Going Out

Bulletproof Boys: Basketball Affairs

[A/N: Some decent internet line to post this finally D:]


Friday training was just a slow pace of working on plays, the boys having decided to pass the time leisurely since they weren’t tight on any schedules. Jimin was working on fake and fast breaks, slamming the ball hard to the ground when he didn’t score his shoots.

“Jimin-ah, what’s wrong? You don’t want to ruin the poor ball,” Hoseok called out from the bench, concerned in Jimin’s abrupt strong outburst even with Yoongi’s clear leisure practice permission. Jimin turned in Hoseok’s direction, narrowing his eyes in the process. He gave the elder a prompt shook of the head before running off to fetch the ball he slammed earlier.

“Tae, what’s wrong with Jimin,” Jungkook asked as he tossed a towel in the Taehyung’s direction. Taehyung pulled his lips to one side in mock annoyance before answering.

“The spectacles he lost were his only pair since middle school. Been struggling to concentrate in class.”

Beside Jin, Yoongi pretended to not have the slightest interest in Jimin’s crisis but felt pity crawling inside his heart. Jimin might not suffer short-sighted problem to a high extent, seeing as how he could play in the court without his glasses with no problem, but it must be hard for the poor boy to strain his eyes to catch the teacher’s small writings on the board in class. Yoongi’s never experienced any sight problem before but he figured out it has to living with it.


Finally, deeming that he had enough of running and drenching himself in sweat, Jimin returned to the bench with a small smile after releasing all of his tension in the form of shooting hoops. He took his towel and drank from his bottle.

“Jimin-ah, do you want to join us hanging out tomorrow?” Jin asked.

“You have to come, we’re all going,” Namjoon said in his unusual inviting tone.

Jimin looked at all of his friends’ faces, biting his lip. In all honesty, he’d love to tag along with them; he’d make Jin treat him to ice-cream (Jin has a soft spot for him now), and Taehyung and Jungkook would make great companies for a chill hanging out session but Jimin’s spending a bit too much time with them now. Hyeon missed his hyung, and Jimin missed their Saturday mornings watching cartoons together.

“I- I don’t think I can,” he answered, hesitating. Taehyung frowned and Jungkook looked at him with big eyes. Even Yoongi gave his full attention to him.

“Why Jimin-ah?” Hoseok asked.

“I’ve not been spending much time with Hyeon lately, also my mum would lock me at home if I continue disappearing,” Jimin sincerely answered.

The other six just nodded, understanding and accepting Jimin’s reason. Taehyung and Jungkook gave each other a look and Jimin immediately knew that those two were up to something.



The next day, Jimin woke up at 8 by a bouncing and jumping Hyeon, eager to spend the morning with him. The elder fixed a lazy smile and suggested that before they start to hog over the television they’d better brush their teeth together or else they would spend the next hour being nagged by Mrs. Park. Hyeon giggled when Jimin pinched his nose and the two made their way to the bathroom.

They had their breakfast of cereals on the couch, turning on to a channel Hyeon liked, and started their Saturday cartoon relay. Jimin kept making silly gestures or pathetic attempts at mimicking the voices from the show, but Hyeon laughed at it all the same. The two would laugh even when watching re-runs that has been played numerous times because it’s funny, and Jimin treasures their time together.


It was somewhere close to 9.40 a.m. when somebody rang the doorbell.

“Me! Me! I’ll get it!” Hyeon jumped enthusiastically, small feet bringing him to the front door. He opened it to two faces, one familiar and one never showed up in front of him before.

“Taetae hyung!” the small boy brought his fists to meet Taehyung’s larger one as Taehyung beamed back a giddy ‘hello’ at him.

“This is Jungkook hyung. He’s a friend of your hyung too!” Taehyung introduces Jungkook, who seemed to be standing a bit awkwardly beside him. Jungkook just gave the smaller a hesitant smile; he actually didn’t have many experiences with small kids and didn’t know what to do when he sees one. Taehyung on the other hand, seemed to be diving in their mentality.

Greet him, you idiot’ Taehyung nudged Jungkook’s elbow and the other made a face in return before kneeling down in front of Hyeon.

“Hello, Hyeon. Is your brother here?”

“What are you guys doing here?!”

Taehyung, Jungkook and Hyeon turned around to Jimin, hair still sticking out in all directions and clad in his pajamas in the hallways. Jungkook stood from his position earlier and raised one eyebrow in clear confidence.

“We came by to tell you that the offer is still on,” he said.

“And apparently we have spots for two,” Taehyung continued, hand reaching out to ruffle Hyeon’s hair. The smaller leaned into his touch like a kitten. Jimin crossed his arms and frowned.

“Thanks guys, I really appreciate it but-“

“I think it’s about time you take Hyeon to see his new city, Jimin,” a gentle voice echoed behind Jimin and he turned around to a small smile that was carved on his mother’s face.

“Yay! Umma can I go out with this hyungs?” Hyeon left the door to latch his stubby figure by his mother’s side. Mrs. Park only gave the smaller an approving motherly smile. Jimin watched in disbelief. It was rare of his mother to let Jimin bring Hyeon out anywhere by just the two of them back in Busan, let alone in this city, and Jimin couldn’t help but to voice out a protest against his own liking.

“But mom, are you sure?”

“Well, your friends certainly did convince me that they were going to take good care of both of you,” Mrs. Park gave a small wave at Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin looked around to face them and Taehyung grinned widely at him, showing his phone in the process. Jimin sighed.

“Be ready in 15! We’ll be waiting with Namjoon hyung inside the car,” Jungkook instructed before he and Taehyung casually walked back to where the car was parked even without waiting for Jimin’s response. They knew the boy wouldn’t resist, seeing how Hyeon’s eyes literally sparked with hope and excitement.


So the plan was to grab brunch at Jin’s favorite café before wandering around aimlessly down the Garosugil streets. Jimin was constantly frowning at Taehyung (he was still mad because how can you just barge in his house at such an ungodly hour telling him to get out?!) but the frown on his face was gradually going away as he saw the happiness in Hyeon.

Taehyung has been trying to hold his hand, Jin and Hoseok cooing at how cute he is and Hoseok was also making silly faces. Jungkook, although awkward with kids (Jimin could tell), was trying his best to interact with Hyeon and Namjoon even tried to lift him once. Yoongi looked like he didn’t care, but then again that was probably his default face, but he extended his hand once in a while, ruffling Hyeon’s hair. The little child enjoyed all the attention he was given with.


While in the café, Hoseok immediately offered to buy Hyeon hot chocolate and Taehyung was already perched at the counter, ordering waffles with ice cream and strawberries after confirming with Hyeon that he liked strawberries the most.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin resorted to find empty seats for all of them. Jimin fidgeted a bit when Yoongi decided to sit beside him.

“So, how old is he again?” the way Yoongi asked sounded so lazy Jimin thought he was mumbling at first.


“That kid. Your brother. Hyeon. His age,” Yoongi repeated.

“Oh, yes, uh, Hyeon’s turning eight in April-“ Jimin pauses momentarily, “-hyung.”

Yoongi nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Later, the table was filled by the rest of the members with ‘brunch’ (really, it could be early lunch for them), and of course little Hyeon in tow. In the midst of eating, Jin kept on feeding Hyeon small bites of sandwiches to which the smaller gladly complied. Taehyung eyed them and averted his gaze to Jungkook who was sitting beside him.

“Jungkook-ah, feed me too!” Taehyung faced the other, opening his mouth and closing his eyes in anticipation of something savory to hit his mouth. Instead, he felt hands pushing his face away and when he opened his eyes, Jungkook was looking at with disgust.

“Yah Taehyung, stop bothering maknae,” from the other side of the table, Namjoon spoke. Taehyung raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes in surprise as he turned his attention back to Jungkook.

“You were born on 31st December?” he asked, awed. Jungkook stared at him.

“No, I’m September-born, smart-.”

Taehyung turned his head back to Namjoon.

“Hyung! You lied! That makes me the maknae!” he whined. Namjoon casually sipped his Americano before answering, “Well, Jungkook was the maknae before you came. Guess he’ll always be the youngest in my mind, then.” Taehyung huffed in protest. The others laughed at his antics.

“Jimin-ah, do you mind if I bring our little tiger to the toys department? I’d love to by him something,” Hoseok asked after feeding Hyeon a spoonful of soup. Jimin hesitated before answering. He looked at Hyeon, and the younger was looking at him with big eyes full of hope, Jimin couldn’t afford to disappoint.

“Yeah, I guess. Won’t he be a trouble?” Jimin asked back.

“No, no of course not. Little Hyeon is such an angel,” Hoseok sing-songed. Taehyung immediately offered to tag along and Jungkook followed shortly after. Jimin watched the four leave the café with worried eyes and heavy heart. He really hoped that Hyeon would be a good boy and listen to his hyungs, but more importantly he felt guilty of Hoseok spending money on his little brother.

“I’m gonna run over to the music store. Need some new picks and probably gonna hang around to see new updates,” Namjoon muttered. Jin followed him as they exited the café, leaving Jimin with Yoongi alone.


Jimin sipped his latte, trying to think of things he could say to ease the awkwardness in the air. Yoongi hasn’t spoken a single word since Namjoon and Jin left, and Jimin didn’t trust himself to make the situation any more awkward.

“So,” Yoongi finally shifted from his initial position of leaning backwards to sitting straight. “Let’s get you a pair of new shoes and spectacles,” he said, standing up and leaving a stunned Jimin gaping in his seat. When the younger finally processed what Yoongi said, he scrambled to get on his feet and ran to catch up with the elder.

Jimin suddenly became very aware of his clothes, the smell from his shower earlier, hands instinctively lifting his snapback to card through his hair before putting the cap back on. He hoped he’s good enough to walk beside Min Yoongi.




This is really short (it's not even 2k tbh) but I don't know where to break it since next chapter is about their first unofficiial date and I just feel bad leaving you guys without any update since internet here is like Rapmon's love for Taehyung (reads: non-existent) >.< so I tried. but on a happy note, i'll be going back on Tuesday (yay!) and I'll post the chapters on a steady rate like before, hopefully. i'll reply to your comments and wall posts and pms as soon as i get back home! thank you everyone! see you guys on tuesday!

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see you guys on friday 0109! [BB:BA]


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Kitkatkit #1
Chapter 19: Take your time! I rarely comment on stories but im glad your healthier
Chapter 19: please continue your story, i want to know what happen next. and your storyline is soooo amazing authornim. looking forward to your next chappie
dvxinst #3
Chapter 19: aww it's alright! take your time! we wish you all the best and i hope you can stay healthy (or even healthier) from now on! i'm sure everyone is really happy that you're getting a looooooot better than before, so don't stress yourself and be happy!
shinjuike #4
Chapter 19: Please don't stress yourself on writing this!! I'm really happy you're healthier. Take your time writing this. You should be comfortable with what you write. However, know that I'll always love it!!

I'm so happy you're better! Stay healthy and happy!
kulitlang08 #5
Chapter 19: looking forward for your next update...:D whatever happened in the past stays in the past...what's important is that, you learned something from it and remember what that lesson is and use it to your advantage...
Chapter 19: For s sake. You're better :)
It's nothing you should ask forgiveness for. And please. The writing of people always changes. Just write. We'll see and comment on it.
We love you, alright? <3
smilewhy #7
Chimslunatic #8
Chapter 19: You're doing great, that's good to hear, don't stress yourself over writing^^ take your time ;) hwaiting!
rdianitasari #9
Chapter 19: Glad that you're healthier. Thanks for come back and continue this story. Fighting!!!
chuppoppo #10
Chapter 19: Hi there auhornim! We're so glad to have you back!! It's okay authornim just take your time. At least we know that you're not abandoning us yeayyyy
Authornim fighting!!! *\(^ o ^)/*