Chapter 2.


Chapter 2

Jisoo woke up to the sound of her mom pounding at the door with her fist. “Jisoo, it’s time to wake up now! Get ready for school and make sure you have your homework done!”Her mom said before descending down the stairs, probably to make breakfast. Jisoo groaned while getting up to open her curtains. As she opened the curtains, she got blinded in the eye by how bright it was outside. “Another sunny day of hell” Jisoo thought as she looked outside, squinting her eyes a bit. She went to her closet and pulled out her uniform (that had to be specially made just for her because of her size), pair of socks, and her bra and underwear. Jisoo went to the bathroom folded her clothes neatly on the counter, turned the shower knob to warm, and stepped in. Jisoo shampooed her hair with her favourite scent which was vanilla, rinsed her hair, and stepped out of the shower with a towel around her body. She looked into the mirror for two minutes. “Why did I have to be born this way? Why couldn’t I look like the rest of the girls? Why do I have to be so much more different than them?” Jisoo thought as she looked at her face, then at her body. She must’ve looked like an elephant next to the girls. As much as she starved herself or exercised, she still looked the same as before, and that because she knew that no matter what she did, she would still look as identical as before. Jisoo then rubbed her orange scented lotion on her body, put on her school uniform and socks, then trotted down the stairs from her room.



“Hey mom, is breakfast ready yet?” She asked while pulling out a chair from the table. “As ready as ever!” Her mom said while setting up the table with pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup on the top. Jisoo compared to her mom, was the total opposite. Her mom was skinny, but not as skinny as the other girls at school. She had curves that fit in the right places, while the other girls were just skinny like sticks. Her mom had long dark brown hair that fell right at the bottom of her chest. It was silky and soft, and it was light brown when the sun shined against her hair. Jisoo was everything her mom wasn’t. Jisoo had fat rolls in every place of her body (maybe that a bit exaggerated), stretch marks on the inside of her thighs, cellulite on her when she stood up, and so much more. It was just unattractive. Her hair was dry, damaged, and her hair colour was a very dark brown, almost close to black. When it shined against the sun, it would make her hair look like dirt and mud.



Jisoo picked up her fork and started eating her pancakes like a madman, making sure that she gets to school on time and not late. After she slurped up the last bits of the pancake, she put her fork down and got up to go to school. “Bye mom, see you after school!” Jisoo yelled out to her mom before grabbing her backpack and heading out the door. “Bye sweetie! Have a fun day at school!” Her mom replied with a smile on her face, waving her hand like crazy. “Have a fun day at school, my ” Jisoo thought as she walked out the door, picking up her ear buds from her pocket. She plugged them in her ears, took out her phone and played a random song from her playlist. She hummed along to it, while walking to her school that was about five minutes away. She stopped humming, thinking about the mysterious male student yesterday. Who was he? Jisoo started thinking more about the question and before she knew it, she was standing in front of the entrance of the school gate. “Time to deal with this , again” Jisoo thought in her mind, staring up at the bold letters of her school name.



        Jisoo walked on the side of the lockers with tensed shoulders, trying to carefully move through the bodies of people. Today was different though, she didn’t really care whether or not she bumped into someone, as long as it wasn’t the student from yesterday, she would be fine with it. Fate has been especially good to her in the morning; she hasn’t bumped into a single person yet. Jisoo was relieved when she walked to her locker to pull out her books without being slapped over to the side by other people. She was happy for the entire morning, which resulted in her not giving a whether or not people told her rude words.


Kim Taehyung’s POV:


        Taehyung was a normal boy. Or that’s what he considered himself. He was normal, meaning he liked playing video games like the rest of the boys; he had friends that he hung out with everyday, got average marks in school, everything about him was fairly normal. So he didn’t understand why so many girls were fawning over him when he transferred to his new school.



        Maybe it was the fact that his looks were better than the average Korean guy, along with the rest of his friends. He had dark brown hair; layers of it fell upon his forehead, a sharp jaw line that can cut any piece of vegetable, square-shaped smile when he laughed, everything about him was like a Greek god descending from the heavens. But he didn’t notice those little details on his face; he just thought that he was an average-looking guy.



        On the first day of school, he was bombarded with girls screaming and squealing while looking at him. He was confused at first, looking behind him to see if there was anyone that caused this war, but he was interrupted with “Dude, I think their screaming for you” by his friend, Jungkook. The rest of his friends nodded in agreement.



        As the screams and screams got louder, Taehyung got bumped over to the side by a girl, what followed was a bunch of gasps and the screaming got quieter. He looked down to see a girl who was shorter than him by a whole gap. She was a bit bigger than the girls, but in a healthy way, at least in his eyes. He locked eyes with her and it felt as if they were the only ones in the world. It seemed as if their eyes were speaking for themselves, eyes that never blinked a single time, just searching for information under both of those deep-brown eyes.



        The mysterious girl broke their stare by bowing down, apologizing for her mistakes politely. “No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bumped into you” Taehyung replied, bowing back down at her. As he stood back up from the bow, he could see her widens in awe and shock. “N-no, you don’t have to be sorry, it’s m-my f-fault! G-goodbye!” she replied back with a sense of urgency, while stuttering (which he found quite cute). Before he could reply back to her, the girl had already begun running the opposite direction from where she was walking. “Whoa, I wonder who that girl was.” Taehyung thought in his head, while looking confused, once more. He looked around to see a bunch of girls starting to gossip and others looking in the direction she was running in, looking disgusted. With the looks the people gave to the mysterious girl, he got angry. Why did he get angry? He didn’t know why, but he felt like there was a need to protect her. “Hey! Everyone get out and go eat lunch!” Taehyung yelled out with his deep voice, startling the people around him, even his friends, who looked at him puzzled.



        His friends kept on asking what the hell was wrong with him. Never in his entire years did he defend a girl who was getting bullied. Not that he was a , he just didn’t have the guts to help a person getting hurt, and he was a coward. It’s just that he felt a strong connection to the female student. And he spent the entire day thinking of her, even until the dawn of night. 


Welcome back to my story everyone! Here is Chapter 2 of Different. I hope you enjoy this chapter! -stephanotis

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Working on Chapter 19!~ Give me an hour or two, I'm sure I'll have it done by then.


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Chapter 20: Update soon ~~~ I really want revenge on the girls who freaking jumped her >:(
And wtf Taehyung? You say you want to protect her, but you ditch her at detention. And that picture of Yerin and him tho.. Wonder what was so important for him to leave the girl he loves at school, making her walk home in the chilly night =_=
m_tifulheart #2
Chapter 1: It's funny how the main girl in this story is meant to not be attractive and yet the poster portrays of a stunning girl
YukaHana29 #3
Chapter 13: Awww this story is exactly like my real life story .. not about the detention nor the hang out . but the fluffy romanceee XD
Chapter 20: Aww~ he came to visit her!! *^^*
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 19: taehyung..u came....yes..yes..
Chapter 19: I'm not completely satisfied with Taehyung's replies... Maybe I'm suspecting him too much all of a sudden??
Chapter 18: oh... my god. love this story ^^ update soon and good luck!!! (school is super painful for us as well, you're not alone <3333)
Chapter 18: I somehow doubt that was really Taehyung...
Chapter 18: keep update ;))
C3cilia #10
Chapter 18: Poor Jisoo!!