jimin stepped aside to make a way for Min Yoongi and it took Jimin about five seconds to process that Min Yoongi flashed what seemed like a smirk at him.

What the actual .




hello my lovely readers! here's the second chapter i promised you guys! i'm sorry that this is not about jimin's try-outs but i need to explain more about their backgrounds and history. next chapter would be about try-outs, i promise! so tell me what you think about vmin's friendship! i love to know your opinions~

thank you for all your comments my darlings, it cheered me up a lot! till next chapter~

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see you guys on friday 0109! [BB:BA]


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Kitkatkit #1
Chapter 19: Take your time! I rarely comment on stories but im glad your healthier
Chapter 19: please continue your story, i want to know what happen next. and your storyline is soooo amazing authornim. looking forward to your next chappie
dvxinst #3
Chapter 19: aww it's alright! take your time! we wish you all the best and i hope you can stay healthy (or even healthier) from now on! i'm sure everyone is really happy that you're getting a looooooot better than before, so don't stress yourself and be happy!
shinjuike #4
Chapter 19: Please don't stress yourself on writing this!! I'm really happy you're healthier. Take your time writing this. You should be comfortable with what you write. However, know that I'll always love it!!

I'm so happy you're better! Stay healthy and happy!
kulitlang08 #5
Chapter 19: looking forward for your next update...:D whatever happened in the past stays in the past...what's important is that, you learned something from it and remember what that lesson is and use it to your advantage...
Chapter 19: For s sake. You're better :)
It's nothing you should ask forgiveness for. And please. The writing of people always changes. Just write. We'll see and comment on it.
We love you, alright? <3
smilewhy #7
Chimslunatic #8
Chapter 19: You're doing great, that's good to hear, don't stress yourself over writing^^ take your time ;) hwaiting!
rdianitasari #9
Chapter 19: Glad that you're healthier. Thanks for come back and continue this story. Fighting!!!
chuppoppo #10
Chapter 19: Hi there auhornim! We're so glad to have you back!! It's okay authornim just take your time. At least we know that you're not abandoning us yeayyyy
Authornim fighting!!! *\(^ o ^)/*