o n e

Last Christmas


"Despite all the bad days and the mean people,
I still believe in good days and kind people,
Plus there are dogs."



      Sehun didn't expect whoever wrote him the note to actually do it. Now, Tear was missing. And he nearly wanted to chuck Drop out of the window because of her incessant miaowing to express her sadness of her sister's disappearance.

Tear and Drop were twin Turkish Angoras - an extremely cudly breed - but also very temperamental at times. But Sehun couldn't understand why Tear was missing, unless she had decided to run away because he didn't give her the extra fish treats last night. 

Still, Sehun felt sad and desparately wanted to do something. Although the twins usually gave him more trouble than what was worth, he had grown overly attached to them. Sehun personally found Tear by the roadside (she wanted to bite him) and brought her back to the shelter, where he astonishingly found another identical cat.

Jongdae, the other assistant immediately pointed out that they were twins once they started playing with each other. Not only that, it was also because Turkish Angoras weren't very common and the two had odd-eyes which made it pretty obvious. They weren't given names yet, so Sehun named them Tear and Drop. Teardrop, you get it? Okay nevermind.

As much as Sehun wanted them to be like a Teardrop, they acted more like the other meaning of their names. Tear, turned out to have a liking to ripping tissue and newspapers apart wherever she went. Drop on the other hand, well, liked to drop from the high shelves above onto Sehun's head. There was an empty spot on his scalp where Drop had taken out a chunk of hair while sliding down his side. The two of them would take turns to annoy other animals in the shelter, making upturned objects a common scene.

Sehun loved them.

"Can you get her to shut up?" Jongdae complained from the other room. Sehun shouted back, "She's a cat!" Then he picked Drop up and cradled her in his arms as he made his way to the room.

The moment Sehun stepped into the room, a large furry creature barked excitedly. Drop gave an ear-piercing screech. She struggled out of Sehun's arms and ran away. The golden retriever barked as it pounced at him, unbalancing him.

Sehun fell down with a yell as the dog ran over him after Drop. He sat up with a scowl, "Settle your dog first, god damn it." Behind him, came a series of startled miaows and barks, then a loud crash. Jongdae winced as another crash sounded. He scratched his head sheepishly before helping Sehun up.

Jongdae pointed to the note on the table, "Tear's seriously gone?" Sehun nodded, his scowl returning to his face. He said, "I've searched everywhere. She's not in here." Jongdae shrugged, "We'll have to look for her later. Shelter's opening in fifteen."

Sehun suddenly remembered the usual crowd that visited during the Christmas period. Plus, today was two days before Christmas. He sighed as he went to help pack all the animals into their cages.

He tidied the floor of fur and dust while Jongdae hurried the last dogs into the metal cages. The shelter itself wasn't very impressive. It was two storeyed and was the size of an average apartment for each level. But Sehun liked it. 

"Sehun ah. Can you take Drop and Kieran up?"


With that, Sehun whistled and the golden retriever came padding towards him. He didn't have to find Drop. Suddenly, a mass of fur landed on his head and Sehun sighed as he walked up the stairs. Drop gave a choking sound which might have been a laugh.

Once upstairs, Sehun gingerly picked Drop off his head and put her on the floor. He told the two of them, "Now, try not to kill each other." And he shut the door behind him.

Today's business was heartening. A little girl who adopted her first kitten came back again to adopt a second. The first, a tabby kitten had grown significantly since the last time Sehun had seen it. She finally chose a Persian kitten.

A couple not much older than Sehun went home with a beige coloured Collie who had lost sight in it's right eye. They were chatting so lovingly, Sehun felt a little jealous. You see, his family wasn't exactly loving. His father was usually working in the US and his mother had an illness which needed her to be in hospital very often. 

That was why they had gotten Sehun a Shih Tzu when he was eight. That was also when he began to like animals. He thought that they were more reliable than humans in any way, being there whenever you needed them. A boy adopted one of the three rabbits they had soon after.

It was about evening when the crowd began dwindling. Sitting at the counter, Sehun began daydreaming. Who on Earth had sent him that note? And since when did he take a puppy last year? It was Jongdae who settled the mutts, not him. 

Worry began to fill him. Where was Tear? How was she? Sehun knew that Turkish Angoras were a hardy breed, so Tear would have a chance of surviving out there. He pondered on it until a family of four strolled in, asking if there were any Poodles.

At six, Jongdae shut the glass doors with a (rather loud) yawn before making his rounds around the cages to release the pets. Sehun told him that he was going to go up to get Tear and Kieran for feeding.

He trudged upstairs, sincerely hoping that he would not have to see a badly damaged room. As he paused in front of the door, he found it strange that there was no sound coming from it. Had they fallen asleep? Sehun pushed open the door and it took him a moment to register the scene.

Glass pieces lay around the floor under the broken window. Tear and Kieran were gone.




Sehun ran down the street looking for signs of a Golden Retriever and two white cats. His heart raced at an impossible speed. How the heck did they manage to break the window in the first place? Now all their favourite pets were missing.

Jongdae nearly went half ballistic when Sehun told him, pale faced, about the missing pets. He was probably in the other side of the neighbourhood looking for them. If Sehun found the person who wrote him the note, he was going to ask the poodles back in the shelter to attack him. (Poodles are very vicious.)

Fortunately, the neighbourhood wasn't that big. There were probably about only fifty units of houses spread out around the area, plus a festival square and a shopping mall. As Sehun raced around, he couldn't help but notice the flashing fairy lights some households had already put up. One had a giant Christmas tree in it's porch.

Suddenly, he heard loud barks behind him and he turned around immediately. It was Kieran! Sehun knelt down as the dog leapt into his arms and began his face. Sehun chuckled, "Great to see you too."

Then he asked seriously, "Where's Tear? And Drop?" Kieran dropped to the ground on his forefeet and cocked his head quizzically. Sehun mentally smacked himself as he did his best imitation of the cats. Kieran seemed to get the message and he started barking. 

The dog ran forward and stopped, as if wanting Sehun to follow him. Then Kieran zoomed off to the right. Sehun blinked in surprise before running after Kieran.

Soon, Sehun caught sight of a three storeyed house which was pretty separated from the rest of the community. The owner had draped the bushes around it with white fairy lights. The windows on the first level were lit. Was this the place?

As Sehun got nearer, he realised that the front door was open. Two figures leapt out of it and bounded towards Sehun. "Tear! Drop!" he shouted happily. Within a minute, Sehun was covered with two massive balls of mewling fur. He carried the two cats in his arms just as he spotted Kieran running towards the house.

"Kieran! Where are you going?" Sehun asked, almost shouting. Just then, Tear squeezed her way out from Sehun's arm and followed after Kieran enthusiastically. A human figure appeared at the door way just as Kieran reached it. Sehun ran towards the porch, ready to take back Kieran.

When he reached the porch, Sehun said, "Kieran, we need to go home. Jongdae's worried." He saw the guy at the door toss some meat at Kieran who happily gobbled it up. "Excuse me, this is my friend's-"

Then the guy looked up and bad memories flooded back to Sehun's mind. The two of them stared at each other. Mister Pretty's peaceful face morphed into one with dislike. Sehun scowled menacingly as he clutched onto Drop, "You again?"




Cue Luhan for the next chapter :P 

And for those who aren't sure what a Turkish Angora looks like, I've got a picture:

Beautiful aren't they? My cousin's got one but it's got a greyish coat, and she told me it's a rare breed.
I did some research and I found out the the Turkish Angora cats are very "intelligent, but extremely adaptable, loving and playful".
I wanna have a cat when I grow up, not now, cos my mum hates their eyes lol. Maybe a Ragdoll?

Do you guys have pets? xD



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Chapter 4: enjoyed the story very much^^ cant wait for sequel~
4suremel #2
Chapter 4: Awwwwwww.... that was a nice ending, made me smile and wriggle. Thankyou for the sweet short story. But I would love if you continued making hunhan fanfics. Its cuteeee! ^-^ and longer ones so I can enjoy more! Keep up the awesome work hwating!
fanfan109 #3
authornim update the chapter palli... waiting for it.. ^^