
║moon kissed™║ a writing contest [judging]

Hey guys!

It seems some of you are a bit confused about how the prompts work.
No, you do not need to use the quote in your actual text. The prompts are there to give you inspiration, not describe your entire story.
I want you to pick the prompt that best connects with your story. :)

I hope that cleared a bit of misunderstanding.

Although, I really don't mind if you use the quote in the text or make your whole story based on the one quote. Feel free to do whatever you need, but I feel that just picking a quote that best fits your story is better than writing based on quotes alone.

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Is the contest abandoned or still going on?
when will winners be announced? :)
Chapter 3: I failed to write my story but I'd like to enter once again if you make another contest. Can you inform me if you make another one?
Chapter 16: I haven't been contacted about judging stories as of yet. Just a reminder I am here
Hey guys, I'm so sorry to have to do this at the last minute, but I'm going to have to withdraw my entry from the contest. Things got really hectic with uni and I don't see myself finishing my story any time soon :/

Thank you for hosting this, and I'm really sorry to be a bother at the last minute. Good luck with judging <3
Oh okay nevermind. I just saw the judging status on your title. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it on time. Lack of inspiration and life's hecticness precedes me.
Hi, is there a specific time for the deadline? With the time zones and all, I just want to be sure if I still had time to send it in.
Chapter 16: Hi! I just wanted to ask about the due date
Due to the different time zones, what time should we have it complete by the 29th?
I've finished! And, please disregard my inquiry about judging on Ao3; things changed and everything is here on AFF. :)