Vacation pt.2

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Kyungsoo woke up when they were about ten minutes away from their hotel and tried his best to keep from complaining. He was holding on to Chanyeol’s hand and playing with his fingers trying to calm himself down. Chanyeol was still asleep, his head on Kyungsoo’s shoulders softly snoring and twitching every once in a while. Kris on the other hand was watching the road and listening to his GPS so they wouldn’t get lost for the third time, but Kyungsoo and Chanyeol didn’t know about that because they were asleep.
When they finally made it Suho was waiting for them in the parking lot with a big smile and two overly hyper puppies behind him running around in circles. Kyungsoo really wanted to just jump out of the car, but then he didn’t want to be anywhere near those two right now. Kris got out and greeted his boyfriend with a hug and a kiss.
“Finally I’m here thank god.”
Suho chuckled.
“How many time did you get lost?”
Kris blushed and scratched the back of his head.
“Pfft, none. I’m great with directions.”
Suho laughed again went back to taking the bags out of his car.
“Whatever Kris, go check in already.”
Kris nodded.
“Could you watch these two for me while I do?”
Suho agreed and Kris ran off to the lobby almost tripping over his feet, he looked around to see if anyone noticed and of course Baek was laughing at him.
Chanyeol finally woke up and pulled Kyungsoo out of the car to greet Suho and the puppies. They hugged and jumped around while Kyungsoo helped Suho take things out of his car. Kris came back after checking them in and they took all their bags inside where a man took them from them and ran it up to their rooms. Kris and Suho turned around and gave Kyungsoo and Baek two room keys.
“Here’s how this week is going to be: Kyungsoo, you, Lay, and Tao are going to be sharing a room. Baekhyun, you, Chanyeol, Chen, and Jongin will be sharing one room. Kris and I will be in our own room and Luhan and Xiumin will share one room, is that okay with everyone?”
Kyungsoo’s ears went flat against his head in protest, he wanted to share a room with Chanyeol, but he kept his thoughts to himself and nodded.
Suho grabbed Kris’s hand and dragged him to their room, Kris’s face went red and Suho had a huge smile on his face that nothing good could from. Kyungsoo mocked them and ran over to Chanyeol, linking their fingers together and walking with him to their rooms. None of the other kitties were here yet, so he’d just have to take Chanyeol to his room with him until they did. Baekhyun was behind them glaring holes into the back of Kyungsoo’s head, he’d still hadn’t gotten over the whole kissing incident with Chanyeol. Kyungsoo knew Baekhyun was watching so he clung onto Chanyeol more, wrapping both his arms around his arm and leaning his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder.
Chanyeol knew what Kyungsoo was doing, but he also loved the attention and that Kyungsoo was being so clingy for once, so he didn’t say anything and planted a kiss on the top of Kyungsoo’s head. When they got to their floor Kyungsoo pulled Chanyeol to his room with him, but Baekhyun tried to grab Chanyeol and pull him to their room.
“They said he’s in our room!” But Kyungsoo ignored him and walked into his room with Chanyeol right behind him.
They spent their time waiting for the rest of their friends to get there by Kyungsoo pulling Chanyeol on top of him and linking their mouths together. Chanyeol was a little surprised by Kyungsoo’s sudden displays of affection, but eagerly kissed back and rubbed circles on to Kyungsoo’s hips with his thumbs.
Being out of the apartment and seeing the envious look on Baekhyun’s face, when Chanyeol kissed the top of Kyungsoo's head in the elevator, made Kyungsoo just really want to kiss the life out of Chanyeol, and Chanyeol was not complaining.
Chanyeol was marks on the skin Kyungsoo’s neck and had his hands a good way up his shirt, Kyungsoo was purring and panting, softly Chanyeol’s name and running his nails down Chanyeol’s arms, when the door burst open and Tao jumped in over excited and yelling at the top of his lungs.
“Kyungsoo! I’m her- Oh my god!”
He jumped back and covered his eyes. Kyungsoo eyes snapped open and he pushed Chanyeol off of him and onto the floor. His face red and he scrambled to try and cover the awkward tent in his pants.
“Tao! What the hell! Do you not know how to knock?”
Tao squealed and covered did a weird little ‘I’m uncomfortable’ dance, then a very sleepy Lay pushed past Tao, a smile on his face as he walked over to the other bed, ignoring the yelling between the two other kitties, and plopped down.
Chanyeol rubbed the back of his head and peeked over the bed at Kyungsoo who was still yelling things at Tao. Tao still had his hands over his face and his ears were standing straight up.
“I refuse to look until he is gone! My poor innocent eyes! I can’t believe what I just witnessed!”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at him.
“Shut up already, you’re annoying.”
Chanyeol stood up and chuckled.
“Alright Tao I’m going.”
He then kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead.
“I’m going to go to my room now. I’ll see you later, Soo.”
Kyungsoo pouted, he didn’t want Chanyeol to leave yet, but if he didn’t Tao would keep complain, so he nodded and Chanyeol walked out heading over to his room.

They all spent their first night at the hotel sleeping and resting from their long car ride. Luhan and Xiumin had gotten there a bit late anyway so they really couldn’t do much together.


The next morning Kyungsoo and the other kitties woke up to loud knocking on their doors.
“Guys! Time to get up! Breakfast then the amusement park!”
Lay lazily got up and went straight to the bathroom, Tao didn’t even flinch and kept snoring, Kyungsoo sat up and rubbed his eyes looking over at the clock. It marked 6am and he hissed.
“Its still early what the hell is wrong with you!” And threw himself back on his bed and pulled a pillow over his head.
Kyungsoo and Tao had to be dragged out of their rooms while a happy Lay walked straight to breakfast and ate off of everyone’s plates. Chen had to keep waking up Jongin because he would fall asleep and his face would hit his food, he wasn’t a morning puppy. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sat on either side of Chanyeol and kept bickering, Chanyeol ignored them and ate his food. Tao kept whining to Luhan that he didn’t like the food in front of him, but Luhan wasn’t paying attention because he was bugging Xiumin, insisting on feeding him and Xiumin kept hitting his hand or biting at him. Kris and Suho were in their own little world feeding each other and being painfully cheesy, cooing and giggling, so everyone ignored them on purpose. When they got to the amusement park they all went on their own ways, trying to ride all the rides and eating everything they could, except Kyungsoo and Chanyeol.  Kyungsoo hated cars alone so rollercoasters were a big no for him, and Chanyeol didn’t want to leave him alone so he took his hand and they played games. Chanyeol was really good at the stand games and ended up winning three big stuffed animals for Kyungsoo, but they gave two away to random little kids. Kyungsoo kept the big puppy, but not because it reminded him of Chanyeol, but just because it was bigger than he was and he could hide behind it.

They all met up back at the front gates at closing and went back to the hotel tired and hungry. Kyungsoo was the first to go up to their rooms so he wouldn’t have to take the big stuffed animal with him. The rest of them went to the cafeteria and had a late dinner, chatting about their day and insisting on going again before they leave.
Everyone finished eating and decided to head upstairs to sleep after their long day and maybe take a shower.



When everyone was laying down there was a knock at the puppies door room, loud and frantic. Chanyeol ran over and opened it to a very worried and craze looking Kris.
“Please tell me Kyungsoo is in here with you.”
He yelled and Chanyeol’s blood went cold. He shook his head and Kris pulled at his hair.
“He’s gone! No one has seen him since dinner!” 




Dun dun DUN. 

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