║moon kissed™║ a writing contest [judging]
Quote Prompts:

01. "It would appear that she views guys on the same level as potatoes." -Kyon
02. "So what? You're another person, so of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for?" -Ciel
03. "Pain tends to heal as time passes, but personally, I don't want time to heal my wounds." -Ciel
04. "It's not that you don't know how to interact with people. It's just that no one would ever come to interact with you." -Maka
05. "As long as I don't admit defeat, then I'll never be a loss!" -Black Star
06. "How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past?" -Edward Elric
07. "Whether you are human or a monster, there is no difference in value of someone's life." -Mizore
08. "Love is something that you shouldn't force on others." -France
09. "Accepting something is easier said than done." -Togashi
010. "Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." -Blue Spring Ride
011. "Don't just mindlessly judge people as you please." -Rin
012. "Two people with a common goal can accomplish many things. Two people with a common enemy can accomplish even more." -Rumplestiltskin
013. "When I win your heart, it will be because you want me." -Hook
014. "Aren't you a real Prince Charming?" -Snow
015. "It is so much easier to get someone to hate something than to believe." -Peter
016. "Love has killed more than disease." -Rumplestiltskin
017. "Deny it all you want, but I know love when I see it." -Aurora
018. "I shall destroy your happiness if it the last thing I do." -Regina
019. "I have lost so much that I love." -Rumplestiltskin
020. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." -Rumplestiltskin
021. "Having your heart broken can make you do unspeakable things." -Regina
022. "Can't I be free of you?" -Peter
023. "The lonliest people can be the strongest people."
024. "Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love." -Laini Taylor
025. "Gender has nothing to do with love."
026. "Spilled water will never return to its container." -Ciel
027. "You rich bastards." -Haruhi
028. "Stupidity is contagious, you know?" -Ami
029. "We're like fireworks. Rising, shining, scattering, and finally . . . fading." -Toshiro
030. "The brightest smile hides the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes shed the most tears. The kindest hearts feel the most pain."
031. "Reality is such a pain." -Erika Karisawa
032. "People are meant to be used and thrown away." -Noiz
033. "Who are you to determine what I am capable of?"
034. "Dreams exist to be realized." -Rin
035. "I'm not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I'm a college student who loves to read like you could find anywhere. But . . . if for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be a tragedy." -Ken Kaneki
036. "Is your enemy really me?"
037. "What comes after happily ever after?"
038. "My friends keep disappearing."
039. "To win, you have to attack." -Light
040. "The bow reflects the archer's heart."
041. "The higher the expectation, the more brutal the betrayal."














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Is the contest abandoned or still going on?
when will winners be announced? :)
Chapter 3: I failed to write my story but I'd like to enter once again if you make another contest. Can you inform me if you make another one?
Chapter 16: I haven't been contacted about judging stories as of yet. Just a reminder I am here
Hey guys, I'm so sorry to have to do this at the last minute, but I'm going to have to withdraw my entry from the contest. Things got really hectic with uni and I don't see myself finishing my story any time soon :/

Thank you for hosting this, and I'm really sorry to be a bother at the last minute. Good luck with judging <3
Oh okay nevermind. I just saw the judging status on your title. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it on time. Lack of inspiration and life's hecticness precedes me.
Hi, is there a specific time for the deadline? With the time zones and all, I just want to be sure if I still had time to send it in.
Chapter 16: Hi! I just wanted to ask about the due date
Due to the different time zones, what time should we have it complete by the 29th?
I've finished! And, please disregard my inquiry about judging on Ao3; things changed and everything is here on AFF. :)