Entry #3

Day X

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Name: Kim Jongdae

Date: Possibly 24th December 2014

Time: Late afternoon

Location: Chungmu-ro

Day 12


It had been about 5 days since I met Kyungsoo and Jongin and the two of them are really nice. They have been inseparable and it intrigues me how they could still feel so much attraction to each other. I mean, they don’t explicitly say it but it’s pretty obvious that they were a couple before the Wake Up.


(Yeah, we dubbed the beginning of the situation with the generic name of the “Wake Up”.)


I wish I understood how it’s like to feel that way. Sometimes, I wonder if I had someone I loved before the Wake Up and I think to myself if maybe he (or maybe a she?) is safe somewhere, thinking of me? I don’t know I guess. Funny how we are actually supposed to be somewhat dead yet it seems our feelings doesn’t go with a beating heart.


Apart from that, we took to looking around Seoul, as a group, to try and figure out what’s going on. We’ve moved from the previous café and are now hiding out in the backroom of a cinema over at Chungmu-ro, we decided that changing our base every couple of days would probably be safer than staying put at a single area. Along our short travels, we found a map of Seoul that we use to mark out the places we’ve scouted. Needless to say, we barely found anything.


There is a peculiar flyer we found while around Namsam area though. It was a notice that we hadn’t seen before. Apparently, Seoul had a lockdown and everyone was evacuated on the 12th of December but evidently, the three of us hadn’t gotten the memo. I asked if Kyungsoo could remember what he was doing before the Wake Up and he doesn’t quite remember. All he knew was that when he awoke, he remembered his name as well as Jongin’s name while Jongin awoke only able to say Kyungsoo’s name.


It’s not good knowing that all of our awakenings carry varying degrees knowledge of ourselves considering they already knew names when they woke up while I didn’t. It only makes it a great deal more complicated.


The notice had a logo that was familiar to me while not at all to the other two though. Oh well, I guess we just gotta keep searching. Clearly this whole situation has to do with the notice and this only means that we’re somewhat getting somewhere and that comes as a relief.


I asked Kyungsoo earlier today if he still remembered how to write and he snorted at me because he said I was underestimating him. (Things like this really made me smile because it reminds me I’m not alone.) I suggested him to start writing his thoughts as well, to which he agreed and we got him a journal we found in a stationary store. Maybe he’ll keep updates as well. 

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Chapter 5: Hopefully there a fic where kyungsoo writes down his thoughts. :)
Chapter 2: I love this kind of story. will wait for the update ^^
Chapter 1: i really like the story and is anticipating more~