Drink, Slay, Love [HIATUS]

The start of the new week is the week of school. The week that Dasom looking forward to enroll to the new school. DaeHan High School.  The school most of the student are intelligent and talented and Dasom are one of them.

Wearing a black with white lace coat matching with white skirt, she looks gorgeous. She tied her hair in a simple ponytail and put on a lip gloss then she’s ready for school. Excitement rushed inside her body. She’s one of the girl who extremely love school. She’s not a nerd. She just love studying new things.

Calling her nerd, she doesn’t mind it at all. But, there would be no one call her that. Just look at her. She’s damn pretty!

After checking her appearance one last time on the mirror, she pulled out her two thumbs up in satisfaction. She really loves her new uniform. Black and white; perfect combination.

Her father already went to his work early in the morning when his boss called for an investigation for some crimes again. So, Dasom will take a bus to school. It’s not that far though.

As she finished her breakfast, she took a plastic that was full of garbage that needed to be thrown outside for the garbage truck to take it. With wide smile she walked out of her house before locking the door.

There she is.

From what she didn’t know, there was someone who stalk her from afar. It was Kyungsoo. What is he doing out in the day light? Well, since he’s now a daylight-vampire, he can go out whenever he want. Yeah. He was sitting on the top of a big tree at the side of her house. He was there since early morning just to watch her. Watch her. He don’t know why, but he have this weird feeling tingling in his heart whenever he saw her. That was from the day she treated his wounds. His heart went wild, and she had this strong scent that make him want her more; only she can make him like this.

His eyes are watching her, not in hunger but in so much adoration. He has the urge to jump from the tree and greet her. But then, it will shock her and she might know his identity. So, he must stay put and just watch her from afar. Maybe, he can enroll to her school and watch her everyday. Yeah, why not, right? He can withstand the sun now.

He didn’t need those studies because he lived for thousand years already. And in those years, of course, they’ve been taught about all what human study. He’s a total genius! His father was a doctor. But since, he’s too old for that now, he took a rest. His father is good in enduring blood hunger since he took a lot of practice on it for treating patient.

One thing about vampire is, only young generation can’t withstand the sun. Old generation can withstand the sun. That was why his father worked at the hospital. Another thing, unlike Kyungsoo, he was born to be a vampire, not been made. A vampire who’d been made, also can withstand the sun. Then, there might be a lot of vampires out there in the daylight. Who knows, right?

Without wasting any time, Kyungsoo strode to his house, feeling like a human he is. He need to tell his parents about enrolling in school.

“Eomma, appa!” He hollered as soon as he reached home.

“Kyungsoo!” Mrs.Do voice was sharp. “Where have you been?! I’m being worried sick here thinking about you. You shouldn’t be out there in the daylight! If not you’ll be caught by other vampires!”

“Eomma, eomma! Listen to me first. I want to enroll in school!” He said.

“What? Are you out of your mind? You can’t! What for? You’re genius already! You don’t need to study whatsoever!” Mrs.Do blabbered.

“I… just want… to feel how to be a… human.” He said, hesitantly. He can't tell his mother about the girl that made him went dugeun dugeun. Not now, not yet. It will be a big problem. 

“No need, son.” Mr.Do said on behind him.

“Why? I want to be like appa too!” He exclaimed.

His parents went silent as they looked at each other in bewilderment. “Sweetie,” Mrs.Do let out a sigh.

“Please, eomma. I wanted too.” He pleaded.

“It’s not that we don’t want to. But, we’re scared that you might be find out by other vampires. And if that happened, you’ll be turn into ashes.” She sounded worried.

“Don’t worry, eomma. I can take care of myself. I’m big enough now.” He reassured. Mr.Do can just watch them both. He only agreed when his beloved wife agree. Don’t you think his father is sweet enough? Haha.

“But, how about your blood hunger?” Mr.Do asked.

Kyungsoo smiled as his parents slowly agreed with him in enrolling. “I can manage that.” He winked playfully.

Suddenly, his mother pulled him into a hug. “When will you want to enroll?” She asked.

“Tomorrow?” He said, hesitantly. “That fast?” She chuckled. Kyungsoo just let out a soft smile as he’s still in her embrace. “Just be careful, okay?” She sounded worried.

“Arasso, eomma. Gomawo.” He whispered. They pulled away from the hug and Kyungsoo still can sense the worried in his parents face. He crouched down towards his mom eye level. “Eomma, believe me, okay?”

She only nodded and let out a small smile.

Kyungsoo turned to his room and he has the big smile plastered on his face. Yeshh! School tomorrow!


Jjan! Another chapter!

Enjoy! Thank you :D

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DSL; Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 3: Waaah~ awesome story <3 even though I'm not much of an EXO - L XD Oh well, better be open minded here XD Update soon~~
Sound interesting story and hope you can try to update soon - Yuki