Chapter 2.

It Always Ends In War | Ocx? | SM&YG;&Cube;&more;|
Chapter 2.
Shindong and I walked home together that night, like we always did. Our adoptive father, Jay Shin, should be home by now. He finished work at 2:30pm when the little kids at the orphanage finished school.
That’s how Shindong and I got adopted. Jay took a liking to the two of us and we ended up being adopted and living with him shortly after the fifth grade started.
When we got home Shindong and I were gathered in a nice warm hug from, the one and only, Jay.
“Hi, Dad!” Shindong and I said smiling.
“Hi, kids.” Jay smiled and ran back to the kitchen.
Name: Jay Shin
Age: 27
Career: Teacher
Adoptive Children: Two; Shin Shindong and Shin Min Kyo.
How long have we been a family: 7years [a little bit after Shindong and I started the fifth grade.]
Girlfriend: The other teacher at the orphanage, Taeyeon.
“I’ll be in my room.” I told Jay as I walked passed him and too my room.
When I got in I didn’t waist anytime unfolding the note Jaejoong gave me at lunch. I he didn’t look too serious when he handed it to me, but it could be important.
‘Min Kyo,
We haven’t seen you around lately, people are getting edgy. But anyway, I might as well get to the point… Raoding with Jonghyun, Seohyun, Kyuhyun and you, if you’re interested. Since you talk to Jonghyun the most, give him the reply.
Jaejoong Kim.’
I put the letter in a shoe box with memories in it and I walked out to the kitchen so that I could help with supper. Jay smiled and let me help him out. I wanted to ask for advice, but he would feel awkward and probably change the subject.
“What’s on your mind, Minnie?” Jay asked
I chuckled, “What makes you think I have something on my mind?”
“You’re peeling too fast and hard. You’re usually so gentle.”
“I’m really tiered and might go to bed after supper.” I replied
He nodded and understood.
So much for going to bed after supper…
“Night, Shindong-Oppa.” I said kissing his cheek and hugging him.
He kissed my cheek too and hugged me back. We hugged for about five minutes, literally, and then it was released. Then I walked over to Jay and hugged him good night and I kissed is cheek.
After all the good nights and I Love You’s were done and over with, I went straight to my room. I took out my cell and turned it on. I had 20 new text messages and Eight Urgent text messages. I didn’t bother opening any of them right now. I just opened the one from Jonghyun.
  1. Number: Dd730
Name: Bling.
Hey Min Kyo-ah. Are you in or out? I would throw rocks to your window and recite Shakespeare, but I’m not that kind of guy. It’s 10:30pm, and you’d better get your out here and on the back of my bike! Love you, Bling.
Oh yeah… did I mention I’m still dating him… Jonghyun was, for now, my one and only. He was, like Jaejoong and Kyuhyun, someone who I could really trust. We were friends forever but it turned out he liked me the whole time so we ended up dating.  I think I love him, but I’m not too sure at this point. Right know I like him a lot but it’s too soon for love—
That’s not the point either, I don’t even know what the point is anymore..
My reply was:
I’m definitely in, just changing into something that the gang’ll like a lot. Please, Shakespeare, you need to be original and do your own thing. I just turned my phone on, so sue me. My is coming so calm your . See you in five.
First I laughed at my reply; calm your ? I’m so funny.
I rammed clothes and money in my book bag replacing all the school books that were already in there. I quickly got dressed in a pair of washed out jeans, a red tank-top, my leather jacket that stops two inches under my and my leather fingerless gloves that I always wear. I shoved my black sneakers on and opened my window. The cold air hit my face as if I was riding my bike on the highway. When I came back to earth, I climbed out of the window and used the tree next to my apartment window to get down from the second level.
I landed on the grass. My feet hurt a little, but I walked on over to the gas station that was two seconds away from my place. Oh, and there was the gang. Jonghyun walked over to me with a smile as did the rest of the gang.
“You made it.” Jaejoong said
“Yeah, it is Tuesday.” I replied. Tuesday meaning that Shindong’s favorite show is on. Jay watches it too since he liked Kang Ho Dong.”
Jonghyun wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed me passionately in front of our gang which made them hit him upside the head. I laughed and they started catching me up on fights that I had missed.
I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed in a month. Basically the gang of the north, our rivals [The Dawn’s was their gangs name. They’re the gang of the north. They were our rivals for one reason and one reason only. We were rivals because they were rich and we weren’t] wanted to take our territory. So Jaejoong had to fight they’re leader, TOP, and seven other guys jumped Kyuhyun.
The great Silver Petals, are gang of the west, they’re the gang I have a good personal alliance with. We, the Falcons, are the gang of the east. There’s no gang of the south, yet.
The Dawns and The Silver Petals have a very weak alliance. They’ll still fight, in the gang battle, against each other if they walk on the other gang’s territory without permission or if they just piss each other off a little/a lot, but other than that they stick to their very weak contract for no reason.
“, Jaejoong. Fighting the Dawns, that’s fine, but fighting Silver Petals? You know Kagin-ssi can beat the out of you! Just wait for a while.”
Jaejoong sighed and put a hand on my head, “No need to worry, Kyo.”
Jonghyun growled and picked me up, “Mine. Get your own, Hero.”
“Calm yourself, Bling Boy.” Seohyun said in a mocking tone.
I chuckled and Jaejoong grinned, getting Jonghyun jealous was almost way too easy. Jaejoong didn’t like me that way; that I knew for a fact. I mean I’m practically his sister.
Jaejoong and I go WAY back. We went to the same orphanage and became friends when we were in diapers. He stood up for me and I stood up for him, it was the pact we made. Jaejoong was the first person I met at the orphanage, his parents were killed and he has no siblings, so he was obviously forced to go to an orphanage. We depended on each other to live… or something less corny. It was hard on him when I was adopted and left him behind.
Jaejoong walked to his bike and we walked to our own. My bike was still under repairs [Shindong crashed it pretty hard in the school wall the other day], so I rode with Jaejoong for the time being. Jonghyun’s bike couldn’t fit two people unless we were in absolute desperate need. Like… um… Jaejoong, Seohyun and Kyuhyun picked up date and took most of the vacant seats.
“Kyo.” Jaejoong said tossing me a helmet. I put my book bag in the little storage area.
I put on the jet black helmet that matched my coat. I then climbed up behind him and wrapped my arms behind him. Jonghyun was glaring at Jaejoong but his eyes were kind when he looked at me. I took out my phone so I could turned it off. If I get a text message, I’ll be too tempted to answer it.
“Ready?” Jaejoong asked.
“Let’s do this!” Seohyun grinned pulling on her pink helmet.
“We haven’t been riding in ages.” Kyuhyun stated pulling on his helmet.
“So then let’s Go!” Jonghyun already had his helmet on.
When everyone replied in their special little way, the four of them put the keys in their bikes and they roared to life. I absolutely love the sound of a motorcycle coming to life; especially when I’m going to be riding on one.
We drove out of the gas station and got on the highway, so I guess we’re going to leave town for a day or so. Meaning I’d have to text Shindong in the morning and tell him to cover for me… then I’ll get scolded by him when I come home. Damn.
I loved watching all the lights flash by and no one can forget that I love wind hitting my whole entire body. The colors were beautiful. The wind made me feel alive. I think I like the wind better, I’d rather feel alive than admire scenery.
“Kyo.” Jaejoong said
“There a town in a half hour, I need to gas up.”
“Why didn’t you gas up at the station we were just at?”
“If we have would of stayed to long, Shindong would have seen us.”
It was true. Shindong was pro at finding me where ever I may be. Not to mention he always checks on me before he goes to bed to make sure I didn’t disappear… which I did this evening. So yeah, he would have found me if we would have stayed longer than 2minutes.
“Thanks.” I smiled and snuggled into his back. Jaejoong was always looking out for me. He’s such a great guy.
-1hour and 30minutes…-
We turned into the gas station and all went to do our own thing: Kyuhyun filled his bike with gas then went to pay, Jaejoong did the same, Seohyun had to go pee, and Jonghyun and I stayed behind and watched the bikes.
He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. He snuggled his head in my shoulder and started kissing my neck. It sent shivers down my spine. I love his sweet kisses. His lips are so soft and full that it feels… like a dream.
My eyes widened when I felt him nibbling and on my weak spot. I covered my mouth to stop myself from while my other hand reached back to his neck, pulling him down on me. I wanted more… damn it. I hate being this… ually… BLAH in public…
When his lips left my neck I frowned.
“It’s no fun if I don’t know whether you’re enjoy this or not.”
I smirked, “We’re in public. You’re lucky I even let you leave your signature on my neck.”
He turned me around and smiled his innocent smile that I could not resist.
“Would you let me kiss you in public?” he asked.
I smiled.
He instantly kissed me. But we were interrupted by… Jaejoong. He hated PDA [Public Displays of Affection], unless he was the one doing it. I broke the kiss and Jonghyun glared at Jaejoong for interrupting.
“Did I interrupt?” Jaejoong asked with a grin.
“Yeah.” Jonghyun growled.
I hugged my boy-friend and smiled, “It’s okay.”
“No its not.” He replied hugging me back.
“Where are we spending the night?” I asked changing the subject.
Seohyun walked out with a bag full of gas station junk food and drinks, now nutritious. Kyuhyun came out after her with a map pointing to the several inn’s we may encounter on our way to where ever.
“Depend when we start to get tired.” Jaejoong replied taking me out of Jonghyun’s arms and sitting me on his own bike.
For a while now I’ve been wondering why he always splits Jonghyun and I up. I thought maybe it was because he didn’t like the fact that one of his best-friends was dating his sister figure. I looked up at him and examined his profile… yeah, that’s definitely it.
Jaejoong handed me the helmet I wore previously. I noticed him staring at, well nothing, with a bizarre look in his eyes. A look I’ve never seen in those black onyx eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and his stare was turned to me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
He shrugged, “I’m not too sure myself.”
I sighed, “Jaejoong. You can tell me anything.”
He was now smiling, “I know.”
“Good.” I whipped my legs around and signaled Jaejoong to sit, “Hurry. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”
He nodded, “Hand me your cell.”
I arched an eyebrow and handed it to him. What could he possibly want with my phone? He flipped it open to turn it on. Once it was on it vibrated at least eleven times. He gave me a really? look when he handed it back to me. I just smiled and accepted it.
“Guys. Go to Tim Horton’s for some coffee. Call Kyo when you come back. Bring us back some too.” Jaejoong said.
Jonghyun and Seohyun walked to the Timmies across the street from here and Kyuhyun stayed with Jaejoong and I.
Kyuhyun was adorable. I loved his hair and quiet, yet not-really-but-still-hyper, personality. He’s pretty different from the rest of us, but he’s very loyal and is very smart… then again so it everyone else… other than me. I don’t get the best marks in school.
My average is 64.4%. Which isn’t the best average out there but I guess I’m still passing. The smartest one out of us all is, would have to be our dear Kyuhyun, 98% average. Jaejoong’s average is 96%. Seohyun’s average is 96.5% and Jonghyun’s is 82.2%. I guess these little trips aren’t the things I should be doing during the week. I should be studying. I should be studying. I should be studying. I should be studying… but let’s face it… that won’t happen… even if I’m paid millions…
My other friends are a lot smarter than me too!! Key’s average is 70%, Tiffany’s is 77%, Yuri’s is 98.3%, Shindong’s is 68%, Sunny is 82%, Kibum’s is 71% [he could do A LOT better if he tried] and Sungmin’s is 93%. See, I am the only stupid one… its really sad…
I started reading my messages:
  1. Number: Xd221
Name: Amber
Hi babe~! No way, really? I thought you promised your brother you’d stay home for a couple weeks before starting you weekly home escapes :O. I’m not approving of this and neither if Sulli! Be sure he doesn’t find out! Ps: Luna and I just dyed our hair~! We hope you’ll like it~! <3
My reply was: Hahaha! Did you say that babe was too long to write so we should use bb instead? Loser…! Yes bb, he’ll kill me! But it’s okay, I’ll still have you ;) ~! Ouulalal, what color? <3
  1. Number: Ad990
Name: Key
Hi gorgeous. Sorry about today! Still wanna hang out with me this weekend? I still do. Can’t wait!
Reply: Hi. Yeah, we’re still on for the week-end. Shindong and the others might come too. So don’t get angry handsome. Reply when you can. <3
  1. Number: Ef442
Name: Sulli
Unni, I want your purple nail polish! Where is it?
Reply: It’s in my locker. If you go to my school, ask Key for the combo. <3
  1. Number: Ol134
Name: Yuri
Do you still have my science notes? I really need them for tomorrow. We do have a big test in a week. I’ll re-copy them for you. Reply ASAP please.
Reply: You are an Angle!! Text my brother. He’ll give them to ya. Please re-copy them for me. I’ve studies them as best as I could but I can’t memories all the different current paths and such. When I have the chance I’ll go over so that you can explain it to me. Thanks Unni!! <3
  1. Number: Xz555
Name: Tiffany
JAEJOONG bumped into me today!!! He said sorry and I said ‘don’t worry about it.’ ISNT THAT FAB!? What did the special note say? Are you dating him? You use to be such good friends? If you ever end-up with him I’ll support you with all my heart… well… ¾ of my heart. I’ll still be angry that you stole my future husband away from me. Tiffany Kim. Doesn’t that have a ring to it? So in other words, if you end-up with him, I’ll violently steal him away from you my dear. We are going to get married and you will be my maid of honor! How’s that for torture? Love you SOOO much! XOX Tiffany
“Jongie-Oppa, why didn’t you tell me Tiffany was your fiancé?” I asked clearly‘shocked’
He grinned, “I didn’t want to make you jealous. I wanted to spare your feelings.”
“Well, according to Tiffany, we’re going to get together then she will violently steal you away from me.”
Kyuhyun chuckled, “I’ll protect you from her wrath.”
I smiled back, “Thanks a lot! But she can really hit hard, so I’ll get her. I don’t want my Kyunnie-Oppa’s face to get all bruised for nothing.”
“You worry too much.” Jaejoong said patting my head.
“But Kyunnie-Oppa my favorite out of all of you.”
Reply: Tiffany my dearest. You can marry Jaejoong hundred times over. He is yours and I would never dream of taking him away from you. If I do, no need to worry about it. He’s the love of every girls life, don’t get me wrong but, I love him in a different way. I’m thinking of getting a Tattoo. Where should I get it? When I see you I’ll show you where I want to get it done. I love you too <3
  1. Number: Pl012
Name: Prince Charming.
Hello, princess. Your beauty is admiring to all the girls in school. You are so kind and your touch is a sin, it makes my heart skip. How have you been? The whole group hasn’t been together in the longest time. Please consider an outing with everyone. Signed The Man Who Haunts Your Dreams.
I chuckled. Jo Kwon can always make me smile..
Reply: My Charming Prince. Thou smile is heartwarming. Thou eyes are full of wisdom… I’m not good at this stuff, but at least I tried~… Key and I are trying to get everyone to go out with us this week-end. WE would be delighted if you were interested. Please say yes. Love, your princess <3
  1. Number: Dh332
Name: Shindong
Where Are You!?!?! You’re SOOO Lucky that I’m the one who shares a room with you and that Dad doesn’t check on you! Tell me where you are and when you’re coming back!
“When are we going back?” I asked
“Couple of days. Three at the most.” Jaejoong said
Reply: <3 Shindong-Oppa!!! Three at the most. Sorry to leave without tell you. But this should be my reward for abiding by your rules for the longest time. It’s pretty late, so I don’t expect a reply right away. I’ll be checking my phone in the morning, get some decent rest. I Love You,
Shin Shindong. With all the possible Love in my heart <3, Shin Min Kyo.
Sighed and shut my phone. I was too tired to reply to the other messages on my phone. I studied a lot last night because Shindong was freaking out because he had a test today, so I had to cram with him last night to help him out a bit.
“Minnie?” Kyuhyun asked.
“I need that coffee.” I mumbled.
“Are you cold? Tiered?”
“Both, actually.”
Jaejoong pull me on his lap and held me tight. Kyuhyun smiled and took my hand. It seemed Kyuhyun knew that Jaejoong would do this. I smiled back and re-opened my phone dialing Jonghyun’s number.
Ring…ring… ring…
‘Jonghyun here! How can I help?’
“Hi.” I smiled.
“Hi Minnie-ah!!”
I laughed, “How’s the coffee coming along?”
“Is that the only reason you called?”
“Sorry but yeah. I’m really cold.”
“Um… yeah the coffee’s coming. The ordering lady’s taking forever. COLD!? We’ll run back! To keep warm, hug Kyuhyun! DON’T!! I repeat DON’T hug Jaejoong. I think he likes you!! But you’re M-I-N-E!”
“Of course! Please hurry back with our coffee’s.” I pleaded.
“We’ll hurry back… just because your cold and you need me. Oh! She came back! I Love You Minnie-ah. See you in a few minutes.”
“Thanks. I Love You Too. I’ll see you then.” I hung up sighing.
“And?” Jaejoong asked
“He’s gonna be a while.” I replied
“But I heard him say—”
I sighed, “Are you really that new? Hyunnie-Oppa likes to flirt. He’ll flirt till Carebear gets pissed, which will be in exactly ten minutes.”
“Exactly?” Kyuhyun asked
“Carebear and I are both girls. Whether someone is flirting with us or another woman ten minutes is the max any girl can take… unless she’s tolerant and patient or interested. But the woman has to be both or it doesn’t work.”
Kyuhyun nodded and Jaejoong hugged me tighter. Why was it so cold? We’re still in September, aren’t we?
“What month are we?” I asked
“October 6th.” Jaejoong replied
“! And here I am, wearing spaghetti straps, jeans with holes in them and a leather jacket that only covers my … I’m so smart…”
“What about the clothes you brought.” Kyuhyun asked
“Same type of clothes?” Jaejoong asked.
I face-palmed, “Why am I such an idiot?”
Then… Jaejoong laughed. He really laughed. His cheeks were going slightly pink and his face had lit up. He only lets his guard down around me, but if I’m with him, he’ll let Kyuhyun see him laugh too. It’s only the two of us. Jonghyun would be too surprised and Seohyun would clinging to him more than she already does.
“Jaejoong, you seem to only laugh when Minnie-ah does something stupid.” Kyuhyun grinned
“It’s because she does it so often.” Jaejoong said calming down a bit.
I smiled, “I don’t mind. I like his laugh. It’s very refreshing.”
“YEBO!” I heard Jonghyun shout
“Wow. He only flirted for eight minutes this time. I’m impressed.” I smiled.
Jaejoong completely stopped laughing, his light aura was suddenly heavy and beautiful smile was replaced with a frown. I’m a little disappointed that I can’t enjoy his pearly whites longer, but what are you gonna do? They practically live behind his lips.
I got out of Jaejoong’s grasp and let go of Kyuhyun’s hand. I wanted to hug my boyfriend. I ran towards Jonghyun and he slowly ran towards me, making sure not to spill the coffee.
When I got to him he raised his arms above his head and let me hug him. He lowered his arms around my back and he walked forward while I walked backwards. He would smile at me and I would smile at him. He stopped every other second and he would give me a quick peck on the lips. I love his little kissed.
I really missed him. Not being able to see him for two whole months was kind of hard. You’re probably asking why I said two months. Well it’s because Jonghyun was in jail for the first month and Shindong grounded me for the second month.
Now for why he went to jail? Well, that was because we got caught in a fight with the Dawns in the north territory. He was caught using knuckle rings and a blade. It was nothing special though, the blade was pretty much just for show and he only got one hit with the knuckle rings.
When he stopped for the twenty seventh time. He just looked into my eyes and I looked into his. He smiled his smile that made my heart leap.
“I really missed you.” he said
I smiled, “You better have.” I let my head rest against his chest so I could hear his heart beat. It’s kind of funny how we both make each other’s heart beat faster. His heart was beating faster that it was we were walking. What a cutie.
“What are you doing?” he asked
“Nothing.” I smiled.
“You broke the cycle. Look up.”
I looked up and his lips attacked mine— only to be disturbed by…
“Jonghyun. I want my coffee.” Jaejoong said
Jonghyun smiled. So I’m guessing he’s giving Jaejoong the middle finger. I got kind of angry when we were literally ripped apart. I glared at Jaejoong who took my hand and pulled me to the bikes. I wasn’t about to ask why he did so, I knew better than to piss off the gang leader, even if it was me. I followed him shivering. I really wanted my coffee now.
“J-Jongie-Oppa… can I have my coffee now?” I asked shivering
He turned to me with a concerned expression. Jaejoong then sighed and took off my small leather jacket… which caused me to shiver more.
“Y-You I-Idiot.”
“Just shut up.” Jaejoong mumbled and took off his signature jacket and handed it to me leaving him only wearing a tight fitted red long sleeved shirt.
My eyes were wide, HOT DAMN! That’s one y man.
I hit my cheeks to stop myself from thinking such things, “I-I C-Can’t…”
He sighed again and forcefully put my arms through the wholes of the jacket and zipped it up to my cleavage with a grin. I glared and hit him upside the head.
“ert!” I growled, “But… um… thanks… I’m a lot warmer now.”
His shirt fit him so perfectly that I could see every muscle that ever existed on the upper body of a VERY in-shape male. It made me what to rip it right off and I knew for a fact Seohyun would back me up more than 100%.
“What about you?” Jonghyun asked handing me a coffee and a quick kiss on the cheek, “I should be the one to give MY girl a jacket.”
“You only brought a jacket. I brought two.” Jaejoong said going through his bag and taking out another leather jacket.
‘Oh my y brother, you could have just taken the one out of your bag and given me that one instead of giving me.’ I thought to my little ol’ self.
“I would have given you this one, but the one I was wearing had more body heat.” Jaejoong said.
I looked up at him, a little shocked, “How did you…?”
“I know what you think about?”
“Oh, Come On! Stop flirting with MY girl! How many times do I have to repeat myself!?” Jonghyun wasn’t yelling, but he was speaking loudly.
“Shut Up!” Seohyun shouted, “I’m sick of the two of you fighting over her!”
‘Yeah, cause you’re jealous.’
“Look, to settle all of your fighting, after we’re all done our wake up call, Minnie’s gonna ride with me!”
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Sooooo intetestinnnnn updateexD<br />
Waiting for the next chapter~ :3