Oh Peace Oh Please~

Last Descendants

Chapter VIII: Oh Peace Oh Please~

It is the day of Sari's cousin was born and now that cousin came running to her in full speed. She is still in a sleeping figure with a dried drool left on her left face. Hoya started waking Sari up vigorously with pure excitement plastered on his face.

"Sari, Good morning!! Do you know what day it is?" Hoya said, full of glee which earned a groan from the girl.

"Couz... It's still freaking 3 am in the morning!" She kicked him in the abdomen with full force that made the boy cousin fell flat hardly on the floor. Weird but he just slighly flew away from the impact.

"Yawch!! Please spare me just for this day." He pleaded and rubbed at his aching abdomen then the rear.

"Where did the lovable Sari go? The action you did in the cafe' in front of those guys." He pouted. "You know it was  so unlike you but I still like it." He ranted while reminiscing the event last week.  "I wish you could have stayed like that, it's too rare."

Sari slowly woke up from her slumber and rubbed her one eye. She blinked to get a better look to her cousin who is now pouting.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't get enough sleep because of the exams and the work. Plus, those annoying Infinite guys." She droned.

"And it is still freaking 3am. I could have understand if it's 4am." She jumped out from her bed and attacked Hoya with a hug.

"Happy Birthday Couz." She greeted and Hoya hugged back.

"Thanks and I'm sorry. I should have understand you." Then he suddenly broke the hug and held Sari on both of her arms.

"Hey, you're not the only one. We're classmates and I work part-time too, you know." He started ruffling Sari's hair that made it even messier than her bed hair.

"Yah, stop it." She hissed sleepily.

Hoya understood that she is still drained from almost everything so he dragged her back to her bed. He decided to train first and prepare light breakfast before she wakes up again. He chose to celebrate his birthday by bringing her with him to where they have never been before.

Thank goodness for him because it is Saturday, a perfect day to go out.


After a hard day training in the morning, Sari decided to wear a nice outfit for her cousin's special day. For Hoya, he decided to wear a suitable clothing with a gift that Sari gave to him.

Both of them simultaneously went out from their rooms and faced each other.

"Wow Sari, I never thought that you wear skinny jeans. It looks great on you."

Sari wore a mint blue fluffy sweater with a white collared blouse underneath it and partnered with a navy skinny jeans. Of course, her footwear is her ragged black converse.

"I just bought it recently, I figured that I might as well blend in with the crowd." She took her cap and wore it.

"True." Hoya agreed and slung his arm around her.

"Gaja!!" He excitedly  said and dragged the amused girl cousin.


"So what do you have in mind for today?" She asked not knowing on where they will go.

"It's a secret." He snickered. She scratched her head and began to let her mind wander.

"Okay if you say so." She shrugged and then she took her headphones out and played her favorite music.

Both of them are now waiting on the bus stop.

"You know, I am supposed to give you a surprise birthday celebration." She said as she lowered the volume of her walkman.

"I know but you don't know much your way here in Seoul." Hoya stuck his tongue out at her.

"Ugh, I can't argue with that." She groaned.

"Oh there's the bus. Come on." Hoya ushered Sari and both of them rode the bus.

Fortunately, the bus is not crowded and they are now on their way to Hoya's secret destination that he wanted to go.


As they arrived at the place, Sari awed at the sight and Hoya felt relieved when the expression that she is showing right now is good.

"Amusement park?! Can we ride on the roller coaster first?" She excitedly said and quickly dragged Hoya, who is now smiling genuinely at her.

This could be the best gift for him right now, her happiness.

"Woah, slow down Sari. We have a whole day ahead of us."

Unknown to her, Hoya invited the other guys.


"Crap, we're late!!" Sungyeol shouted and began to blame Sungjong.

"Who showers for more than an hour?!"

Sungjong felt offended, "Excuse me? At least I am clean unlike you who doesn't shower at all."

"What?! You little." Sungyeol started messing Sungjong's hair. "Yah!!"

"Ugh, stop it you two." Sunggyu scolded and pinched his nose bridge.

They are now in a car ride on their way to the amusement park since Hoya invited them too.

Dongwoo is now driving a van and seems irritated at some point from the noise that Sungyeol and Sungjong are making. But he didn't show that he is irritated at all and just focused on driving.

Woohyun gazed out on the van's wide window, feeling excited too see a certain person. Likewise with the other person, Myungsoo, who is also gazing at the other side thinking of the same person on what Woohyun's thinking of.

Can't wait to see her. Both of them chorused in thought.


"You invited them?!" Sari exploded.

"Yep, I thought it would be nice to have more people celebrating my day." Hoya snickered.

"I thought it would just be the two of us." She hung her head low an sighed. "Oh peace, goodbye."

Then Hoya slung his arm around and shook her.

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm always with you almost everyday. Besides, those guys won't kill you."

"I don't know about that." She groaned and remembered the time where she injured herself for a few times.

"Before they come, I'm gonna ride everything in this amusement park and you're coming with me."


"No buts! Come on!" She hindered and dragged Hoya along with her to wherever they go.

He cannot go against to the supposedly-heir's wishes so he is just going along with it, just to make her happy.

"Yah, it's my day! Seriously." He last shouted before dragging him to the roller coaster.


"Well, we're here! Finally." Sunggyu sighed, "I want to just sit down and drink something cold." He went to the nearest dining area.

"Wow, you're no fun hyung." Sungjong commented and grabbed Sungyeol's arm.

"Let's go to that one!" He pointed to the bumper cars.

"You're on!!" Sungyeol let go of Sunjong's grip and raced towards to the said ride.

"Yah! Wait for me hyung!" Sungjong followed suit.

"Hey! We're supposed to meet Hoya." Dongwoo exclaimed but they were all gone.

All that's left with Dongwoo are Myungsoo and Woohyun who are patiently waiting just to see the certain someone.

"Well, it looks like we will be the ones to meet him first." Dongwoo said and grabbed his phone from his pocket.

Meanwhile in Myungsoo and Woohyun's minds, I can't wait to see Sari.


"Oh they're here." Hoya said and walked up to them. "Hi guys, umm where are the others?"

He questioned Dongwoo and shrugged, "They pretty much went on their own ways except for those two."

Dongwoo pointed to the two who are lost in thought.

"But oh well, Happy Birthday Man!" Dongwoo greeted him genuinely and fistbumped with him.

"Thanks man." Hoya grinned.

Woohyun suddenly snapped out from his daze and walked up to Hoya, same as Myungsoo.

"Happy Birthday." Woohyun and Myungsoo greeted in unison.

"Where's Sari?" Myungsoo asked Hoya which he beat Woohyun to it, who just groaned.

"Oh she's in the restroom. She will be here any minute." Hoya saw her running to him and waved his hand at her for signal to where he is.

"Speaking of the devil." Hoya frantically waved his two hands, "Sari, I'm here."

Sari came running at full speed and the two guys averted their gaze at her.

"Woah." Myungsoo gaped in shock and Woohyun opened his mouth in awe.

When Sari came, she stood beside Hoya.

"Hey couz, I'm kind of hungry right now." She crossed her arms and felt someone's staring at her or two guys staring at her.

She glanced at Myungsoo and Woohyun and raised her brow.

"What's with them?" She asked Dongwoo.

"Beats me. Hey Sari, wanna grab some ice cream?" Dongwoo asked her and she nodded in glee.

"Sure!!" Her eyes twinkled in joy.

Then Myungsoo and Woohyun snapped out from their trance and unitedly shouted, "No fair!!"

"Huh? Never mind them. Gaja." Sari nodded and went with Dongwoo to the ice cream palor.

Hoya just shook his head in disbelief at the scene that has folded before him.

"Don't do a tug-of -war to my precious cousin." He muttered and now he went after them.

Author's note: Sorry for the uuuuuuuuuuuber long update. I'm having writer's block and I still am. But don't worry I will continue updating till it's complete. Please comment and subscribe, thanks guys!

"Do you think I'm special? Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear, and the sounds you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

It can't be possible that rain could fall
Only when it's over our heads.
The sun is shining every day, but it's far away.
Over the world instead."

OneRepublic - All The Right Moves

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nice fic ... i like it ^^
Taebeak #2
Chapter 20: Can you please update soon I love this story so much espically when Hoya said that his little girl is growing up please update soon???!? ^_^
Chapter 19: I am sorry i havent been commenting bec i always use my one while reading aff. And lazy to comment. But i dont wsnt you to delete this story bec its a good story. Pls update soon.
Hanna27 #4
this story it really awesome!
update soon~ ^_^
Pertinacia #5
update soon
Update soon!
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