No One Knows

When Cold Water Turns to Ice [Incomplete/Unfinished]

Terry POV

"You're either going to tell me what happened or you're is getting glued to this seat."

ok. Let's rewind a bit shall we?

Yoojin didn't come back to the dorm that night. Which night? The night of Dae's birthday. We all planned this. Infinite, B.A.P, Yoora, and Jin and I all met together and planned this. Of course, at first, Yoojin was very reluctant.

"WHY do I have to do this?" She pointed towards B.A.P. "Why can't you guys just give him a good time and then happily ever after?" She grunted and folded her arms. Ugh I have to admit, Yoojin's tantrums are the worst.

"Because it won't give much of an effect! Come on, you're usually the one that plans all these things. You're the planner between all of us!  And we always do things for you! You can't do this one thing for us? For Dae?" Sungjong stood up and folded his arms. Yoojin also stood up and walked towards the door.

"Why would I want to do this for Daehyun? He's not my boyfriend. I shouldn't be forced to do these things. It's not like I like him either. So, I'm not doing this, period. Bye." And Yoojin walked out the door.

"1... 2... 3." Youngjae counted to 3. Suddenly, a grumbling Jin came walking back in through the door.

"Fine. I'll do this stupid thing. But I'm not doing this for anyone. Do you understand me? I could care less about this." She mumbled some more incoherent words under her breath while everyone else just chuckled at her cuteness. 

After that, we don't really know what happened that night. Not even Youngjae knows.

And that brings us back to our little situation right now.

"Ko. Yoo. Jin. You're going to tell me exactly what happened without leaving ANY detail out. If that doesn't happen, then you're not getting out of here." I look up to see...

a ing empty chair.

"WHERE THE DID THAT STUPID MAKNAE GO?!?!" My fellow 1004 member heard me-we're in the 1004 dorm-and walked into my room.

"Unnie, is something wrong? Issues with Jin again?" The sub-vocalist looked a bit scared and worried. You see, it's not abnormal to hear me occasionally cussing at Yoojin or just having an argument with her in general.

I sweetly smiled and shook my head. "No, there're no issues. Erm, if you don't mind, can I ask you a favor?" I tried hard not to burst again.

"U-uh... sure. Anything." I could tell she's still scared. I mean, when I'm angry, everyone-even the leader-just kind of does what I ask.

"Can you go find Yoojin for me and kick her with glue and then shove her onto a chair? That'd be great" I gave her a sickly sweet smile. It's pretty damn obvious that I'm very angry at Jin.

"Right. Will try to do without getting killed." And with that she sped away. It's obvious that the glue is going to eventually end up on the poor sub-vocalist's with the chair stuck to her.

"Tsk. Try is right." I shook my head and walked out the door.

"I guess we'll never know what really happened that night."


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sorry for the unnoticed hiatus. Will start the story again soon once I get my life together -K.o


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 26: Ok, thanks for the heads up! Understand, it makes it easier when you enjoy writing the story. Either way, thanks for the chapters you have written!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 1: I just read the 3 chapters suggested from the previous story, so this would make more sense. I like the premise of the story, I hope this doesn't come off mean, and if you've changed the format in the chapters to come, please ignore this. But I do think it would be more helpful if it was more clear who is talking, especially in dialogues where more than 1 person is having a convo. Other than that, Nice Job ^_^
jmayo81 #3
Thank you for updating! I just realized that I subscribed, so as to remind myself to read later & forgot! I can't wait to start reading ^_^ of course I'll read the recommended chapters from cold love 1st, thanks for referencing the ones that pertain to the story! Looking forward to beginning story!
glitter123 #4
Chapter 9: i like it!