2/3 - Their Past.

It's My Turn to Cry
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“I like you.”

Kai stared at the girl in front of him. She looked at the ground and Kai can tell that she was embarrassed of what she had confessed. But Kai didn’t know what to do or what to say. Heck, he didn’t even know the girl’s name.

“I’m sorry-“

“No don’t be!” The girl interrupted him and looked right into Kai’s brown orbs. That’s right at the moment Kai forget what he wanted to say and reject the girl. He didn’t know what get into him but he just can’t look away from her eyes.

“You don’t know me right? Stupid me for not introducing myself first! I’m Lee Haru from class 1-7!” She offered her hand but Kai was too stunned to shake it. Lee Haru cleared awkwardly and pulled her hand back then scratched the back of her neck.


“So Kai! Are you still here?” Haru called him while waving her hands in front of him with an awkward grin. Kai blinked once or twice before clearing his throat to gain back his composure.

“Listen Halu or Haul, I’m not interested in having a relationship with a girl, right now-“

“Yeah I know.” Once again, Haru cut off Kai from his rejection but Haru was desperate. “Because you want to focus in your dream right? To be the most talented dancer. In my opinion, you are the best dancer, no, you are the most most most amazing dancer ever.” She continued and her eyes were twinkling when she talk about his dance.

“I promise you, I won’t ever bother you when you practice! I just want to support you and always be your shoulder when you tired or you get injury because of practicing too hard. I want to be there by your side.” Haru confessed all her feel for Kai. Now or never Lee Haru ! She shut both her eyes because the shame was overwhelming right after she said that to Kai.


Haru eyes when wide at his answer and she look right into his eyes again but instead of the cold face Kai, she met a shy Kai with a small troubled smile decorate his face. Yes what? Yes to be my boyfriend? Yes he understand my feeling? OR WHAT?! SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE DIFENITION OF YES HERE TO ME! Haru screamed inside her mind.

Haru gulped down her saliva and asked, “Y-yes what?” She wanted to smack herself for stuttering, but it didn’t matter now.

“You.. like..relationship..yeah..like..that..er. you know-“ Kai had gone mad, he didn’t even know what his mouth try to say. He stopped and inhale deeply before saying “Well, as long as you won’t bother me, I meant I have a big competition next month and-“

“ARE YOU SURE?!” Haru yelled out of happiness. She can’t believe, Kai just accepted her confession!

Kai frowned for a hundred times again, this girl was cutting him off again. Will she ever let him finish his sentence first? And what, she asked if he was sure? First, she was saying everything to convince him to accept her heart and he was considering to accept it and she asked again if he’s sure or not? Kai almost lost his temper toward this girl. But instead of shouting to her face, Kai just closed both his eyes and muttered a “yes” to her.

“OH MY GOD!” Haru jumped toward him to hug him but, Kai didn’t predict this surprise hug coming. Catching Kai off guard, both of them fell into the snowy grass.

“Thank you so much!” Haru squealed again although both of them had fallen.

“Y-your welcome.” Kai replied timidly. He never had a love relationship ever, heck, he didn’t even have a girl he like, yet he accept her. He knew him agreeing to this was the most unpredictable choice in his life, he didn’t love her, no, he didn’t even know her. But she was more weird for him, she know that he didn’t even know her yet she still standing here, confessing her feeling.

“Kai?” With them still laid flat in the ground, Haru called him but he didn’t say anything. But Haru knew he was listening to her. “It’s Haru, Lee Haru, not halu or haul.” She continued and back to bear hug him again in the ground.

First day of December and first day of snow and for the first time, Haru didn’t feel cold at all.




The second day Haru became Kai’s girlfriend the school was on fire. They were throwing a questioning look at the girl beside Kai that had clinging in his right hand like there’s no tomorrow. Kai walked in the middle of the hall carelessly, well like he usually did.

“Are they going out?”

“What the hell?”

“Lee Haru is so lucky!”

“This is just like drama!”

A bunch of comments can be heard here and there yet, both Kai and Haru walked together as if they are the only one walking.

“Why all of them are so curious about other people?” Haru left Kai’s hand and started to walk on her own.

Kai rolled his eyes at her question and internally said, ‘of course because of me, you idiot.’

“I’m not an idiot! I heard them talking about us.” Haru pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Leaving Kai confused.

‘How did she know what I was thinking?’ Kai stared at the girl suspiciously.

“What? I don’t know what you’re thinking, so talk.” She said again and kept walking while Kai had stuck in the same position as before.

‘What the hell? But you just answer all my question!’

“No, I’m not! If you won’t talk to me, I need to go to class now.” She sighed loudly then started to walk to her class.

‘Bye’ Kai said internally again.

“Bye Kai!” He suddenly heard Haru’s voice so he brought his head up and met the girl waving her hands around while walking backward. Kai squinted his eyes. This is weird, no, she is weird. He ruffled his dark brown hair and suddenly a smile decorate his usually cold face. No, he is weird.




Kai found it amusing every time Haru know what was he thinking even without him to say it out loud. But the most amusing part was when he don’t mind to have her beside him although she keep talking randomly. Haru always watched him practice and even brought him a litters of water. Kai started to accept the reality that he had someone that care for him.

“Man, she’s adorable.” Kris, one of Kai’s dance team whistled. Kai looked at where Kris’ eyes were and chocked his drink. Lee Haru was sitting on the only one sofa in the room with both her legs crossed and drown in her mobile phone.

“Yaa.” Kai wacked the back of Kris head when he realized that Kris just checking out his girlfriend.

“Aw! What the heck Kai?!” Kris yelled with an unclear tone. Kai casually shrugged then drink his water again.

“Rule number 284 Kris hyung, do not check out Kai’s lover.” Lay patted Kris’ shoulder then standing up to practice again.

Kris grumbled with an annoyed tone, Kai internally smirking with so much victory. Kris was always loved by girls just like him. But the difference was, every girls want to be around Kris while they were afraid and confuse how to approach Kai. So, for the first time, Kai won Lee Haru from Kris.

“What are you thinking?” Kai widened his eyes when he suddenly face to face with Lee Haru.

“Don’t tell me you are being childish again? Thinking about winning something ridiculous?” Haru said again, making Kai amused by her guessing.

“Well, there is no time for you to dreaming for another dream! Come on stand up you need to practice for your dream.” Haru stood up then reached out her arms and Kai gladly took it.

Kai smiled at her thankfully. ‘Well, I win your heart against the famous Kris, Lee Haru.’

After a nonstop of practicing Kai finally sit down and was greeted by a can of his favorite soda drink. Kai smiled knowingly and take the can from Haru.

“You’ve worked hard! Great job!” Haru applause loudly.

“Thank you.” Kai shyly duck his redden face then rub the back of his neck.  

That was how the newly couple spent their time together. Kai kept his silent and Haru stood by his side for everything he did. But a relationship won’t stay as calm as this for too long, and this also happened to Lee Haru and Kim Kai.

Kim Kai was walking through the school’s corridor alone while drinking water from the bottle Haru had left in the practice room’s couch. He drank all the water at once but still feel the thirstiness so he decided to refill the bottle. The school should be empty at this hour but suddenly a couple of girl’s voice can be heard.

“I pity Kai for being trap in a relationship with that fur ball.” Girl 1 said.

“But don’t you think he love her?” Girl 2 said.

“Of course not, he just forced to be in relationship with that girl! Don’t you see how she cling into him?!” Girl 1 replied with anger.

“She just way to clingy and weird. She was embarrassing Kai with everything do.” Girl 3 said and this time Kai clenched his fist.

Was this how all of them seeing him with her? A pity full guy that was trapped in a relationship with a weird girl? This was so embarrassing. How can he be so blind that everyone think of him this pity fully? Kai gritted his teeth and left the spot with so much hatred.  

After Kai accidently heard what the girls said, he changed and Haru aware of it, but she didn’t understand why the hell he change. Was it because of her saggy outfit? Her natural black hair? Was he wanting someone with a skin-tight clothes and brown hair? Haru didn’t understand why Kai changed.

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Subscribed bcos this looks great ;)
Chapter 3: And the most beautiful fanfic this year goes to....*drumrolls* It's My Turn To Cry!!
jongenini #3
Chapter 3: kyaaaaa!!! this fic is so beautiful T.T great story, sequel plss.
Chapter 3: SEQUELL please
xbornhater #5
Chapter 3: Its beautiful TT haru baby my baby let him suffer more baby btw wheres sehun
lunable #7
Chapter 3: Complete already??? sequel please
Kailipseu #8
Chapter 3: OMG THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND WELL WRITTEN!! i hope you can make an epilogue for this. i need more haru & kai moment. sighs i feel bad for chanyeol thi :((