Entry #1

Day X

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Name: Kim Jongdae

Date: I’m not sure

Time: Sometime in the afternoon, I guess

Location: Somewhere Downtown Seoul


Day 4


… I think? No. I’m sure. It’s been 3 days since it happened. So that would make this the 4th day, yes? I mean, I’m not too sure. I kinda, don’t know what’s going on anymore. The last thing I remember was running away from something… Something big and fast. And then the next thing I knew, I woke up in a random alley.


I feel funny. I don’t have a heartbeat and I’ve been… Been… Walking around non-stop since I woke up but that’s another thing you see, I haven’t seen anyone around. It’s like I’ve woken up to an abandoned Seoul and I just don’t get it.


I don’t remember where I live. I don’t remember who I am apart from my name, which I only found out when I took out my wallet to review my own ID card. I don’t know what to do right now but to keep looking around, I guess.


All I know is that I’m changing; my heart isn’t beating and I know that I used to have black eyes but now I have differently colored eyes. I really need to find out what’s going on around here.


Thank god I found this book and this pen. At least I have something to keep my mind from buzzing so frequently.


I guess I just gotta keep looking for now and at least I’m no longer alone. I have this book with me now…

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Chapter 5: Hopefully there a fic where kyungsoo writes down his thoughts. :)
Chapter 2: I love this kind of story. will wait for the update ^^
Chapter 1: i really like the story and is anticipating more~