t w o

Last Christmas


"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. 
Cats have never forgotten this. "




      The angry silence was broken by a series of woofs from the house. "What-" Before Sehun could say anything else, he found himself being smothered by from a few furry creatures. In the chaos, he heard the pretty guy say, "Okay guys. Love session's over. Jewel, stop biting his shoelaces." Sehun didn't even realise that a brown poodle was tugging fiercely at his shoes.

Pretty Boy hurried the dogs back into the house and he tried prying the poodle away from Sehun, but to no avail. This was not new to Sehun. (They had a hyperactive husky back at the shelter which seemed to like his and Jongdae's shoes.) Sehun felt around his pocket calmly and found a rubber bone in it. 

The moment he took it out, the poodle released his shoelaces and looked at the toy with interest. Then Sehun threw it inside the house. The poodle dashed after it immediately, nearly smashing into what Sehun thought was a scratching post at the doorway. 

Sehun paid no attention to his wet shoelaces and turned to Tear and Drop who were sitting beside him and grooming their fur. As he picked them up, Sehun told the Pretty Boy who was looking at him, "Nice poodle you have there." 

"Was there sarcasm?" Pretty Boy scowled back. Tear mewled as she struggled in Sehun's grip. Sehun rolled his eyes and said, "No. There wasn't. Nice meeting you again, but I really need to get back-"

"No you're not going anywhere."

Then Sehun found himself whisked into the door, the two cats in tow. Pretty Boy shut the door hard behind him and gave him a hard look. "You seriously don't think I'm going to let you take them back to wherever your place is right?" But Sehun wasn't paying attention.

His mouth dropped open as he scanned the house. This place was animal heaven. 

A few cats lazed around the sofa and Sehun saw one sleeping above the fireplace. Bird cages were hung from the ceiling. Multiple scratching posts of different varieties adorned the walls. "Wow..." Sehun mouthed as he walked through the living area. Tear and Drop took his moment of daze and escaped, running towards the fireplace. At the same moment, the same dogs who him just now came dashing down the staircase, barking excitedly.

They chased a half delfated basketball like a bunch of children. Sehun spotted a tabby cat whose ear was missing. It's body was still marred with scars. The tabby cat miaowed as Sehun went forward and carried it up gently. Poor thing...

"Gangsters. I found him, almost dead last month," Pretty Boy said behind him. Sehun grit his teeth in annoyance, "I hate them..." He watched Pretty Boy walk past him towards the group of dogs. He singled out a pug and muttered, "Cotton was, I think mistreated by his owner. He has a permanent limp." Then he kneeled down and patted Cotton on his head.

Sehun joined Pretty Boy quietly beside him, still the tabby. He said softly in surprise, "You've been saving them." Kieran padded up to them and Sehun saw Pretty Boy's eyes sparkle as he stretched out his hand to scratch him behind the ear.

"He likes to be patted on his underside," Sehun commented randomly. Pretty Boy stopped scratching and looked at him suspiciously, "Where is the Collie?" Sehun's temporary calm mood dissipated as he replied curtly, "Adopted. Just today. And what the heck happened to my Ragdoll?"

"What do you mean by adopted?" Pretty Boy asked as his jaw opened slightly in shock. Sehun tutted, "In case you don't know, I work at an animal shelter." Both of looked away in awkward silence. Just then, a familiar cat popped out from behind a couch and Sehun's mood lifted. "Ginger!" 

"Ginger? I call her Bastet," the other snorted as the overly puffy cat stalked towards Sehun. He asked, "Isn't that the name of a Cat goddess?" 

"She is one. You'll see."

It became apparent enough when Bastet flopped down in front of Sehun, as if asking for him to scratch her. Sehun did and Bastet stretched out her limbs. "I get it," Sehun muttered. Drop walked over and hissed at Bastet jealously and Bastet reluctantly moved away not without a retorting hiss. Sehun smiled a little as he Drop.

"You weren't abducting the collie?" Pretty Boy asked in a suspicious tone. Sehun glared at him and replied, "What do I look like? Those idiots out there who have nothing else to do?" Pretty Boy blinked his eyes in a stunned silence for a few minutes. He then replied slowly, "Well... Nevermind. You were saying you're working at a pet shelter?"

Sehun patted the tabby cat on it's head as he answered, "Yeah. With my friend-" 


"She's gone."


Sehun immediately stood up from the floor and looked around frantically as Pretty Boy followed suit. "Tear! Come out!" he called. But the white cat didn't appear. He searched the living room, but there was still no sign of her. Pretty Boy asked behind him, "Can I tell you something?"

"What?" Sehun growled.

"Your cat probably ran out of the front door."

"Can you don't make me hate you more than I do now?"

"Sorry, I'm known to have a cat-tish behavior."

"Shut up."

"But it's true!"




Needless to say, the two of them went exceedingly well together. Not.

Sehun learnt that Pretty Boy's name was Luhan and he just moved into the neighbourhood last year. Then he started taking in all the stray animals. It was strange that Sehun didn't hear of him. Apparently, Luhan had mistaken Sehun for an animal kidnapper, thus the weird interactions between the two of them last year. He did not wish to go through what happened.

"Why did you even name her Tear?" Luhan asked, running alongside him. Sehun answered, "I named one Tear, the other one Drop. Tear drop." Luhan didn't answer him for a moment. 


"Are you laughing at me?"

"What if I say I am?"

"Damn you."

Luhan chuckled as he ran forward, egging Kieran on, "Come on boy. Let's go look for your friend." Kieran yapped and raced after Luhan excitedly. Sehun stared at Luhan's back feeling mystified. How did he get along with Kieran so quickly?

They ran around the houses, but there was still no shadow of Tear. "It's the second time she's run away today," Sehun grumbled. Luhan asked, his eyes widened in surprise, "Really? I thought Turkish Angoras aren't that playful." 

"You ever heard of, weird animals?"

Luhan snorted but didn't say anything. Sehun slowly noticed that Luhan's eyes were exceedingly bright and they seemed to reflect all the lights on the street. Very much like a puppy's... 

Suddenly, Luhan let out a yelp of surprise and fell down onto the cold ground in front of Sehun. Sehun couldn't react quickly enough in his daze, so he naturally tripped over Luhan's leg. 

It was awkward when their faces were about an inch away from each other. Sehun felt his cheeks burn as he accidentally looked into Luhan's eyes. They were so creepily beautiful. Oh Sehun, please wake up.

Sehun cleared his throat, "You didn't write that note?" Luhan blinked his eyes (godammit stop blinking) as if he was interrupted in his thoughts. "Huh? What note?" Sehun then explained everything from the note, down to Tear going missing.

When he finished, Luhan nodded and looked like he was going to say something meaningly but he asked plainly, "Can you kindly get off me?" It was only then that Sehun realised his legs were still resting on Luhan's. He removed them hastily.

"I didn't write any note," Luhan told him after that, "I don't even know where your shelter is." Sehun's burning cheek sensation faded away as he mumbled, "That's weird..."

"Did your friend happen to take back any dog?" he asked. Sehun sniffed in realisation, "Oh. Didn't think of that." Luhan sighed and rubbed his temples, "Why are you so dumb?" "I'm not dumb!" Sehun protested. Then he hit Luhan on the back, the same thing he would do to Jongdae if he said anything stupid.

Luhan hissed at him in annoyance, "Ouch!"

"You called me dumb."

"Well, you are dumb," Luhan snorted, rolling his eyes. Sehun pouted and raised his hand to hit Luhan but the other just shifted his to the left farther and Sehun hit the asphalt instead. Determined, Sehun stretched out his fingers and poked Luhan in the waist. His yelp turned slightly a little higher pitched to Sehun's surprise.

"You're ticklish?"

"Yeah- Oh ."

Sehun cackled gleefully as he shifted closeer to Luhan. He immediately shrieked (rather cutely) and stood up to run away when Sehun heard Jongdae's voice, "Got yourself a boyfriend?"

"Shut up," Sehun snapped, although he felt the burn coming back onto his face. Kieran barked happily as he ran over to Jongdae, conveniently stepping onto Sehun. He stood up from the ground, rubbing his waist where Kieran had trod.

Jongdae asked about Luhan so Sehun told him what had happened. Jongdae and Luhan seemed to agree for some reason that Sehun was dumb and clicked on well together. Just his luck. When Sehun reached the part about Tear going missing again, Jongdae frowned, "I think I saw a boy carrying a large white cat just now. Might be Tear."

Sehun nearly barked as loudly as Kieran, "Why didn't you say earlier?" Jongdae shrugged as he scratched Kieran, "You were having your love session, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Shut up!" Both of them shouted indignantly.



Hope you guys liked this chapter! And I don't think I can finish this in three chapters, but it'll be less than ten.



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Chapter 4: enjoyed the story very much^^ cant wait for sequel~
4suremel #2
Chapter 4: Awwwwwww.... that was a nice ending, made me smile and wriggle. Thankyou for the sweet short story. But I would love if you continued making hunhan fanfics. Its cuteeee! ^-^ and longer ones so I can enjoy more! Keep up the awesome work hwating!
fanfan109 #3
authornim update the chapter palli... waiting for it.. ^^