Christmas Special/Hiatus End Celebration Chapter Part 1

When Cold Water Turns to Ice [Incomplete/Unfinished]

um it's ok if I do an a/n in the beginning of the chapter right?

ok cool.

so as you can see, I was on a very long hiatus.( sats. and school. life.)

and now I am back.

so, as it is also christmas eve(at least it is where I am idk bout you), this chapter is a Christmas special and my celebration chapter for the end of my hiatus which will probably come back soon.

anyway here it is, a very bullted christmas special.

As we walked by the busy streets of couples on dates and people buying last minute Christmas gifts, we took our time to look around and ogle at the beautiful Christmas lights.

ok ew no let's restart that intro cus never in my life have I ever said anything cheesier than that.

ok lights, camera, action!(wtf that's cheesy too)

Ehem. So, Terry, Yoora, Infinite, and B.A.P rudely interrupted my sleep to hang out on Christmas Eve.

"Guys. Why the did you drag me out in cold. I was having a nice nap. Why'd y'all have to ruin it." I asked in monotone.

"Jin. This is like the ten millionth time you asked this." Youngjae rolled his eyes.

"Your eyes are going to roll off if you keep rolling them like that." He only rolled his eyes again in response. "Tch. you too." I slightly hit his arm.

"Um guys instead of arguing why we're out here shouldn't we first we be worried about the fact that there's like a crowd around us watching our every move?" Sunggyu looked around while slightly smiling at the fans around us.

"Huh, oh yeah. I'm surprised Jin didn't point that out first." Terry gave me a slight glance.

"Excuse me if I remember correctly it was you people that dragged me out of my beautiful sleep to come out in the ing cold and you expect me to care about people staring at me and silently thinking up ways to cover up my death for even just talking to you people like naw bruh the only thing I can think about right now is my nose that's about to run off my face." I ignored the glare Yongguk gave me for swearing. I gave him a look and said, "What, you gonna make me put a quarter in the swear jar? Don't deny it you do it too."

"Ok, ok then let's go somewhere where the fans won't be able to come in." Yoora quietly said loud enough so only the 16 of us could hear. Don't want to anger the Babys and the Inspirits. Although everyone already knows Gyuzizi and Yoorababo already do the stuff.

"Hmm ok then let's go into TS Ent. Then we can maybe bother Secret sunbaes too." Zelo suggested. I shrugged.

"Sure why not. Leggo" And we spent the rest of our Christmas Eve bothering Secret and getting kicked out of the building the end.



"Actually, don't you think the chairman will get kinda (really) mad at us for making such a ruckus inside the building? How about we make three groups and each group goes to Woollim, TS, or Pledis?" Hoya suggested. Rappers are very suggestive.

"Sure. Although he likes me (even though I'm not even in TS) but any way let's choose groups. How though?" I looked around and no one really gave a response. Until Dongwoo jumped up and scared the (literally for Woohyun)(ew) out of us all.

"Hey how about we seperate each other by categories? Like, rappers be one group, vocalists be another group, and dancers be the other group?"

"That's a good idea but a lot of the dancers are rappers... -.-" Terry said. Now that I think about it... Dongwoo and Hoya are rappers and dancers of Infinite, Zelo is rapper and dancer of B.A.P, and I'm rapper and dancer of 1004. -.-

"Then how about this? Rappers be one group, main/lead vocalists be another, and then the subs.(Sub vocalists)" Yongguk shrugged and looked at us for a response.

"Then it would be... Yongguk hyung, Dongwoo hyung, Yoojin noona, me, and Hoya hyung as the rapper group, then Terry noona, Gyu hyung, Yoora noona-can we please not put those two in one group?-Woohyun hyung, and Youngjae hyung as the main/lead vocalists group, and then L hyung, Jongup, Sungyeol hyung, Himchan hyung, and Jongie hyung as the sub vocalist group... what category does Daehyun hyung fit into? He's still a trainee." Zelo received a slight glare from that ugly truth. 

"We'll put him into the main/lead vocalists group and in exchange move Sunggyu to the sub vocalists team. That makes it rappers team with 5 people, main/lead vocalists team with 5 people, and the sub vocalists team+Gyuzizi with 6 people. Great! Now to choose which company which team will go to and what we'll do there..." Terry gave Gyu an apologetic look meanwhile Yeol oppa gave him teasing looks.

"Hmm, how about we first choose which company each of us will go to, and then choose our games/missions for each team? Cus wouldn't it depend on which company each of us get on the game we play? Anyway, let's make team captains. How about we make the oldest member the captain of each group? So, Yongguk for the rappers team, me for the main/lead vocalists team, and then poor Gyuzizi that's crying over there(lmao) for the sub vocalists team." Woohyun oppa smiled when everyone nodded in agreement to his suggestion.

"Wow Woohyun hyung actually suggested something sensible for once." Everyone laughed at Jongie's comment. Well I mean, except me.

"Aight, then, let's have the team captains come out and play-drum roll please-rock paper scissors!" Babochan screamed out. Gyunius, Guk oppa, and Woohyun oppa went to the front and played rock paper scissors. "Whoever wins goes to TS Entertainment!"

"Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Everyone-including the fans surrounding us-screamed. Woohyun oppa ended up winning with one paper and two rocks.

"Tsk, Gyunius only knows rock." Dongwoo shook his head jokingly.

"Ok! Main/lead vocalists team goes to TS Entertainment! Mission: y dance with Secret! Terry and Yoora you do aegyo to Untouchable! Everyone has to do this for one minute! And film everything so there's proof. Ok go!" Babochan hit Youngjae's and Jae in return grimaced.

"Bro you ting me? I'M THE ONLY ONE IN THIS TEAM THAT'S ACTUALLY AN ARTIST IN TS." Jae hit Babochan's head.

"Bro you have Daehyun."

"Bro he's a trainee."

"Bro I'm like right here." Both Babochan and Babojae turned and looked at Dae. 

"Haha... ok guys let's just go. Ok bye~ and you Jin for coming up with the mission~" I gave Jae a sarcastic smile and a very real middle finger.

"Ok! Now another round of rock paper scissors! Whoever wins goes to Woollim Entertainment! Also, whoever goes to Woollim Entertainment can also go to SM Entertainment! Alright ready?" Guk and Gyu eagerly waited for our chant.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors!"

uh, last a/n of the chapter I swear. (that's a lie there's a part two)

oh I just spilled the point of this a/n


so yeah this is part one

I didn't want to make one chapter too long




I decided

to split it into two

don't worry the part two will come out right after

(probably like 30minutes later when I actually finish it)

so um yeah


just wait a little

and um



the um

the part two

will um

it'll come out

um yeah


for now


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sorry for the unnoticed hiatus. Will start the story again soon once I get my life together -K.o


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 26: Ok, thanks for the heads up! Understand, it makes it easier when you enjoy writing the story. Either way, thanks for the chapters you have written!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 1: I just read the 3 chapters suggested from the previous story, so this would make more sense. I like the premise of the story, I hope this doesn't come off mean, and if you've changed the format in the chapters to come, please ignore this. But I do think it would be more helpful if it was more clear who is talking, especially in dialogues where more than 1 person is having a convo. Other than that, Nice Job ^_^
jmayo81 #3
Thank you for updating! I just realized that I subscribed, so as to remind myself to read later & forgot! I can't wait to start reading ^_^ of course I'll read the recommended chapters from cold love 1st, thanks for referencing the ones that pertain to the story! Looking forward to beginning story!
glitter123 #4
Chapter 9: i like it!