Vacation pt. 3

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Chanyeol was in a state of panic, he ran in-between every room and no Kyungsoo in any. Everyone was scrambling around their floor, knocking on the doors of other guests, turning everything over, and yelling out Kyungsoo’s name, but they just couldn’t find him.

Chanyeol was on the verge of tears, he was tired, and just wanted Kyungsoo to be okay. They all decided to look on other floors, maybe he’d gotten lost? They ran down the stairs to search for him. They split up to look in the lobby and the parking lot, surely he couldn’t have gotten far, or maybe someone took him? Chanyeol tried hard not to think of that, he didn’t want to think that someone could take his little Soo, he would kill them.
An hour passed and nothing, both Kris and Chanyeol were crying and were sent back up to their rooms by Suho.
“We’ll keep looking, but you guys need to rest. I’m sure Kyungsoo’s okay, he’s a strong kitty.”
His words were nice, but no use, Kris was beating himself for being such a bad owner, it was their first vacation all together and he lost Kyungsoo. Chanyeol was beating himself up over not being a good boyfriend, he should have gone with him when he went to his room, and this was his entire fault. Kris walked Chanyeol to his room and hugged him, Chanyeol hugged him back and cried a little bit more. They both knew if they didn’t know Kyungsoo was safe, they would get no sleep.
While they hugged and cried about losing their little Soo, the door to Chanyeol’s room slowly opened.
Kyungsoo stared at the two big idiots crying in front of him and coughed. They both looked over and their eyes went big.
“What are you guys crying about?”
They didn’t answer him they just ran over and squished him between both of them, still crying and trying to speak at once. Kyungsoo pushed, and kicked trying to get from in between, but they smothered him even more as he tried to struggle.
“Let me go!”
They pulled apart and Kyungsoo fell to the floor and kicked at their feet.
“What is your problem?!”
Kris went from crying tears of joys to disapproving death glares in record time.
“Where were you!? We were looking for you for more than an hour!”
Kyungsoo just blinked up at them and turned his head, letting out a scoff.
“You s left me.” He stood up and dusted off his knees, then glared up at both of them again. “I came up to put away Tiny, and went to the restroom, then went back downstairs to eat, but you were all gone. So I ended up eating alone and when I came back up you were all gone again! I should be the one that’s angry.”
Kris and Chanyeol really wanted to just face palm at this big misunderstanding and at all the unnecessary crying they had been doing. Kris shook his head and took out his phone.
“I’m going to call the guys and let them know you’re fine.”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at Kris as he walked to his room, these idiots were always getting over worked about something.
Chanyeol walked over to Kyungsoo and hugged him from behind, digging his face into Kyungsoo’s hair and exhaling loudly.
“I’m sorry you were all alone, I’m a horrible boyfriend. I promise I wont let anything happen like that again.”
Kyungsoo smiled and nodded.
“You better not.”
Chanyeol chuckled and kissed the back of Kyungsoo’s head.
“So why were you in my room?”
Kyungsoo’s face went red and he pushed Chanyeol away.
“I-I was looking for you, you idiot. Now go to sleep! You’ve all made me angry enough for one day.” 



So change of plan, there will be 4 parts to the Vacation. 
I lost a family member on Friday and was originally not going to update 
But i felt bad leaving a cliff hanger so I finished up that part.
I'll try and update again soon, I just need a little bit of time 
But don't worry KittySoo and Puppyeol will live on! I will not give up on them 
Thank you <3

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