Safe? Or Not...

Heartbreaker Inc.

She is THIS close to preventing his escape. THIS close. But, thanks to CL's unnecessary concern (about her doing jail time, which is pretty absurd), the man slips away with a mild concussion.

"CL, baby." She addresses the young woman with rainbow hair tips and two shiny rings on each of her ten fingers... as calmly as any woman with a constricted chest possibly can. Because... well... because CL happens to be doing an awesome job of cutting off her air supply... quite unaware, too. She kind of... tackled Heartbreaker's number one heart breaker, yeah.

"You can get off of me... I'm sure he's hopped on a plane... and flown a hundred miles to the other side of the world by now."

"Actually, the circumference of the Earth is roughly forty thousand kilometers give or take a hundred, which roughly equates to twenty-five thousand in miles... so, if he's flown to the other side, that would be around twelve point five thousand? Unless you mean..."

"It's figurative speech, hon."


Oh. A girl with brains... lord have mercy on everyone at Heartbreaker (especially that guy...named... named... GD, yeah).

CL rolls off of Cyndi... and continues rolling counter clockwise, in style, across the sparkling clean, marble floor. It is a good time as any to work on her rolling techniques. You never know when such a skill will come in handy. In this business, no skill is a useless skill. They may seem useless, but they're definitely not, like being able to draw a perfect circle, freehand. Seems useless, right? It's not! GD has proven its usefulness... on many, many occasions.

Cyndi sits upright, watching CL roll her way to the shoe she aimed at Kim Jaejoong's head earlier. Her expression doesn't change. She's still fuming over the fact that that slippery guy escaped. Besides, this isn't weird. Not at all... in fact, it's quite normal. To be able to break hearts at will for a living... you need to be different from the rest of humanity... somehow.

"Thirteen and a half revolutions. That's nine meters. If it didn't scrap his head and change direction, Sixth Edition could've projected..."

"An extra meter or two."

"Right." It is expected of Heartbreaker's number one heart breaker. She is a professional shoe thrower. It's kind of like knife throwing except with shoes. She can predict the farthest distance it can go... just by knowing the style, the maker, and the weight. Louboutin is, by far, her most favorite brand (to chuck at moving targets). Jimmy Choo comes in at a close second.

CL raises the shoe up into the air like a magnificent trophy and inspects it from every angle possible. "Not a dent. Not a scratch. Sixth Edition has the skin of a rhino. One day, your new siblings will be part of my shoe collection... one day."

Is she talking to the shoe? Yes... indeed.

"I thought you preferred funky sneakers and tennis shoes."

"I do... but my collection has grown since then." She returns the seemingly bullet-proof shoe to its owner and helps the petite woman rise to her feet. "By the way... who was that guy you tried to kill? I don't think I've seen him around. I would've noticed a good looking guy like him."

"I wasn't trying to kill anyone."

"Seriously... let's be honest, you had the air of a man-eater, Cyn. So, who is he?"

"Kim Jaejoong..."

Mmmhmm... speaking of Kim Jaejoong... where the hell is he now? On the other side of the world? Uh, no. That would be impossible unless... no, no... we won't get into that.

Super close call. Barely made his escape. Head kind of hurts... but that's not the big problem. The big problem is... he's not cured!

Time to phone a friend (after determining that he is, indeed, a safe distance away from the source of his 'illness').

"Do you know what time it is over here in South Korea?" A sleepy voice (oh, pretty grouchy sounding, too) answers his call.

"Doctor! You said I was cured! You said that I was cured, Doctor! But, I'm not! Why am I not cured?!"

"Why are you calling me doctor, all of a sudden? We're friends... just call me by name like you usually do... Right... you're not in your right mind. I'm not in my right mind, either. Call me back when I'm awake." The man on the other line is THIS close to hanging up on his friend of twenty years plus... THIS close.

"It's an emergency, Doctor! I'm not cured!"

"Why do you insist on calling me doctor?"

"Because we're talking shop."

"Yoochun is fine... or You, even. I don't like hearing the word 'doctor' from you."

"Why am I not cured? Hadn't we been through every single kind of treatment? Found out the problem? Assessed the problem? What is the problem?! Why am I not cured?!"

"Screaming at me through the phone is not going to cure you. Trust me."

"I trusted you... and look at me now. I am not cured!"

"Okay, okay..." The man named, Yoochun AKA Doctor, seems to have managed to shake off his sleepiness... for the most part. "Fly back here with the source and I will run a few—"

"What do you mean by 'fly back with the source,' Doctor Yoochun... ah. You can't possibly mean what I think you mean..."

"Bring her with you so I can do some psychoanalysis and maybe we'll finally get a good night sleep for once."

"No! Out of the question... are you trying to send me to an early grave, Doctor Yoochun...ah? Do you know how much I suffer? The burning sensation in my chest is not comfortable. And it freaks me out every single time!"

"You know... there is an easier solution... by admitting that you're in—"

"Don't even say it, Doctor Park Yoochun!" Jaejoong hangs up before his friend can utter another word through the phone. Phew... safe. If that man is allowed to continue his nonsense talk, then...

Gah! He clutches his chest. It hurts like hell. He needs comfort, like... ASAP. He needs his teddy bear! Where the hell is his teddy bear?! Rawrrrr!

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queenshirayuki #1
Very good poster
blueberrygossip #2
looking forward to this :)