
Coffee and Beyond

Jiyong looked around the living room. There's a huge family picture in the middle wall. Some  english proverbs on frames mounted on the walls. He walked around and entered the open library. The room was full of books. Law books. He paused. In one corner is a full length poster of him and tons of team poster plastered on the wall. On the side was a glass display and on it were all bigbang merchandise. He smiled. "a real huge fan and a lawyer. no wonder YG hired here." He remembered the ringtone he heard at her office. He grinned. "A real fan" He turned to the study table. His eyes went wild and stepped back. He slowly picked up the frame and held it with his trembling hand. "butterly?" he murmured.



"hey, GDragon!" she came in excitedly and dropped her bag on the floor.

He turned around and was surprise when she threw herself to him. "whoaaa! What's up?"

She opened her back pack and pulled a camera. "hey you arms are longer. Let's take a photo,"

"Ohhh, digital. Only few  have digitals." He stretched his arms and took a photo of them.              "it's my sister's. I really wanted to own one but I am not rich to own one. My sister had it for her             course. I just borrowed it."

"Ah."  he laughed at the picture. "Let's take one more. Noona, Noona," he asked one of the server to take the photo. He went around and stood behind Hye mi. At the count of three he put his arms     around her.

"Ya!" she was bit mad of what he did but let it passed. "I just came camping with gramps  and    I..."

They were interrupted by the call on his phone. "Go ahead,"

"I have to leave. Something important came up. Next time ok and hey, give me prints of that photo," He waved and left.


He ran out of the library and was greeted by Hye Mi's mom slumped on the floor with a lady hugging her. "oh... ahm.."

The lady looked up. "Gdra... Kwon Jiyong? what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I forgot. He came looking for your sister," her mom answered.

"Come sit at the couch," Hyorin helped her mom to the couch. "Legal matters?

"Yes and no," Jiyong answered.

"Oh. Did she finally caught your attention," her smile was forced.

"Do you have any idea where she might be this time? I need to.."

Hyorin sighed. "I just got a call from a hospital in Japan. She left the other day to investigate the case she's handling. She was in a bus collision."

Jiyong was shocked. 'damn! Just when I found her,' He cursed in his head. "I'll take care of your  flight  and your hotel. I'll be there tomorrow." Jiyong said softly.

Hyorin stared at him."You don't have to,"

"Let me know when you arrive." he started dialing numbers and frantically commanding what to do.

"we'll talk tomorrow," her sister said and helped her mother to stand up. "mom,you can go wash up while I pack for you."

Jiyong just got off the phone and asked Hyorin for her email for the tickets. "you can send it to your phone. The hotel was already booked"

"Thank you very much."

"I'll leave you to prepare. Give me a call if you arrive in Japan," Jiyong  pulled his phone and gave his number to Hyorin.


"How is she doing?" Jiyong asked.

"She had broken arm and they have to do surgery. She's all good and resting. I spoke to her before she drifted."

"Please don't tell her about me. We'll talk about it next time."

"Well I don't know your relationship with my sister but  I'll leave it to you guys. You might want to see her while she's still unconscious."

"I'll go in. I'll talk to you before I leave." He opened the door. He sat by the bed and stared at Hye Mi. "Atty Lee Hye Mi and butterfly." he held her hand. "Why didn't you come forward. We had... We promised..." His tears gathered around his eyes and started to fall. "You've been taking care of me on your own," he thought of his tough case in Japan. He could have been jailed for 2 years with that alone but she won the case. He bent down and kissed her forehead and left. "I'm flying back to Korea in the evening. I already took care of everything. Let me know when are you coming back," he found Hyorin outside the room.

"I just spoke with the doctor. He said she can be  discharged in 2 days. We'll be staying here for a day and fly back home."

"Please keep me posted and if there's anything you need please don't hesitate to call me,"

"You already did a lot. Whatever your relationship with my sister, I respect it,"

"Please say hi to your mom,"  Jiyong bowed and walked away.



"exhibit 5A shows that my client wasn't in the place as claimed by the prosecution team." Atty Lee handed the judge the evidence she gathered in Japan.

The judge took a look and announced a 15 min break as they discuss about the exhibit 5A presented by the defendant. Later he called them to discuss about it.

"As supported by the exhibit 5A submitted by the defendant, I declare this case null. Case dismissed," he bang his gavel and walked out.

Atty Lee Hye Mi smiled  broadly and shook her clients hands.

Her client hugged her tightly. "Thank you Atty. I owe you this,"

"Atty Lee, thank you very much," his father came up and shook her hand.

"It's my job and oh, one advice, let your son do what he wants,"

The father sighed. "Oh. We'll talk about that. Son, you should talk it to your father,"

"I wanted to try before telling you. Any how, Atty, join us for dinner," the son invited.

"Hmmm. I'll pass." she motioned her casted arm.

"that's okay. I'll see you at your office tomorrow," the son waved.

Jiyong had been sitting at the spectators bench since the hearing started. "brilliant," he dialled her number

Her phone vibrated. It's a blocked number. "Atty Lee,"

"Atty Lee Hye Mi, you're damn good lawyer,"

"who.." her eyes darted around the room.

"Congratulations," he hung up.

She knows the voice. How could he be at the courtroom. 'that's impossible." she thought. "'You just miss him, that's it' she reminded herself. She failed to attend Gdragon's concert due to piled cases on her desk and she rarely browse the net for news.


Jiyong decided to drop by Hye Mi's place to say hello. It's been a week since they returned from Japan. As he was approaching the house, he saw Hye Mi got into a cab. "Where are you headed at this hour?" he checked the time emanating from the dash. It's 8:30. He followed the cab and was infront of Coffee and beyond. His brows creased. "maybe some emergency," he thought. He waited for a while until he saw a girl put up the close sign and left. He hasn't seen Hye Mi come out of the cafe yet.  He waited for another 20 minutes but no sign of her and he saw that the light on the second floor was on and he can see shadows. "Atty. Lee,' he called her.
"Yeah, may I know who's calling?"
Hye Mi froze. "G...Kwon Jiyong," came out of .
"So I'm right and you knew it all along,"
"What do you.."
He cut her. "Can you let me in,"
Hye Mi looked around and peeked at the window but can't see anyone. "are you trying to scare me?"

"You don't look scared,"

Hye Mi hang up and turned the lights on at the dining area. She suddenly got scared someone was stalking and broke in the shop. She jumped when her phone rang. "Atty Lee," her voice was trembling.

"My butterfly, you really look scared." it was Jiyong

"Ya, Kwon Jiyong, stop this or I'll charge you with stalking," she half yelled.

"Let me in,"

"where are you?" She turned around when she heard a knock on the window. She hang up and opened the door.

Jiyong pushed the door and Hye Mi closed it. "What are you.."

Jiyong pinned her to the wall. His eyes were burning with anger and desperation.

"Ji..." Her fear came back. Tears started to fall and her knees started to wobble.

Jiyong caught her waist and held her tight. He released her right hand and made a deep sigh. Hye Mi was already crying. "oh God." He wanted to kiss those tears away but he held back.

Hye Mi broke from his grasp and wiped her tears. She walked towards the kitchen turning off the lights in the dining area.

"Lee Hye Mi" Jiyong followed her. "I'm sorry,"

"Since when did you know?" she turned to him.

"Not too long. Why didn't you tell me,"

She snickered. "Why would I? We had a promise."

"To hell with promise." Jiyong curse. "Do you have any idea how long I have been looking for you?"

Hye mi looked up from the note she's making."

"will you leave that damn notebook and look at me," his temper started to build up. "Will you listen to me at least,"

"Mr Kwon Jiyong,  I was in the middle of something when you barged in." she said in a steady voice.

"Lee Hye Mi, it's our first meeting and you're treating it as ...

"We met a lot of times."

"Hell yes. We met a lot of times and you didn't even introduced yourself." he matched her tone.

"We were formally introduced in Japan. And besides what reason do I have?" she lashed back.

"ya, Lee Hye Mi! Do you even care?"

Hye Mi slid a glass to Jiyong. "cool yourself,"

Jiyong looked at her. And tried the drink. "oh....I haven't tried this. I always order hot drinks."

"Gslush. That became popular when we first introduce"

"Gslush? Does it mean something?"

"you said you've been here . This coffee shop is kind of themed based on the ran down cafe. I didn't want to take away the concept. A lot of customer from the old cafe still come and goes."

Gdragon got up and walked out of the kitchen. He the switch and the light flooded the dining area. "it's different the last time I was ... Oh... The old cafe." he pointed at the main painting hang on the wall" that made me wonder. You said you're going to art school. That's why I have to turn every art school upside down. What happened you became a lawyer?

"injustice" she just answered.

"comeon, you're  not the person who just give up her dreams"

She sat down. "family legacy,"

"oh comeon. What happened to the artist that I used to hang out?"

"what's  new with you? I wasn't able to see your recent concert." Hye Mi changed the topic.

"attorney Lee Hye Mi."

"Yes, Mr. Kwon Jiyong,"

"Butterfly, I ..."

"hey, I'm trying to create a new drink for winter. I want your opinion," she tried to change the topic again and walked back to the counter

"Jiyong followed her and sat at the stool. "with your casted arm? Can that wait?" he was worried of her condition.

She shrugged and reached for the coffee bag and started working on the coffee. In less than 5 minutes the coffee was in front of Jiyong.

"whoaa! That was fast." he complimented.

"my bartenders should be faster. Try it and give me the verdict"

Jiyong took a sip and looked at her. "what is this?"

She was a bit worried. What do you mean what's that?"

"hmmmm." GD took another sip. He tilted his head and started thinking

 She sat at the opposite stool. "How was it?"

" glamorous Inimitable chic " GD said and sipped again.

"What?" she was lost with his words.

"Inimitable, this is  a genius creation.  chic because it's stylish. Look how the foams formed at the side. glamorous? it's Delicately lush, exhilaratingly intense and intricate floral, with hints of citrus and rose-like flowers in aroma and cup."

She looked at him in disbelief. "We're not talking about fashion Mr. Kwon Jiyong?" she made a pouty face.

"Yeah, this drink is like an inimitable chic glamorous dress." GD explained.

" drink compared to a dress. A fashionista indeed," she chuckled.

"I am not coffee crazy. What do you expect from me?"

"Put it in simple words." she brushed off.

"it's a bliss," he bragged.

"better. I can understand. I still have yet to try in shakes. I am thinking what to name it."

"I noticed your menu had all G. Is that how much you love me?" he joked. " G inspired. Gecko. G rain. Gslush."

"That's a little too much to say. Let's just say just to preserve the name you gave me. I never imagine your success will be this huge,"

"seriously." he made another sip. "This should be named butterfly and the description should be chic and glamourous latte."

"A fashionista will always be a fashionista. What can I say?"

"seriously buttercup,"

And when did my name changed to buttercup?" she was still serious

"I can call you with any name I want too. My baby. My buttercup. My love."

"And since when did I became yours? You should learn how to use the word properly."

"I will not allow you to disappear from my sight again"

"Seriously, were getting dramatic in here. Where are you going from here?"

"why? Are you going to ask me for a date?" he smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "you want to try making coffee?"

"oh... Is this your idea of date?" he teased. "what should I do first?"

She handed her an apron and helped him with the coffee maker.

They were working on his first latte for more than 20 minutes.

"here's what make it special." she made a butterfly and a bold G on its wings.

"whooaaa!awesome!now I know that you love me so much." he made a snap shot of it. "can you take a photo " he handed his phone to her.

"I want to add it for winter menu."

"G's butterfly"

She laughed and settled at the single couch.

"do you have any idea how I had been looking for you for the past 9 years? No name to start with. Let's get married," he blurted out.

Hye Mi  spilled her coffee and kicked the chair infront of her. "ya!are you nuts? we just met and you're asking me to marry you?"

"I've never been this serious"

"just go home." she said and got up. "Take note I am a lawyer. I take every case seriously"

"make your friday open. We're going some where. " he pulled her and kissed her forehead.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 7: Wow true love
jinjineuntae #2
this is a nice story tho!
nar12345 #3
Chapter 5: Me too, can't wait to see his reaction
syirosaifuddin #4
This is the best ...not to fluff but still sweet somehow ... Look forward for the next chap..hwaiting authornim
nar12345 #5
Chapter 4: Hey..I like this!
Hey! Done with your poster. Come pick it up. If you have any changes you want me to do feel free to say it. :)