Duck Lips? Or Not...

Heartbreaker Inc.

"Doctor..." Jaejoong's eyes fly wide open to stare at a white face hovering over him like a spooky spectacle wearing phantom. "When did you get here? Actually, it doesn't matter. It's great that you're here... to cure me. So cure me... cure me now!" Jaejoong has made a quick recovery. The concussion he received just now is nothing compared to the ones he gets from his Xinling. Nope... not even close. He is... somewhat thankful to her... for subconsciously conditioning him to obtain a godly level of tolerance to pain. Physical pain, that is... mentally... he is as sensitive as an open nerve.

"Jae's like rubber... he just bounces right back..." Junsu walks over from the kitchen counter and hops on to the back of the sofa.

"Cure you... right, right... I've been meaning to get it out of you for the longest time. I will only be able to cure you if I know what kind of person the source is."

Oh, what a lie... Jaejoong cannot be cured, man! His Xinling is too damn powerful! She's Heartbreaker's number one heart breaker, god dammit!

Moving on.

Jaejoong sinks deeper and deeper into the sofa... all the way to the little miniature springs on the bottom. Does he have to tell them? Yes or no? Bob is on the line this time... so... so...

He sits up straight with a super determined expression plastered on his face... like war paint. "You know... you know..." He starts to stutter.

Junsu leans in closer while Yoochun gives him a big encouraging smile... which is more freaky than encouraging.

"You know... that girl we always made fun of in high school? You know the one that always wears her hair in pigtails even though she's not cute?"

"Duck Lips?" Yoochun chilling voice freezes the air. Oh my god... duck lips. Junsu falls off the back of the sofa.

All three friends have a very strong, everlasting impression of Duck Lips. So strong, it has indeed influenced their entire being... changed them in different ways, but changed them, nevertheless.

With a solemn nod, Jaejoong confirms the identity of the mysterious source of his illness.

Junsu is hiding behind the sofa, biting his nails most nervously. She has wrecked more lives than he had imagined. So many... so, so many.

"I've always failed to tell you this... she... she... she works at my company as a heart breaker."

"I'm a little confused." Of course Yoochun is confused. He's got all this stuff going on his mind like... Duck Lips, Duck Lips, and more Duck Lips. "What does your company do again?"

"It specializes in dishing out justice."

"Or more like revenge of a bitter broken heart..." Junsu mutters... from the safety of his hiding place. Duck Lips is so good at wrecking lives... she has made it into a profession.

"There's one important question I have to get out of the way first before we get into anymore details... Does she still have duck lips?"

Looks like his friends are not the only nutcases in the room. Important question? He's a total kook.

"She still has duck lips... but I don't mind."

Yoochun shrivels up with disgust. "Jae... please... stop trying to seduce me with that thing you're doing with your tongue and lips."

"I can't help it... when I think of... but..." He changes the subject in mid-sentence. "Are you picking on me because it's my birthday? Why aren't you nitpicking at Junsu."

Yoochun hooks his head over the sofa and shouts, "Junsu! Stop doing things!"

And... Junsu shouts back, "I'm not doing things!"

Yoochun rubs his wide forehead and sighs. "If it's Duck Lips, I can, somewhat, understand the seriousness of your sickness, Jae. I understand what you're going through. I understand perfectly."

"Can you stop calling her Duck Lips? She has a name."

Yoochun shakes his head. He looks at his friend with genuine pity... for the first time ever. "The poison runs deep, but I will indulge you today because it's your birthday. What's her name? Xinling?"

"She changed her name to Cyndi a while ago. I think it was during her third year in college... the same year we graduated from high school." Junsu has all the facts. Of course, he does. He's a goddamn stalker.

And Yoochun realizes it. Oh god. The "hers" are in fact one and the same. "So she's the one you've been stalking." It comes out as more of a statement than a question.

Junsu doesn't even make the effort to deny this time. Usually, he tends to re-word it or change the subject, but this time... this time he just doesn't have the energy. His friend is in the same boat as he is. They are all victims of the same she-devil.

"She's not come over anytime soon, right?" Yoochun needs time to mentally prepare... mentally prepare to sprint for his life if the event should arise. Both Junsu and Yoochun are hanging on a very thin piece of thread... waiting for Jaejoong's response.

The beeping sound coming from the front door slices through the heavy silence like flying daggers. It scares the out of all three guys in the room.

Holy ... could it be her? Did she hear them badmouthing about her duck lips? Holy !

Jaejoong and Yoochun are frozen in place. Junsu, on the other hand, is super nimble. His stalker skills urge him to make a quick escape to a place where he won't be seen. With a few great leaps, Junsu makes it across the living room and into Jaejoong's bedroom. He quickly slams the door shut behind him.


The front door to Jaejoong's apartment swings wide open. Guess who's at the door. Guess!

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queenshirayuki #1
Very good poster
blueberrygossip #2
looking forward to this :)