Entry #2

Day X

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Name: Kim Jongdae

Date: Still not sure

Time: Late evening

Location: Myeongdong

Day 7


It’s been a couple of days since I’ve found this little diary of mine and I guess I’ve only decided to document important stuff.


I’ve walked for about a day or so before settling in this café like place. I still haven’t seen anyone around and I still don’t know what’s going on. It recently hit me that I haven’t once felt an ounce of hunger, which again, I don’t understand. Maybe my body really has shut down?


I’ve come up to a couple of conclusions the past couple of days and, so far, I know that I:

  1. Don’t have a heartbeat anymore (am I really dead though..?)
  2. Don’t feel a sense of tiredness (though I still have the capabilities to sleep, though for no proper reason)
  3. Can’t remember anything from before the time I woke up and,
  4. Know that my brain still functions. (Clearly)


And apart from all of that, it feels like my skin is slipping away; almost to the point of decomposing and it really isn’t a very fun feeling. To top everything off, I’m makeshift living in this random café I found because I realize that having a base is a better chance of survival; after all, I am still unable to figure out if there is even an ‘anyone’ out there to survive for. Nevertheless, it’s better to be safe than sorry right?


After all, I may just be stuck here for a long time and I’ll most definitely need the time to think. To add onto this madness, I do get flashes of my memory from time to time and it frightens me. I used to have a life, yet I can’t remember it coherently anymore.


Just what is going on here? Why, of all people, did I have to have this done to me? I just want to be who I was.


I need answers.


Wait. I think I hear something outside moving. I think I’ll go check it out. 

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Chapter 5: Hopefully there a fic where kyungsoo writes down his thoughts. :)
Chapter 2: I love this kind of story. will wait for the update ^^
Chapter 1: i really like the story and is anticipating more~