║moon kissed™║ a writing contest [judging]
Title: Scored on how well it works with your story. Also if originality is there. Does it lead a question? Is it too obvious? Does it give too much of the story away?

Description: Does it grab my attention? Is it too long? Is it too short? Does it relate to the original storyline? Also graded on how well you did the contest credit.
Plot: Is it an original plot? Does it make me perked up? Is it good enough to be featured? Is it a top-notch fic? Am I entertained?
Characterization: Is there character development? Do the characters have their own personality? Are they relatable? Can I be able to like the characters? Protagonist, Antagonist?
Originality: Can I immediately say it's original? Is it a mainstream, cliche fanfic?
Grammar: Does your sentences look correct? Do they flow well?
Spelling: Did you look back for spelling errors?
Punctuation: Is everything punctuated correctly?
Appearance: Is the font too small? Too big? Do I like the layout?
Flow: Are there twists and turns? Do I have to look back to understand?
Prompt Usage: Did you use the prompts well?
You can earn bonus points by:
- Advertising this contest anywhere.
- Making your own graphics for your story.
(more to be added)
Plase comment with a link for those^^
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Is the contest abandoned or still going on?
when will winners be announced? :)
Chapter 3: I failed to write my story but I'd like to enter once again if you make another contest. Can you inform me if you make another one?
Chapter 16: I haven't been contacted about judging stories as of yet. Just a reminder I am here
Hey guys, I'm so sorry to have to do this at the last minute, but I'm going to have to withdraw my entry from the contest. Things got really hectic with uni and I don't see myself finishing my story any time soon :/

Thank you for hosting this, and I'm really sorry to be a bother at the last minute. Good luck with judging <3
Oh okay nevermind. I just saw the judging status on your title. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it on time. Lack of inspiration and life's hecticness precedes me.
Hi, is there a specific time for the deadline? With the time zones and all, I just want to be sure if I still had time to send it in.
Chapter 16: Hi! I just wanted to ask about the due date
Due to the different time zones, what time should we have it complete by the 29th?
I've finished! And, please disregard my inquiry about judging on Ao3; things changed and everything is here on AFF. :)